Labor Code 24060: The Extremely Difficult Situation of a Female Trade Union Official


A female civil servant of the Trade Union in Đắk Lắk Province is facing a desperate situation as she has to borrow money from everywhere to cure her child's serious illness.

Racing Around Everywhere to Cure the Incurable Disease for My Child

In 2005, Ms. Tran Thi Hoai Nam was employed by the Provincial Federation of Labor of Dak Lak. After a period of working at the grassroots level, in May 2021, Ms. Nam was transferred to hold the position of Deputy Head of the Organization - Inspection Department of the Provincial Federation of Labor of Dak Lak.

It was thought that during her years of work in the trade union organization, Ms. Nam would have a peaceful life like any other ordinary female civil servant. However, the malignant cancer that befell her youngest daughter took everything from her family.

Ms. Nam said that in 2012, she and her husband divorced. For the past 12 years, she has been raising her daughter, Phung Tran Ha Vy (born 2011), on her own.

In December 2023, Vy had symptoms of pain near the knee of her left leg. After visiting the doctor, the doctors diagnosed Vy with a uterine tumor and recommended surgery to remove and biopsy the tumor, and bone grafting...

After the surgery, the doctors continued to diagnose Vy with bone cancer. In her efforts to save her child, Ms. Nam transferred Vy from Dak Lak Province to the Children's Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City for treatment using chemotherapy.

However, this method is extremely expensive, exceeding Ms. Nam's meager salary. According to Ms. Nam, from the beginning of 2024 to the present, Vy has mainly been treated at the hospital.

"In total, my child has undergone 16 rounds of chemotherapy, her health has declined, and her hair has fallen out completely. Since my child fell ill, I have been racing around everywhere, relying on friends, colleagues, and family members to support me to cover the nearly 1 billion dong hospital bill" - Ms. Nam shared.

Family members taking care of Vy during her days in the hospital. Photo: Ba Trung
Family members taking care of Vy during her days in the hospital. Photo: Ba Trung

With her meager salary, Ms. Nam has had to reduce her living expenses to the minimum in order to have enough money to travel from Dak Lak to Ho Chi Minh City to visit her child on weekends.

It's not over yet, Ms. Nam is also suffering from the rare disease Lupus erythematosus and has to take medication every day.

Looking at her child lying in pain, Ms. Nam's eyes turned red as she said: "Since my child fell ill, my family and friends have many times supported me with money to take care of my child. However, that money is like salt that has lost its flavor, wind that enters an empty house. Looking at my child lying in bed, many times I feel depressed and can only cry when my child is asleep. I'm afraid my child will see me crying and feel sad and lack the courage to face the malignant cancer."

As a mother, I hope that I am the one who has to endure the pain, not my child as it is now. No matter how much debt I owe, I just hope that my child will soon recover and be happy like her friends of the same age" - Ms. Nam said bitterly.

Lying in the hospital bed, Vy only hopes for one thing: that her mother's smile will always be on her face, regardless of the difficulties that her family is facing. Her mother's smile is a great source of motivation for Vy to be determined to fight against this incurable disease.

Vy "drawing" her dreams on paper. Photo: Ba Trung

Deep in her heart, Ms. Nam knows that her child's greatest dream is to become a singer. Vy sings very well and every night she whispers to her mother's ear: "If I get well, I still want to become a singer to sing songs about the gratitude of a mother who gave birth and raised me."

The solidarity of the trade union organization

Mr. Le Van Thanh - Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Labor of Dak Lak - stated: "Ms. Tran Thi Hoai Nam is a very special case of the trade union organization at the local level. Despite raising a child with cancer, over the past few years, Ms. Nam has made every effort with her work."

According to Mr. Thanh, realizing the difficulties and hardships of Ms. Nam's family, the trade union organization at all levels has mobilized union members and workers to contribute and support a part of the medical expenses for Vy's treatment.

However, many difficulties of Ms. Nam are still ahead. According to Ms. Nam, she is currently financially exhausted. In the house, there is no valuable property, she has sold everything to get money to treat her child.

In the coming time, Vy will have to undergo many rounds of chemotherapy for her bone cancer. Each round of chemotherapy and medication costs tens of millions of dong.

"If Vy's condition does not improve, I will have to continue borrowing money from outside to cover the hospital bill for my child" - Ms. Nam shared.

All forms of help case LD 24059 please send to: Tấm lòng Vàng Charity Fund - 51 Hang Bo Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. Account number (STK) 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi; STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank Hanoi Branch; STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV Hoan Kiem Branch.

Or please scan the QR code:

Or contact Ms. Tran Thi Hoai Nam (village 1, Buon Trap commune, Krong Ana district, Dak Lak province) directly. Phone number: 0904220099.


Công nhân ở Đắk Lắk vui với "Bữa cơm Công đoàn"


Đắk Lắk - Công nhân ở Khu Công nghiệp Hòa Phú đã được chiêu đãi một bữa ăn chất lượng với đủ những món ngon, giàu chất dinh dưỡng.

Ấm áp trong ngôi nhà Mái ấm Công đoàn ở Đắk Lắk


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Công nhân vui mừng khi có nhà Mái ấm Công đoàn


Đắk Lắk - Công đoàn ngành Công Thương tỉnh Đắk Lắk vừa hỗ trợ sửa chữa nhà Mái ấm Công đoàn cho một công nhân lao động khó khăn.

Công đoàn Đắk Lắk quan tâm, chăm lo phụng dưỡng Mẹ Việt Nam Anh hùng


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