Prime Minister criticizes 31 ministries, central agencies, 23 localities


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Official Dispatch No. 104/CD-TTg dated October 8, 2024, urging to promote disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of 2024.

According to the telegram, the disbursement rate of public investment capital in the first 9 months of the year nationwide is estimated at 47.29% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister, lower than the same period in 2023 (51.38%), not meeting expectations.

The Prime Minister commended 13 ministries, central agencies and 40 localities for their efforts to achieve a disbursement rate of public investment capital plans in the first 9 months of 2024 above the national average; at the same time, criticized 31 ministries, central agencies and 23 localities for having a disbursement rate of public investment capital plans in the first 9 months of the year below the national average.

To achieve over 95% of the assigned plan, the Prime Minister requested ministries, central agencies and localities to identify public investment disbursement as one of the top important political tasks contributing to promoting economic growth, creating new development space, reducing logistics costs, creating jobs and livelihoods for people.

Focus on urging, inspecting, supervising, proactively and promptly handling difficulties and problems within authority or reporting to competent authorities for handling according to regulations.

The Prime Minister also requested to further accelerate site clearance work, prioritizing the allocation of sufficient funds to carry out compensation and site clearance for areas that meet the conditions.

Strengthen human and material resources, carry out propaganda, mobilization, inventory and speed up construction of resettlement areas, and promptly hand over construction sites.

Speed ​​up progress, reduce at least 30% of the time for administrative procedures related to disbursement of public investment capital, promote payment and settlement of public investment capital, do not let the volume that has been implemented but not paid remain, do not let payment be delayed until the end of the year.

Continue to further improve the effectiveness of the Special Working Group on Public Investment Disbursement headed by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Assign leaders to monitor, increase the frequency of inspection, supervision, and specific evaluation of work performance results each week, closely follow project implementation progress and progress in resolving related procedures.

Proactively review and evaluate the disbursement capacity of each project, synthesize the additional capital needs of the projects and have plans to adjust the capital plan from slow-disbursement projects to projects with disbursement capacity within the ministries, central agencies and localities according to regulations.

Tighten discipline in disbursing public investment capital; promptly commend and reward organizations, individuals and units that achieve good results in disbursing public investment capital.

Resolutely and severely handle investors, project management boards, organizations and individuals who intentionally cause difficulties, obstructions, and irresponsibility, slowing down the progress of capital allocation, capital adjustment, project implementation and public investment disbursement. Timely replace cadres, civil servants and public employees who are incompetent, slow, corrupt and negative.

The Prime Minister also requested to thoroughly overcome the situation of "capital waiting for projects", preparing the best conditions to implement the public investment plan in 2025.


Thủ tướng chỉ đạo tiếp tục xử lý đối với Ngân hàng SCB


Thủ tướng yêu cầu tiếp tục xử lý dứt điểm các vấn đề, dự án tồn đọng, kéo dài, các ngân hàng yếu kém, phương án xử lý đối với Ngân hàng SCB.

Thủ tướng nói về điểm sáng, điểm nhấn trong quý III/2024


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5 cơ quan giải ngân vốn đầu tư công rất thấp


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Ưu đãi ở Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng thu hút doanh nghiệp

Hoàng Bin - Mỹ Linh |

Chính sách thu hút đầu tư và cơ chế ưu đãi của Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng nhận được sự quan tâm lớn từ cộng đồng doanh nghiệp.

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CII chi hàng nghìn tỉ đồng đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới

Lục Giang |

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"Đánh thuế bất động sản giúp giảm giá nhà là không thực tế"

Linh Trang - Vũ Linh |

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Prime Minister directs to continue handling SCB Bank


The Prime Minister requested to continue to thoroughly handle outstanding and prolonged issues and projects, weak banks, and a solution for SCB Bank.

Prime Minister talks about bright spots and highlights in the third quarter of 2024


The Prime Minister emphasized that the policy responses and actions of ministries, branches and localities were a bright spot and highlight of the third quarter and September.

5 agencies with very low public investment disbursement


The Ministry of Finance said that there are 8 agencies that disburse public investment capital above the national average, 16 agencies that disburse low capital, and 5 agencies that disburse very low capital.