Ministry of Public Security's responsibility for security guards at the grassroots level

Nam Dương |

A reader with email asked: What is the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Security towards the force participating in security protection at the grassroots level? What does the Ministry of Public Security spend on this force?

Office of Legal Consulting Lao Dong Newspaper replied:

Article 28 of the Law on Forces Participating in Protecting Security and Order at the Grassroots Level (effective from July 1, 2024) stipulates the Responsibilities of the Ministry of Public Security as follows:

The Ministry of Public Security is the focal agency to assist the Government in unified state management of forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level and has the following responsibilities:

1. Submit to the Government for promulgation or promulgate under its authority and organize the implementation of legal documents on forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level;

2. Propagating and disseminating the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws on forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level;

3. Guide and inspect the force building, management, training, fostering, rehearsals, competitions and ensure operating conditions for forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level according to regulations;

4. Preside over and coordinate inspections, examinations, handling of violations, settlement of complaints and denunciations, interim and final reviews of forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level according to authority;

5. Guide the organization of emulation and reward movements among forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level.

Article 25 of the Law on Forces Participating in Protecting Security and Order at the Grassroots Level stipulates the expenditure tasks of the Ministry of Public Security guaranteed by the central budget, including:

1. Provide means, equipment and support tools for forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level;

2. Training, fostering, drills, and competitions for forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level are organized by the Ministry of Public Security;

3. Summarize, conclude, organize emulation movements and rewards for forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level organized by the Ministry of Public Security.

Thus, the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Security with the force participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level is stipulated as above.

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Nam Dương

Có phải khám sức khỏe khi tham gia bảo vệ an ninh ở cơ sở?

Nam Dương |

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Nam Dương |

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Lực lượng bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự ở cơ sở, cánh tay nối dài cho Công an nhân dân

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

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Vương Trần |

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Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

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Vương Trần |

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