General Secretary and President: The document is a torch that lights our way

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Lao Dong Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the speech of General Secretary and President To Lam - Head of the Document Subcommittee of the 14th Party Congress at the meeting of the Standing Document Subcommittee, August 13.

Dear all comrades,

The loss of Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong , an exceptionally outstanding leader, Thinker, and theoretical flag of the Party is a huge, irreparable loss for the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army. Remembering comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, honoring and appreciating his great contributions and dedication, we are clearly aware of the great responsibility that we, together with the entire Party, people, and army, strive to carry out. victory of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress.

At the same time, the best preparation for the 14th Party Congress, including the preparation of Congress Documents, is considered a very important job to summarize and evaluate the results and achievements achieved during the term. term XIII and 40 years of innovation along with the causes and lessons learned, from there plan and clearly define the vision and steps to bring our country to develop rapidly and sustainably in the coming time until 2030. vision to 2045.

Dear comrades,

There is not much time between now and the Party's 14th National Congress , and work is very busy. Preliminary review of preparations for the 10th Central Conference, term XIII, according to a report from the Party Central Committee's Office, many things are slower than planned. Therefore, key leaders and the Politburo have agreed that from now until the end of the year, focus on prioritizing the group of projects submitted to the 10th Central Conference and the group of projects that need to focus on removing difficulties for development. socio-economic.

Standing meeting of the Document Subcommittee to give comments on the draft Political Report developed by the Editorial Team on the basis of the detailed outline of the Political Report approved by the 9th Central Conference, term XIII. Photo: Tri Dung/TTXVN
Standing meeting of the Document Subcommittee to give comments on the draft Political Report developed by the Editorial Team on the basis of the detailed outline of the Political Report approved by the 9th Central Conference, term XIII. Photo: Tri Dung/TTXVN

I request the Standing Subcommittee and the Document Editorial Team to review the assigned work, first of all the contents submitted to the 10th Central Conference to focus highly on preparation to ensure quality and progress. In order to best prepare the draft Document of the 14th Party Congress , on the basis of continuing to thoroughly grasp the guiding ideology of the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, I would like to discuss and further emphasize with my colleagues. only the following 2 contents:

Firstly, it is necessary to unify awareness of the new historical starting point, the new era, the era of advancement of the Vietnamese people, from which there will be stronger innovations in the form and content of documents.

The Party's 14th National Congress will take place at a very meaningful time, after 40 years of reform and 35 years of implementing the Platform for building the country during the transition period to socialism. , 5 years of implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress with many landmark results and outstanding marks. The country's position and power, and Vietnam's reputation in the international arena, are constantly increasing; The Party's will and the people's hearts are blended in the desire to build a prosperous and happy country, to soon successfully build socialism, to stand shoulder to shoulder with the powers of the five continents, and first of all to successfully implement the resolutions. of the Party.

The 14th Congress has the task of deeply reviewing the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th Congress, summarizing 40 years of carrying out the country's socialist-oriented renovation, and reviewing the leadership of the Central Executive Committee. Party term XIII, reviewing Party building work and the implementation of the Party Charter term XIII; elected the 14th Party Central Committee to meet the requirements and tasks of building and protecting the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland in the new situation.

At the same time, inheriting important theoretical achievements on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam that have been forged by generations of Party leaders, including General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. combine to supplement, complete, and properly and more clearly plan the path of innovation and the path to socialism in the new era; Determine the direction, goals, and tasks of the entire Party, people, and army in the next 5 years (2026 - 2030), striving to soon reach the goal of successfully implementing the 10-year socio-economic development strategy (2021 - 2030).

The 14th Congress will be an important milestone, a new milestone on the path of development of our country and our people, with meaningful future orientation; Strongly arouse tradition, patriotism, national pride, confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance, boldly demonstrating the will, mettle and quintessence of Vietnam; Encourage, encourage and encourage our entire Party, people and army to continue steadfastly on the path to socialism, affirming that this is the right, creative choice, consistent with Vietnamese reality. and the development trend of the times; Strongly promote position and strength, continue to comprehensively and synchronously promote the reform process, firmly protect the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland, strive to soon complete the 100-year strategic goals under the leadership of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Party's direction, 100 years of establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Second, regarding the development of the Document, I propose to deeply grasp and unify a number of issues regarding principles, mottos, ideological methods, guiding viewpoints and methods of implementation as follows:

Firstly, unifying awareness on some of the following major issues: (i) The document is a "torch that lights the way" for us, and must ensure the crystallization of all the quintessence and values ​​of the past and present. present and future; Must ensure the following principles: Party leadership and power; The national and ethnic interests, prosperity and happiness of the People come first and foremost. (ii) The document should not be too long and must be highly oriented so that party committees and all party members must absorb and implement it. (iii) Summarizing 40 years of innovation is a very necessary task that must be done very urgently with a huge investment of effort and intelligence in order to be able to promptly filter it into the content of documents. (iv) Must pay close attention to the quality completion of documents, meeting the requirements of organizing party congresses at all levels towards the 14th Party Congress in the first quarter of 2026. The Standing Sub-Committee and the Editorial Team must be "unanimous from top to bottom, smooth from side to side" during the process of developing the Document.

Second, be steadfast in a principled guiding viewpoint; Theoretical research based on practical summary, standing on the land of Vietnamese reality to determine methods for the Vietnamese revolution in the new era.

- Be steadfast in the principled guiding viewpoints: Be steadfast in applying and creatively developing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's ideology; steadfast in the goal of national independence and socialism; steadfast in the Party's innovation policy; steadfast in the principles of Party building to firmly build and protect the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.

- Continue to deeply grasp the guiding views of the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the Standing meeting of the Document Subcommittee of the 14th National Congress on February 23, 2024, closely and scientifically combine the ideological foundation , the Party's ideal goals and guidelines with the spirit of constant innovation, creativity, and compliance with objective laws; steadfastness goes hand in hand with innovation; creatively steadfast, steadfastly creative according to Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary method; Innovation must be principled, not arbitrary or hasty, cautious and thorough, but not too perfectionistic and lose opportunities.

- Developing Documents of the 14th Party Congress is a process of summarizing practice, theoretical research, analysis and forecasting the future, the implementation must be based on the worldview and methodology of Marxism - Lenin, Ho Chi Minh's ideology; truly grasp objective, comprehensive, stable and developed, practical and historical - specific perspectives. The task of the review is to clarify new results, new ways of doing things, and the foundations that have been created; discover and explore emerging policies, tasks, and solutions that have vitality from reality, from new factors of practice; guidelines and policies are confirmed by reality to be correct, appropriate or need to continue to be innovated, supplemented and developed; requirements, clearly identifying aspirations, visions, orientations and major solutions, in line with the new situation, bringing the country to develop faster and more sustainably in the new development period when the situation and power has reached new heights.

- The political report of this National Party Congress must be a scientific work that crystallizes the theoretical level, intellectual height of the entire Party, the beliefs and aspirations of the entire nation, reflecting the laws objectivity of practice, new movement trend of practice; Taking practice as a measure to test the truth, grasping the movement of the times to create new development momentum.

Third, the content of the document must ensure the highest promotion of the spirit of "autonomy, confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance, and national pride"; constantly strengthen unity within the Party and great unity of the entire nation; linking ideology and action, the Party's will and the people's hearts; Take full advantage of opportunities and advantages, minimize risks and challenges, open up new development prospects, expand living space, build a strong Communist Party of Vietnam, a strong and democratic Vietnam. democratic, fair, civilized, the Vietnamese people have a prosperous and happy life.

The content of the document must show that the Party's XIII term has passed two-thirds of the way, under the wise and close leadership of the Party Central Committee and directly and often the Politburo. , the Secretariat, the leadership core is the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong; the participation of the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army with the spirit of "The front calls for the rear", "One shouts for the other", "Unanimity from above and below", "Straight through and through"; Focusing on implementing 12 national development orientations, 3 strategic breakthroughs, 6 key tasks, has brought our country to overcome all difficulties and challenges, many problems beyond forecasts, without precedent, achieved many important achievements, increasing the strength and determination of the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army on the new path of strong development on the path of building socialism.

The 14th Party Congress takes place in the context of the world being in a period of epochal change; Opportunities and advantages are associated with risks, challenges, big waves and strong winds. With the position and strength accumulated after 40 years of innovation, with the consensus and joint efforts of the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army, with new opportunities and advantages, under the wise leadership of the Party, Vietnam The South meets all the necessary conditions and the 14th Congress must set out directions, solutions, and strategic orientations to liberate all production capacity, maximize internal resources, take advantage of external resources, and obtain resources. Internal resources and human resources are the foundation, and scientific and technological resources are the breakthrough to help the country develop and take off in the coming years. At the same time, some major directions must be clearly identified:

- Resolutely socio-economic development is the center, Party building is the key, cultural development is the foundation, ensuring national defense and security and promoting foreign affairs is important and regular.

- Maintain independence and autonomy; ensuring the highest national and ethnic interests on the basis of basic principles of international law; Firmly defend the socialist Fatherland early and from afar; Resolutely and persistently protect the independence, sovereignty, unity, and integrity of the Fatherland's territory, seas, islands, and airspace.

- Persist in a foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization, diversification, being a friend, a reliable partner, and an active and responsible member of the international community; steadfast in stance, viewpoint and practice of new-age diplomatic art based on the Vietnamese human character of "Being unchanging, adapting to all changes", "being filial", "referring to kindness instead of violence"; maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national development; Strengthen Vietnam's practical contributions to maintaining peace in the region and the world.

- Firmly maintain the stance, viewpoint and practice of "the people are the root", "The people are the subject, the center of the reform"; All guidelines and policies must truly come from the lives, aspirations, legitimate rights and interests of the People, taking the happiness and prosperity of the People as the goal to strive for; ensuring that all people enjoy the fruits of innovation and development, live happily in a safe and secure environment, and no one is left behind.

- Building a socialist law-governed state of the People, by the People, for the People, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam; respect for the Constitution and the law; respect, ensure, and effectively protect human rights and civil rights; have a professional, rule of law, and modern administrative and judicial system; The state apparatus is lean, clean, and operates effectively and efficiently; A team of cadres, civil servants and public employees with sufficient qualifications, capacity and prestige, dedicating their whole heart and strength to serve the Fatherland and the people.

- Comprehensively and synchronously promote innovation, rapid and sustainable development of the country, and strengthening national potential. Building and synchronously perfecting the country's development institutions, especially the institutions for developing a modern, integrated socialist-oriented market economy; Maximize social resources for sustainable development of the country, environmental protection and adaptation to climate change. Comprehensive human development; Building an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich in national identity, is truly the foundation for development, an endogenous strength, and an important driving force for national development.

- Expand development space, strongly promote investment, production and business activities through focusing on removing difficulties and obstacles in development institutions; continue to promote administrative procedure reform; enhance openness and transparency through digital transformation; create the highest favorable conditions for all normal activities within the framework of the law, contributing to building the country and improving the lives of the people, organizations, individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs at home and abroad.

- Continuously strengthen solidarity, unity and democratic centralization within the Party, great national unity, and the close blood relationship between the Party and the People. Mobilizing the intelligence and strength of the entire nation to successfully implement strategic goals. Continue to promote Party building and rectification; resolutely and persistently prevent and combat corruption and negativity with the motto "relentless", "relentless", bringing the war against "internal invaders" to complete victory; Building our Party to be truly pure, strong, "moral, and civilized".

Dear comrades,

Developing Congress documents is a very important job, not only ensuring the success of the Congress, but more importantly, designing the overall path forward for the country and the Vietnamese revolution in the new era. , has the significance of shortening the path to socialism, soon achieving the aspirations of President Ho Chi Minh and our entire nation.

The document is a collective work, a collective intelligence and the comrades are the "core" to carry out that task; It is a great, noble and glorious responsibility, so we must make every effort, devote our whole heart and soul, and ensure close coordination between the Documents Sub-Committee and other sub-committees; mobilize the intelligence of the entire Party, the entire people, the entire army, intellectuals, experts, researchers, and managers; Exploit and refine scientific research results domestically and internationally.

The process of developing documents must ensure inheritance and development; adhere closely to agreed principles, mottos, ideological methods, guiding viewpoints and methods of doing things; Truly democratic and thorough discussion, considering many aspects, needing to ask for advice, listen, respect each other's opinions, find the truth together, create high consensus, especially on new issues. difficult problem. It is necessary to ensure that the Political Report must be a central report, must be placed at the level of major viewpoints, guidelines and policies; Party building reports and socio-economic reports are thematic reports, ensuring no duplication; consistent in the Party's views and policies on Party building and national development in the period 2026 - 2030 and vision to 2045, contributing to continuing to supplement and develop our Party's theoretical awareness of capitalism. society and the path to socialism in our country.

Dear comrades,

In the near future, the work of the Subcommittee and the Standing Committee will be very difficult, requiring great effort, concentration, and great effort. It is recommended that the standing members of the Subcommittee and the Standing Editorial Team spend adequate time and energy and have a very scientific working method, maintaining close relationships with the subcommittees and the standing editorial team of the articles. other subcommittees to complete the work with high quality and on schedule.

Finally, I would like to respectfully thank and wish you good health.


*Title set by the editor


Chú trọng công tác nhân sự Đại hội XIV của Đảng


Thường trực Ban Bí thư Lương Cường lưu ý, phải chú trọng tới nội dung văn kiện và công tác nhân sự của Đại hội đại biểu toàn quốc lần thứ XIV của Đảng.

Toàn văn phát biểu của Tổng Bí thư tại phiên họp đầu tiên Tiểu ban Nhân sự Đại hội XIV

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Ngày 13.3, tại Trụ sở Trung ương Đảng, Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng, Trưởng Tiểu ban Nhân sự Đại hội XIV của Đảng chủ trì phiên họp đầu tiên của Tiểu ban cho ý kiến về một số vấn đề cần đặc biệt quan tâm trong công tác chuẩn bị nhân sự của Đảng. Báo Lao Động trân trọng giới thiệu toàn văn bài phát biểu của Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng tại phiên họp.

Công tác nhân sự Đại hội XIV tránh tình trạng "cua cậy càng, cá cậy vây"

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Lưu ý về công tác chuẩn bị nhân sự cho Đại hội XIV của Đảng, Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng nhấn mạnh, tránh tình trạng "cua cậy càng, cá cậy vây", tự cao tự đại, coi thường người khác, không phối hợp, hợp tác tốt.

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Emphasizing the personnel work of the 14th Party Congress


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Toàn văn phát biểu của Tổng Bí thư tại phiên họp đầu tiên Tiểu ban Nhân sự Đại hội XIV

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Ngày 13.3, tại Trụ sở Trung ương Đảng, Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng, Trưởng Tiểu ban Nhân sự Đại hội XIV của Đảng chủ trì phiên họp đầu tiên của Tiểu ban cho ý kiến về một số vấn đề cần đặc biệt quan tâm trong công tác chuẩn bị nhân sự của Đảng. Báo Lao Động trân trọng giới thiệu toàn văn bài phát biểu của Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng tại phiên họp.

Công tác nhân sự Đại hội XIV tránh tình trạng "cua cậy càng, cá cậy vây"

Vương Trần |

Lưu ý về công tác chuẩn bị nhân sự cho Đại hội XIV của Đảng, Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng nhấn mạnh, tránh tình trạng "cua cậy càng, cá cậy vây", tự cao tự đại, coi thường người khác, không phối hợp, hợp tác tốt.