Social housing area standards from August 2024

Nam Dương |

Readers with email asked: What are the standards for the area of ​​social housing invested in and built according to the project?

Lawyer Nguyen Thi Hoai Anh, YouMe Law Firm LLC replied:

Article 27 of Decree No. 100/2024/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Housing Law on the development and management of social housing stipulates the types of houses and area standards of social housing invested in and built according to projects as follows:

1. In case social housing is an apartment building invested in and built according to a project, the following requirements must be ensured:

a) Must be designed and constructed in a closed manner, complying with national technical regulations and in accordance with applicable standards as prescribed by law;

b) The standard usable area of ​​each apartment is at least 25 m2, maximum is 70 m2;

c) The maximum apartment usable area standard may be adjusted to increase, but the increase shall not exceed 10% compared to the maximum apartment usable area of ​​70 m2 and ensure that the ratio of apartments in the social housing construction investment project with an usable area of ​​over 70 m2 does not exceed 10% of the total number of social housing apartments in the project.

2. In case social housing is individual housing invested in and built according to a project, it can only be invested in and built in communes in ethnic minority and mountainous areas according to regulations of the Prime Minister, and must ensure the following regulations:

a) Must be designed and constructed according to national technical standards and regulations on construction planning;

b) Construction density, land use coefficient, and height of individual houses must comply with rural planning or regulations on management of rural residential architecture approved by competent authorities;

c) The standard area of ​​social housing land is individual housing not exceeding 70 m2, land use coefficient not exceeding 2.0 times.

Thus, from August 2024, the standard area of ​​social housing invested in and built according to the project is regulated as above.

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This column is produced with support from YouMe Law Firm LLC.

Nam Dương

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