Is a health check required when participating in security protection at a facility?

Nam Dương |

Readers email to ask: When participating in protecting security and order at the facility, do I have to have a health check?

The Legal Consulting Office of Lao Dong Newspaper responded:

Article 13 of the Law on forces participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots (effective from July 1, 2024) stipulates

Vietnamese citizens who wish and meet the following standards and conditions are considered and selected to join the force involved in protecting security and order at the grassroots:

1. From 18 years old to 70 years old; In cases over 70 years old and in good health, the Chairman of the Commune-level People's Committee will consider and decide on the basis of the request of the Commune-level Police;

2. Have a clear background; good moral qualities; You and your family must comply well with the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws; is not a person who is being prosecuted for criminal liability, is serving a criminal sentence in a commune, ward, town, is subject to judicial measures or is subject to administrative measures. In case you have completely served the Court's sentence, your criminal record must be erased; Having completely complied with the decision to apply administrative handling measures, the time limit must expire to be considered not subject to administrative handling measures according to the provisions of law;

3. Have a diploma or have completed a secondary education program or higher. For border areas, islands, mountainous areas, areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions, and ethnic minority areas, people who have completed the primary education program can be selected;

4. Are permanently or temporarily residing for 1 year or more and regularly live in the place where the citizen applies to join the force to protect security and order at the facility. In the case specified in Clause 3, Article 15 of this Law, the person must be permanently or temporarily residing at the place where the application is submitted to join the force participating in protecting security and order at the facility;

5. Have good health according to the certificate of a medical examination and treatment facility established and operating in accordance with the law.

Thus, when participating in the force to protect security and order at the facility, you must be healthy enough according to the certificate of the medical examination and treatment facility established and operating in accordance with the law.

Legal advice

Please call the legal consulting hotline: 0979310518; 0961360559 to receive a quick, timely answer or email us: for a reply.

Nam Dương

Cội nguồn sức mạnh trong sự nghiệp bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự

Vương Trần |

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Lương Hạnh |

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Nam Dương |

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