The Prime Minister requested to build Buon Ma Thuot City as the center of the Central Highlands region


Dak Lak - The Prime Minister requested Dak Lak to focus on building Buon Ma Thuot City as the center of the Central Highlands region, the gateway to integration and connection of the region with the region and the world.

Proposal to open more highways connecting the Central Highlands provinces

On August 18, the Central working group led by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a working session with the Standing Committee of the Dak Lak Provincial Party Committee.

View of the working session. Photo: Bao Trung
View of the working session. Photo: Bao Trung

Reporting at the meeting, Mr. Pham Ngoc Nghi, Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee, informed that in the first 7 months of 2024, the socio-economic situation of the province will continue to develop stably, most indicators will increase. compared to the same period in 2023.

The total State budget balance revenue in the area reached nearly 4,500 billion VND, equal to 64.12% of the estimate assigned by the Central Government and 52.81% of the estimate assigned by the Provincial People's Council. The Provincial People's Committee has approved investment policy decisions for 12 projects with a total investment capital of nearly 2,900 billion VND.

Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee - Pham Ngoc Nghi spoke. Photo: Bao Trung
Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee - Pham Ngoc Nghi spoke at the working session. Photo: Bao Trung

The Chairman of the People's Committee of Dak Lak province also asked the Central Government to pay attention and have a policy to invest in the remaining expressways connecting the Central Highlands region with other regions in the period 2025 - 2030 according to the Plans and Resolutions. has been proposed by the competent authority.

Expressway routes include Pleiku (Gia Lai province) - Buon Ma Thuot (Dak Lak province); Buon Ma Thuot (Dak Lak province) - Gia Nghia (Dak Nong province) expressway.

The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant units prioritize capital allocation and advise on the implementation of necessary procedures and conditions to deploy investment as soon as possible.

"Dak Lak Province commits to actively working with the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant units in the process of implementing investment procedures and participating in site clearance work.

"Thereby, contributing to projects being launched soon, investment contributing to completing the expressway system in the region" - Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee affirmed.

Build Buon Ma Thuot City as the center of the Central Highlands region

Speaking at the working session, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh acknowledged and appreciated the suggestions and comments that provincial leaders as well as representatives of central ministries and branches raised at the working session.

According to the Prime Minister, Dak Lak plays a very important role in the Central Highlands region and the whole country in terms of politics, economics - society, security - defense as well as foreign affairs.

The province has the 4th largest area in the country, has the advantage of growing high-value agricultural products, has an abundant labor force, has great potential for tourism development, has cultural traditions, and is imbued with community identity. nations...

However, the area is still a bottleneck in terms of transportation infrastructure and limited high-quality human resources; Labor restructuring is still slow, health and education infrastructure is not yet developed on par with its potential.

The Prime Minister assessed that in the first 7 months of 2024, the province has achieved many positive and remarkable results. However, the local economic growth has not reached the set target and is lower than the national average.

The implementation of the 3 national target programs is still slow; The enterprise's production and business activities still face many small-scale difficulties; The poverty rate is still high compared to the whole country and land disputes and forestry land encroachments are still complicated.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh clearly stated a number of key tasks that Dak Lak provincial authorities at all levels need to carry out in the coming time. Photo: Bao Trung
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh clearly stated a number of key tasks that Dak Lak provincial authorities at all levels need to carry out in the coming time. Photo: Bao Trung

The Prime Minister proposed that in the coming time, the province needs to develop high quality agricultural and forestry products, targeting the export market. Agricultural product processing industry and renewable energy production must be deployed on a large scale...

Socio-economic development needs to go hand in hand with building a strong political system, strengthening national defense and security, ensuring social order and safety, and border sovereignty...

The locality needs to continue to improve the material and spiritual lives of the people, promote national cultural identity and ecological space so that the province becomes an ideal destination for domestic and international tourists.

In addition, it is necessary to focus on building Buon Ma Thuot city as the center of the Central Highlands region, the gateway to integration and connection of the region with the region and the world.

"The Party Committee and government of Dak Lak province need to promote and increase people's trust in the Party and State; strengthen the great national unity; do a good job in planning; create jobs for people." Besides, it is necessary to mobilize maximum resources to develop transport infrastructure; improve the investment environment, support businesses, and simplify administrative procedures... "-The Prime Minister especially emphasized.

Also at the meeting, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh also assigned relevant ministries and branches to coordinate with localities to develop plans to deploy the construction of expressways connecting the Central Highlands region.

During the working program in Dak Lak, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited and worked with the Dak Lak Provincial Military Command and Dak Lak Provincial Police.

The Prime Minister requested the Military Command and Dak Lak Provincial Police to always raise the spirit of vigilance and combat readiness; consider national defense and security tasks as important; build a national defense posture, a people's security posture, and a strong people's heart posture; Don't be surprised by the strategy.

The Prime Minister acknowledged, praised and highly appreciated the results that the Dak Lak Provincial Military Command has achieved in recent times in border protection, defense diplomacy, and building a peaceful border. , friendship, cooperation, development; protect independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.


Thủ tướng yêu cầu chỉ bàn làm, không bàn lùi trên công trường cao tốc


Đắk Lắk - Phát biểu chỉ đạo thực hiện các dự án cao tốc trọng điểm Quốc gia, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính yêu cầu các lực lượng tham gia cần đồng tâm hiệp lực, “chỉ bàn làm, không bàn lùi”.

Thủ tướng yêu cầu thi công cao tốc không để ảnh hưởng đến người dân


Đắk Lắk - Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính yêu cầu các nhà thầu thi công công trình cao tốc cần kiểm tra kỹ thuật, bảo vệ môi trường.

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