Prime Minister talks about bright spots and highlights in the third quarter of 2024


The Prime Minister emphasized that the policy responses and actions of ministries, branches and localities were a bright spot and highlight of the third quarter and September.

On the morning of October 7, at the Government headquarters, Politburo member and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the regular September 2024 online Government meeting with 63 localities.

In his opening speech, the Prime Minister stated that we have passed 3/4 of the way of 2024, which is identified as the year of acceleration and breakthrough in implementing the goals of the 5-year socio-economic development plan 2021-2025, but also a year facing many difficulties and challenges.

In that context, the Government, all levels, sectors and localities have made outstanding efforts, resolutely, synchronously, effectively and focusedly implementing the proposed tasks and solutions.

Notably, the socio-economic situation continues to recover positively, with each month being better than the previous month, each quarter being higher than the previous quarter; the first 9 months of 2024 being better than the first 9 months of 2023 in most areas.

Growth has recovered strongly, the macro economy has been stable, inflation has been controlled, and major balances have been ensured. The policy responses and actions of ministries, branches, and localities have been a bright spot and highlight of the third quarter and September, especially in the face of recent storms and floods, when localities responded and recovered quickly.

Attention is paid to the fields of culture, society, sports, health, and education; social security is ensured; people's lives continue to improve. The spirit of great national unity is consolidated and promoted, the spirit of "mutual love and support" is clearly demonstrated.

Cuoc hop duoc ket noi truc tuyen voi 63 dia phuong. Anh: VGP/Nhat Bac
The meeting was connected online with 63 localities. Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

In addition to the basic results achieved, the Prime Minister pointed out that we still have many shortcomings, limitations, difficulties and obstacles in many fields, due to many reasons such as the unstable world economic situation and the consequences of storm No. 3.

In addition, there are still shortcomings in legal regulations, mechanisms, policies, and administrative reforms, making life difficult for a segment of the population, especially after storms and floods...

The Prime Minister emphasized that the tasks for October and the fourth quarter are still very heavy in the context of many international and domestic difficulties and challenges; therefore, it is necessary to closely follow and accurately assess the situation, and respond to policies quickly, promptly and effectively.

Continue to promote the achieved results, take advantage of development opportunities and markets, promote growth drivers, overcome the consequences of storm No. 3, remove difficulties and obstacles in institutions, especially the institution of resource mobilization.

The Prime Minister requested greater efforts, more drastic and effective actions to strive to successfully implement the set goals and tasks, in which the most important goals are to stabilize the macro-economy, control inflation, promote growth, ensure major balances of the economy, control budget deficit, public debt, government debt, foreign debt, improve the material and spiritual life of the people, and ensure national defense and security.

The Prime Minister asked delegates to assess the situation, share their impressions, feelings, concerns and worries about the results, achievements and shortcomings in the first 9 months of the year.

At the same time, analyze the causes of results, achievements and shortcomings, limitations, both objective and subjective causes; draw lessons; analyze and forecast the context and situation in the coming time and propose solutions and key tasks.


Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính dự Ngày hội Văn hóa vì hòa bình


Sáng nay (6.10), Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính dự lễ khai mạc "Ngày hội Văn hóa vì hòa bình".

Thủ tướng phát động hỗ trợ xóa nhà tạm, nhà dột nát


Phát động hỗ trợ xóa nhà tạm, nhà dột nát, Thủ tướng đề nghị "ai có gì góp nấy, ai có công góp công, ai có của góp của, ai có nhiều góp nhiều, ai có ít góp ít".

Có chính sách trải chiếu hoa mời gọi doanh nghiệp


Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ nhấn mạnh các khu công nghiệp, khu kinh tế phải có những chính sách hấp dẫn nhất, “trải chiếu hoa” mời gọi doanh nghiệp, nhà đầu tư.

Phó Chủ tịch tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ việc để điều trị chấn thương


Lâm Đồng - Ông Võ Ngọc Hiệp - Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ công tác điều hành, chỉ đạo để điều trị chấn thương.

Chủ quán cafe ở Thái Bình "choáng" vì hóa đơn nước quá cao


Thái Bình - Chủ quán kinh doanh cafe tại TP Thái Bình gửi đơn khiếu nại đến công ty nước sạch vì hóa đơn tiền nước liên tục tăng cao bất thường theo thời gian.

Công bố nguyên nhân vụ 59 người ở chung cư nghi bị ngộ độc


Nghệ An - Bể nước tại chung cư Golden City 3 (TP. Vinh) có nhiều vi sinh vật gây đau bụng, tiêu chảy cho 59 người dân.

Bộ Y tế nói gì khi gần 20 Sở Y tế bị giả mạo văn bản?

Hà Lê |

Chưa đầy một tuần đã có gần 20 Sở Y tế các tỉnh, thành phải phát đi thông báo khẩn khi bị giả mạo văn bản kiểm tra an toàn thực phẩm.

Đề nghị xem xét lại pháp lý vụ biệt thự “đẹp nhất Cà Mau”


Cà Mau - Trên cơ sở thẩm định của Sở Tư pháp, UBND tỉnh đề nghị xem xét lại các văn bản liên quan, xử lý đúng pháp luật.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attends the Culture for Peace Festival


This morning (October 6), Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the opening ceremony of the "Culture Festival for Peace".

Prime Minister launches campaign to support the elimination of temporary and dilapidated houses


Launching a campaign to support the elimination of temporary and dilapidated houses, the Prime Minister requested that "everyone contribute what they have, whoever has merit contributes merit, whoever has property contributes property, whoever has a lot contributes a lot, whoever has a little contributes a little".

There is a policy of spreading out flower mats to invite businesses


Deputy Prime Minister of the Government emphasized that industrial parks and economic zones must have the most attractive policies, "rolling out the carpet of flowers" to invite businesses and investors.