Additional 20,695 billion VND of state capital at Vietcombank


The additional capital for Vietcombank is expected to be used to invest in facilities, offices, and information technology.

On the afternoon of September 24, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave its opinion on the policy of state capital investment at the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank).

Presenting the report, Governor of the State Bank Nguyen Thi Hong stated that the Government proposed that the National Assembly Standing Committee consider and submit to the National Assembly for decision the policy of additional state capital investment at Vietcombank and include it in the general resolution of the 8th session.

Accordingly, the policy of investing additional state capital to maintain the state capital contribution ratio at Vietcombank with an amount of more than VND 20,695 billion was approved.

Additional investment capital from stock dividends distributed to state shareholders from accumulated remaining profits up to the end of 2018 and remaining profits in 2021 of Vietcombank.

The order and procedures for deciding on additional state capital investment at Vietcombank from the remaining accumulated profits up to 2018 and the remaining profits in 2021 are implemented according to regulations.

State Bank Governor Nguyen Thi Hong stated that additional state capital investment at Vietcombank is very urgent.

Because the additional investment of state capital in Vietcombank helps Vietcombank improve its financial capacity to strive to reach the region and be in the top 100 largest banks in Asia; affirming its leading role in the banking and finance industry according to the orientation of the Party and Government.

The additional state capital investment at Vietcombank is to meet the minimum capital safety ratios as prescribed.

This also helps Vietcombank have the potential to implement State policies and support the economy such as credit policies serving agricultural and rural development; interest rate support policies and obligations to the State budget.

The Governor of the State Bank added that this is a necessary condition for Vietcombank to have enough resources to support the restructuring of weak credit institutions assigned by the Government and the State Bank, ensuring system safety, contributing to the healthy and stable development of the banking sector and the economy.

The additional charter capital for Vietcombank is expected to be used to invest in facilities, headquarters, information technology, digital transformation, and business expansion.

Examining this content, Chairman of the Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanh said that the Standing Committee agreed with the Government's proposal to include this content in the general resolution of the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly.

The auditing agency proposed that the Government continue to review and propose specific content to be included in the session's general resolution to report to the National Assembly for resolution.

It clearly states that the Government is responsible to the National Assembly for the accuracy of data and scale of additional state capital investment at Vietcombank.

At the meeting, Politburo member and National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man expressed his agreement with the Government's proposal on supplementing state capital at Vietcombank and agreed to include this content in the General Resolution of the 8th session.

However, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man suggested that when submitting to the National Assembly, it is necessary to carefully and thoroughly assess the impact on the effectiveness of additional state capital investment at Vietcombank.

Mr. Tran Thanh Man requested the Government to urgently complete the dossier and report to the National Assembly based on the opinions of the agencies.


Lãi suất Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank 23.9.2024

Thạch Lam |

Theo khảo sát của PV Báo Lao Động, biểu lãi suất của Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank và Vietcombank ngày 23.9.2024 niêm yết quanh ngưỡng 1,6-4,8%/năm.

Lãi suất Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank 22.9.2024

Thạch Lam |

Theo khảo sát của PV Báo Lao Động, biểu lãi suất của Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank và Vietcombank ngày 22.9.2024 niêm yết quanh ngưỡng 1,6-4,8%/năm.

Gửi 1 tỉ đồng ở Vietcombank, nhận lãi suất bao nhiêu?

Thạch Lam |

Ngày 20.9, Vietcombank đang áp dụng lãi suất tiền gửi cho khách hàng cá nhân trong khoảng 0,2 - 4,7%/năm.

Thụy Sĩ giải cứu 2 nhà leo núi Việt Nam ở độ cao hơn 3.500m

Song Minh |

Hai nhà leo núi Việt Nam đã được giải cứu khỏi đỉnh núi Matterhorn ở Thụy Sĩ khi rơi vào tình huống nguy hiểm đến tính mạng.

Cựu TGĐ Vạn Thịnh Phát muốn dùng tiền lương trả cho trái chủ

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Sáng 25.9, TAND TPHCM tiếp tục xét hỏi về hành vi “Rửa tiền” và “Vận chuyển tiền tệ trái phép qua biên giới” trong vụ án Vạn Thịnh Phát giai đoạn 2.

Quảng Nam sơ tán khẩn cấp hàng trăm người dân vì sạt lở

Hoàng Bin |

Mới đầu mùa mưa, miền núi Quảng Nam đã xuất hiện những điểm sạt lở mới, đe dọa các khu dân cư và nhiều tuyến giao thông. Hàng trăm người dân phải sơ tán, tìm nơi ở mới.

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 25.9: Ồ ạt tăng cao

Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 25.9: Kim loại quý trên thị trường thế giới ồ ạt tăng lên, phá mọi kỷ lục.

Người dân trong vụ sạt lở ở Sa Pa sẽ có nơi ở mới

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Các hộ dân trong vụ sạt lở tại xã Mường Hoa (thị xã Sa Pa) sẽ được bố trí xây nhà mới để ổn định cuộc sống.

Interest Rate Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank 9/23/2024

Thạch Lam |

According to a survey by PV Lao Dong Newspaper, the interest rates of Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank and Vietcombank on September 23, 2024 were listed around 1.6-4.8%/year.

Interest Rate Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank 9/22/2024

Thạch Lam |

According to a survey by PV Lao Dong Newspaper, the interest rates of Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank and Vietcombank on September 22, 2024 were listed around 1.6-4.8%/year.

Deposit 1 billion VND at Vietcombank, how much interest do you receive?

Thạch Lam |

On September 20, Vietcombank is applying deposit interest rates for individual customers in the range of 0.2 - 4.7%/year.