Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Van Long receives new assignment


Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Van Long was assigned to be a member of the National Committee for AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control.

On September 10, the Government Office announced that Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long signed Decision No. 937/QD-TTg to change the members of the National Committee for AIDS , Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control.

Accordingly, Mr. Nguyen Van Long, Deputy Minister of Public Security, joined the National Committee for AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control to replace Mr. Nguyen Duy Ngoc.

Previously, on June 3, 2024, at the Party Central Committee Headquarters, the Politburo announced the Decision to transfer and assign Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Duy Ngoc - Member of the Standing Committee of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security to hold the position of Chief of the Party Central Committee Office.

The National Committee for AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control is an interdisciplinary organization whose function is to assist the Prime Minister in directing and coordinating the work of AIDS prevention and control, drug and prostitution prevention and control; and assist the Prime Minister in directing the development of strategies, guidelines, policies, programs and plans for AIDS prevention and control, drug and prostitution prevention and control.

The Committee is also responsible for assisting the Prime Minister in directing, implementing, urging, inspecting and evaluating the activities of ministries, branches and localities in the work of preventing and combating AIDS and drug and prostitution evils.

The Committee also has the task of assisting the Prime Minister in organizing and directing the coordination of activities between ministries, branches, localities and organizations; integrating and coordinating programs, plans and resources for AIDS prevention and control and drug and prostitution prevention and control according to common requirements and goals.

Direct ministries, branches, central organizations, People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to perform assigned tasks and report on the situation and results of task implementation.

At the same time, assist the Prime Minister in directing international cooperation activities; synthesize and periodically report to the Prime Minister on the implementation of AIDS prevention and control work and the prevention and control of drug and prostitution evils.


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