General Secretary and President To Lam talked about Vietnam's foreign policy priorities


General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed that he will continue to effectively implement new-era diplomacy, remaining constant, responding to all changes, using kindness instead of violence.

We make friends with countries around the world

At the press conference this morning (August 3), after being elected General Secretary at the Central Executive Committee Conference , General Secretary and President To Lam discussed with the press, including policy content. Vietnam's foreign affairs.

General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed that the general policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam, especially the Resolution of the Party's 13th Congress , clearly stated the foreign policy.

General Secretary and President To Lam said he would continue to organize and implement this policy well. This approach is highly appreciated internationally.

General Secretary and President To Lam spoke at the Press Conference. Photo: T. Vuong
General Secretary and President To Lam spoke at the Press Conference. Photo: T. Vuong

According to General Secretary and President To Lam, first of all, we must maintain the viewpoint of independence, self-reliance, self-reliance, national interests come first and foremost.

“We make friends with countries around the world. Vietnam's tradition is to be rich because of friends. If we want to develop, we must unite and increase our strength, no matter how big or small, no matter how far or near, through negotiations and exchanges, we must move towards understanding and getting closer to each other. share together. One big country is sometimes not as good as a hundred small countries. We have had a very successful foreign policy, demonstrating international responsibility, being responsible to world politics, global politics, human civilization, participating in world peace, participating in the solution resolve conflicts, with a policy of loving peace" - General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed.

General Secretary and President To Lam said that the priority in Vietnam's foreign policy in the coming time is to continue promoting relations with neighboring countries, strategic and comprehensive partners, traditional friends, not foreign countries. stop consolidating political trust, intertwining interests, peaceful foreign affairs, and highest cooperation for development.

Along with that, enhance Vietnam's contribution to maintaining peace and stability in the region and the world. Continue to elevate multilateral diplomacy and promote its role as a responsible country in the international community.

General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed that he will continue to effectively implement new-era diplomacy on the basis of the Vietnamese people's character, which is unchangeable, filial, and uses kindness instead of violence. This is a tradition of the Vietnamese people for thousands of years.

Highly promote the role of foreign affairs, combine national strength with the strength of the times, contribute to firmly protecting the Fatherland from afar, successfully implementing the innovation path with the strategic goal of 100 years under the Party's leadership and 100 years of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

General Secretary and President To Lam also emphasized building modern diplomacy, closely combining Party diplomacy, state diplomacy, and people-to-people diplomacy. In which the Party's foreign affairs play a guiding role, people's foreign affairs firmly consolidate the foundation of the Party's will and the people's hearts.

Prepare well for human resources plans

Talking about priorities after the Party Central Committee completes its personnel, General Secretary and President To Lam said that in the immediate future, the targets set by the 13th Congress will be reviewed and re-evaluated to find solutions. Breakthrough method, take quick steps, speed up achieving goals.

"We have just over a year left, so the need to speed up the implementation of the targets set by the 13th Party Congress, to reach the finish line early, is an important priority," said General Secretary and President To Lam.

The second priority mentioned by General Secretary and President To Lam is preparing for the 14th Party Congress. Time is running out, but there is a lot of work that needs to be done, so subcommittees must actively prepare to complete documents to serve party congresses at all levels, moving towards the 14th Party Congress.

At the same time, General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized the need to prepare well for personnel plans. We must have a good apparatus and a good team of officials to fulfill the goals and expectations of the people. That is also work that requires concentration.


Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm: Lấy hạnh phúc của Nhân dân là niềm vui, lẽ sống


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