Deo Ca people work through the holidays on "non-stop" construction sites

Trần Ngọc |

While the whole country is on a 4-day National Day holiday on September 2, the working atmosphere at the "non-stop" construction sites of Deo Ca Group is still very exciting and urgent with thousands of cadres, engineers, and workers working diligently in shifts.

These days, at the construction site of the Dong Dang - Tra Linh expressway project, nearly 400 personnel and 125 construction machines and equipment are focusing on speeding up the progress of the 2 tunnels, the approach road, drilling bored piles, and casting I-beams according to the handed-over sections of the site. "This is an extremely difficult project, which has been expected by the people and local authorities for many years. Therefore, we are always conscious of taking advantage of every hour, encouraging each other to work with the determination to bring the project to the finish line on time" , Mr. Nguyen Duc Tuan - Director of the Dong Dang - Tra Linh Project Management Board shared.

Up to now, the West side of the right tunnel - Tunnel No. 2 has dug 86m/495m. The first 100m of tunnel is expected to be completed on September 5, 2024. Photo: Dong Dang - Tra Linh Project Management Board
Up to now, the West side of the right tunnel - Tunnel No. 2 has dug 86m/495m. The first 100m of tunnel is expected to be completed on September 5, 2024. Photo: Dong Dang - Tra Linh Project Management Board

At the Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon project, thousands of workers are working day and night at the construction site. Mr. Tran Van Chi - Director of the XL01 Package Management Board said that the joint venture contractor is currently paving the first meters of asphalt concrete through Hanh Thuan commune, Nghia Hanh district, Quang Ngai province. At the construction site, 3 asphalt concrete paving units have been mobilized, each consisting of a paver, four rollers, 30 asphalt concrete transport trucks, and dozens of engineers and workers working continuously to ensure progress.

"Taking advantage of favorable weather, the remaining workload is also very large and the rainy season is coming, so the contractor has encouraged staff and workers to be on duty 100% and work overtime during the holidays. Besides, the benefits for workers receiving 300% salary during these holidays are still guaranteed," said Mr. Chi.

All three packages (XL1, XL2, XL3) are organized to work in 3 shifts. For the tunnel items, the contractor works continuously 24/7, with engineers and workers taking turns working non-stop. The total output of the project is about 5,600 billion VND, equivalent to 41.6% of the total contract volume. Photo: The Son
All three packages (XL1, XL2, XL3) are organized to work in 3 shifts. For the tunnel items, the contractor works continuously 24/7, with engineers and workers taking turns working non-stop. The total output of the project is about 5,600 billion VND, equivalent to 41.6% of the total contract volume. Photo: The Son

Also on this occasion, the Management Board of Package XL01 of the Chi Thanh - Van Phong project arranged 50 workers to be on duty day and night at the construction site to ensure that the construction progress is not interrupted. The workers worked with a high spirit of determination, ensuring both work and maintaining a safe working environment.

Mr. Truong Cong Dat - Director of the XL1 Package Management Board said: “Each project always has its own specific difficulties. Here, the construction encountered complex geology, but that did not discourage the team. With the common spirit of determination to bring the project to the finish line on schedule, in addition to finding solutions to overcome difficulties, the Management Board always focuses on caring for and encouraging the staff, engineers and workers to compete to work effectively” .

In the scope of Deo Ca Group's construction, the completed output to date is 908/1,624 billion VND, reaching 55.9%, exceeding 8% compared to the plan. Photo: Executive Board of XL1 package, Chi Thanh - Van Phong project
In the scope of Deo Ca Group's construction, the completed output to date is 908/1,624 billion VND, reaching 55.9%, exceeding 8% compared to the plan. Photo: Executive Board of XL1 package, Chi Thanh - Van Phong project

In addition to focusing on the main construction points, many groups of workers also actively participate in checking, maintaining equipment, cleaning the construction site, creating favorable conditions for the next construction activities. "We always try our best to complete the assigned tasks at the construction site. During the holidays, we are divided into groups to work on duty, not afraid of difficulties or hardships to speed up the project" , Mr. Nguyen Van Dan - a contractor worker shared.

Phuong Hoang Tunnel - The longest road tunnel on the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot expressway, part of the XL01 package deployed by Deo Ca Group. Up to now, the construction of the two tubes of the Left Tunnel and the Right Tunnel has reached 160m and 121m respectively. The goal is to open the tunnel by December 2025, 6 months ahead of the overall project schedule. Photo: Management Board of the XL1 package of the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot project
Phuong Hoang Tunnel - The longest road tunnel on the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot expressway, part of the XL01 package deployed by Deo Ca Group. Up to now, the construction of the two tubes of the Left Tunnel and the Right Tunnel has reached 160m and 121m respectively. The goal is to open the tunnel by December 2025, 6 months ahead of the overall project schedule. Photo: Management Board of the XL1 package of the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot project

Taking advantage of the favorable weather, nearly 80 engineers and workers of the XL1 package of the Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot expressway were busy constructing two tunnels, Phuong Hoang tunnel, Song Cho bridge and Cua Tay bridge. Mr. Nguyen Viet Chung - Commander of Phuong Hoang tunnel expressed: "Even though it is a holiday, we still maintain a serious and urgent working spirit, because each day completing a part of the work is a step closer to the goal".

At the XL24 package of the Ha Giang - Tuyen Quang expressway project, Mr. Nguyen Thien Tuyen - Director of the Project Management Board of Traffic Construction Projects of Tuyen Quang province surveyed the implementation of the package, highly appreciated the proactive spirit of the contractor in solving difficulties, and at the same time, encouraged and motivated the staff to put aside the joy of family reunion to stay at the construction site to work during the holidays.

To ensure the project's progress, the construction unit has established Construction Command Committees at the bridge points, proactively coordinating machinery, equipment and personnel to serve the construction at the bridge points where the land has been handed over. The goal in 2025 is to complete all 20 bridges of the project. Photo: Phung Anh
To ensure the project's progress, the construction unit has established Construction Command Committees at the bridge points, proactively coordinating machinery, equipment and personnel to serve the construction at the bridge points where the land has been handed over. The goal in 2025 is to complete all 20 bridges of the project. Photo: Phung Anh

While the whole country is on the National Day holiday on September 2, the working atmosphere at the "non-stop" construction sites of Deo Ca Group is still very exciting and urgent with thousands of cadres, engineers and workers working diligently in shifts. Each person has a different task, but all are determined for the common goal of bringing the projects to the finish line on time.

Trần Ngọc

Không để “khựng lại” tốc độ thi công hầm Tuy An

Đình Quang - Việt Trung |

Tốc độ đào hầm Tuy An trên cao tốc Bắc - Nam hiện đang chững lại. Trong khoảng gần một tháng trở lại đây, bình quân mỗi ngày các mũi thi công của "Vua Hầm" Đèo Cả chỉ đào được 0,5 - 1m thay vì 6 - 8m so với trước đây. Vì sao lại có chuyện như vậy?

Thu hút nhân tài - Chìa khóa cho phát triển bền vững


Thu hút và giữ chân nhân tài, đặc biệt là nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao là một trong những yếu tố then chốt cho sự phát triển bền vững của doanh nghiệp. Nhiều doanh nghiệp ngày càng đẩy mạnh triển khai chiến lược nhằm xây dựng môi trường làm việc tốt nhất cho người lao động.

Đèo Cả hợp tác quốc tế đào tạo nhân lực “đón đầu” các dự án đường sắt

Thảo Trang |

Ngày 16.7, tại thành phố Thành Đô, tỉnh Tứ Xuyên, Trung Quốc, Trường Đại học Giao thông Vận tải Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và Trường Đại học Giao thông Tây Nam đã có buổi làm việc thảo luận, trao đổi hợp tác, hướng đến đào tạo nhân lực chất lượng cao và chuyển giao công nghệ trong lĩnh vực đường sắt. Với vai trò chủ trì kết nối hai đơn vị đào tạo, hoạt động này đánh dấu bước tiến mới trong chiến lược phát triển nhân lực và mở rộng hợp tác quốc tế của Tập đoàn Đèo Cả.

Ngắm mùa lúa chín ở Hà Giang vẹn nguyên sau bão lũ

Đan Thanh |

Không chịu ảnh hưởng nhiều sau bão số 3, ruộng bậc thang ở các huyện Vị Xuyên, Hoàng Su Phì đang vào mùa lúa chín đẹp, thu hút khách trở lại Hà Giang.

Điện Biên xuất hiện thêm cung trượt đe dọa nhiều hộ dân


Nhiều vết nứt tạo thành cung trượt lớn đang đe dọa nguy cơ mất an toàn đối với nhiều hộ dân tại TP Điện Biên Phủ, tỉnh Điện Biên.

Ngầm tràn ngập sâu, Quảng Bình cảnh báo dân không di chuyển


Do ảnh hưởng bão số 4, từ 7 giờ sáng 20.9, địa bàn tỉnh Quảng Bình vẫn còn nhiều ngầm tràn nước ngập sâu, chảy xiết và chia cắt cục bộ.

Bão số 4 Soulik suy yếu vẫn có thể tàn phá Thái Lan

Khánh Minh |

Bão số 4 Soulik dù đã suy yếu thành áp thấp nhưng dự kiến sẽ mang theo mưa lớn đến Thái Lan.

Người dân ở Hoài Đức phải khám da liễu hàng tháng vì thiếu nước sạch


Suốt 6 năm qua, hàng tháng, vợ chồng anh Nguyễn Đình Minh (Hoài Đức, Hà Nội) đều đưa các con đi khám da liễu vì không có nước sạch sử dụng.