New VietinBank Interest Rate, deposit 100 million and receive 14.4 million VND interest

Bình Ánh |

VietinBank currently lists deposit interest rates ranging from 1.7 - 4.8%/year. Depositing 100 million VND at VietinBank receives the highest interest rate of 14,400,000 VND.

Full set of VietinBank interest rates at all terms

According to Lao Dong, savings interest rates at Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank) currently fluctuate between 1.7 - 4.8%/year.

The current savings interest rate table at VietinBank is listed as follows:

Interest Rate for term deposits under 1 month: 0.2%.

Interest Rate for term deposits from 1 month to less than 3 months: 1.7%.

Interest Rate for term deposits from 3 months to less than 6 months: 2%.

Interest Rate for term deposits from 6 months to less than 12 months: 3%.

Interest Rate for term deposits from 12 months to less than 24 months: 4.7%.

Interest Rate for term deposits from 24 months to over 36 months: 4.8%.

Bieu lai suat tien gui tiet kiem cho khach hang ca nhan tai VietinBank. Anh chup man hinh.
Savings interest rate table for individual customers at VietinBank. Screenshot.

In the Big4 banking group including BIDV, Vietcombank, Vietinbank, Agribank, BIDV is currently holding the most preferential interest rate compared to the remaining banks. Accordingly, BIDV's interest rate currently fluctuates between 1.7 - 4.9%/year, Vietcombank's interest rate currently fluctuates between 1.6 - 4.7%/year, Agribank's interest rate is between 1.7 - 4.8%/year.

Depositing 100 million VND at VietinBank, how much interest will I receive at each term?

Readers can quickly calculate bank interest using the following formula:

Interest = Deposit x interest rate (%)/12 months x number of months of deposit.

Thus, depositing 100 million at VietinBank, customers can receive the highest interest rate as follows (applicable to individual customers):

1 month term: 141,667 VND.

3 month term: 500,000 VND.

6 month term: 1,500,000 VND.

12 month term: 4,700,000 VND.

24 month term: 9,400,000 VND.

36 month term: 14,400,000 VND.

* Interest rate information is for reference only and may change from time to time. Please contact the nearest bank transaction point or hotline for specific advice.

Readers can refer to more articles about interest rates HERE.

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New VietinBank Interest Rate, deposit 500 million and receive 72 million in interest

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