Will the high price put an end to Negav?

Bình An |

When rap rose strongly in reality TV shows, it was also the time when many scandals and statements of rappers like Negav, Tlinh, MCK... shocked the audience.

Shocking rapper lineup

Since 2020, when Rap Viet season 1 and King of Rap aired, rap has risen stronger than ever. Rap ​​reality TV shows have brought this music genre to the top of the trend and at the same time, oriented and deeply influenced the Vietnamese music market.

The rappers showed their power when they rose from the underground to the mainstream music scene. In the underground world, rappers are free to be creative, to show off their individuality and instincts with music.

When rap was flourishing and sought after by audiences, the majority of the public was "stunned" by the "battle rap" in the underground world with lyrics full of street, life and... markets. Street language or "marketplace" is a part of rap. The rappers are the same, they are edgy, have strong personalities, and are not afraid to show off their ego with naked words.

However, when stepping onto the mainstream stage with a large audience of all ages, many rappers are forced to change and restrain themselves to fit into the "new space" of fame.

However, there are still rappers who maintain their "style" in the world when they step onto television stages like Rap Viet.

Rapper MCK (real name Nghiem Vu Hoang Long) has been repeatedly criticized by the audience for his arrogant attitude and behavior. The male rapper once posted a photo of him placing the Top 10 Most Favorite Songs of Lan Song Xanh 2023 trophy on the lid of a trash can in the bathroom on social media.

MCK has repeatedly not hesitated to swear and curse in response to the audience. Tlinh (real name Nguyen Thao Linh) is also a female rapper who has constantly received backlash for her revealing and bold clothing style to the point of being offensive. Tlinh once posted a photo of herself with an object printed with the image of a man's private parts.

This female rapper also has music products that have been criticized for being sexually suggestive, especially in MC "Fever" in collaboration with rapper Coldzy, the product is considered to describe vulgar 18+ behaviors.

tlinh va MCK nhieu lan bi chi trich vi thai do ngong cuong, phan cam. Anh: Nha san xuat
Tlinh (right) and MCK have been criticized many times for their arrogant and offensive attitudes. Photo: Producer

After many reactions, the arrogance of MCK or Tlinh has not shown any signs of changing.

Most recently, Negav (real name Dang Thanh An) is still in the center of public opinion storm with posts in a group specializing in commenting on sex and sexual harassment, including using images of children.

Negav just came out of the reality show Anh trai say hi. Negav rose to fame and gained a large fan base when he participated in the music show. However, before he could fully enjoy the glory of his fame, Negav had to pay a heavy price for his offensive posts from the past.

Artists need culture first

The audience is certainly no longer easy-going. The widespread boycott has been carried out fiercely and resolutely by the audience on many platforms, since the series of scandals of singers Jack, Hien Ho... or Negav.

To see that challenging public opinion, creating tricks, or "stepping on public opinion to survive" will soon have to pay a high price in showbiz.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter on this topic, musician Nguyen Van Chung - author of the song "Mother's Diary" said that the current music market is almost no longer divided into mainstream or underground. "Now, everything is in a flat world state. Social networking platforms are popular, all genres of music have the opportunity to reach a large audience, artists from all walks of life have the same opportunities. But everything has two sides, nothing valuable is free, that is an advantage but it is also a harshness for the life of a "public figure" - musician Nguyen Van Chung said.

According to the musician, as a public figure, in addition to being loved and praised, it is also inevitable to be criticized and judged for having inappropriate behavior and speech that is not in accordance with social ethics.

Negav da dat dau cham het cho su nghiep vua moi bat dau? Anh: Nha san xuat
Negav has put an end to his career when it has just begun? Photo: Producer

“No one forbids you from having your own personality, instinct, musical ego... because that is your own artistic quality. People only condemn deviant thoughts, extreme behaviors, use of vulgar words, loose lifestyles, signs of moral degradation... Living within the boundaries of morality and law is the responsibility of an ordinary person, let alone “artists” - who are considered representatives of culture, art, and beauty” - musician Nguyen Van Chung affirmed.

Bình An

"Negav ý thức được về lời lẽ thô tục nhưng vẫn tái diễn"

Thùy Trang |

Những phát ngôn gây sốc của Negav trong quá khứ khiến nam rapper lao đao trước cuộc khủng hoảng hình tượng.

Ai đã dựng lên hình ảnh “Út Khờ” trong sáng cho Negav?

Lan Anh |

Khi những bình luận thô tục mang tính quấy rối tình dục của Negav bị “đào lại”, hình tượng trong sáng trên truyền hình thực tế của nam rapper đã sụp đổ.

Bình luận quấy rối tình dục như Negav là thực trạng xã hội

Thùy Trang |

Sau những ồn ào, Negav khóa toàn bộ tài khoản mạng xã hội và hủy lịch trình, nhưng những tranh cãi không dừng lại ở đó.

Chứng khoán đón dòng tiền mới

Gia Miêu |

Chứng khoán chưa thể thành công chinh phục ngưỡng 1.300 điểm, nhưng sự điều chỉnh sẽ tạo cơ hội đón đầu mùa công bố kết quả kinh doanh quý III.

Cháy lớn tại nhà máy chè ở Yên Bái

Bảo Nguyên |

Vụ cháy kéo dài 5 giờ đồng hồ tại nhà máy chè ở Yên Bái gây thiệt hại lớn về tài sản.

Thanh Thúy và hình mẫu cầu thủ bóng chuyền chuyên nghiệp


Chủ công Trần Thị Thanh Thúy luôn được các huấn luyện viên đánh giá cao ở tính kỷ luật trong tập luyện, thi đấu chuyên môn và tính cách cá nhân.

Dự báo vùng ảnh hưởng của áp thấp gần Biển Đông

Khánh Minh |

Ngày 7.10, áp thấp gần Biển Đông được dự báo di chuyển theo hướng tây, ảnh hưởng đến nhiều khu vực.

Đồng đội cũ kể về "Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai" Hồng Sơn


CEO Triệu Quang Hà chia sẻ, đồng đội cũ của mình là Nguyễn Hồng Sơn đã thay đổi hoàn toàn khi tham dự show "Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai".

"Negav was aware of the foul language but continued to do so"

Thùy Trang |

Negav's shocking statements in the past caused the male rapper to struggle with an image crisis.

Who created the innocent image of "Ut Kho" for Negav?

Lan Anh |

When Negav's vulgar, sexually harassing comments were "dug up", the rapper's innocent image on reality TV collapsed.

Sexual harassment comments like Negav's are a social reality

Thùy Trang |

After the uproar, Negav locked all social media accounts and canceled his schedule, but the controversy did not stop there.