"Negav was aware of the foul language but continued to do so"

Thùy Trang |

Negav's shocking statements in the past caused the male rapper to struggle with an image crisis.

Negav's scandal over the past few days has spread into a crisis, forcing the rapper to cancel all his schedules and lock all his social media accounts.

Comments from 4 years ago were found and Negav was harshly criticized. He apologized 4 times but could not appease public opinion.

Originally a Negav known as the "silly youngest" with a naive and innocent personality, after the past was "dug up", the name Dang Thanh An reappeared all over the forums, accompanied by vulgar statements.

Many Vietnamese artists such as Trung Quan and Kien also apologized for being involved in the "wet tissue" group with many sensitive contents of Negav.

Speaking with Lao Dong reporter, cultural researcher Ngo Huong Giang emphasized that although the posts and statements were posted in internal groups, objectively speaking, the singers were aware of their behavior.

"I think that with language, the boundaries are very blurred. The problem is that the people involved must clearly define it. If the teasing behavior does not cause psychological or physiological harm to the other person, it will not cause anger or disgust.

There are many "swearing" or exclamations that young people often use that contain sensitive words but do not harm anyone when used on social networks. But Negav's statements can be said to be so naked and offensive that they are vulgar," said Mr. Ngo Huong Giang.

Nha nghien cuu van hoa Ngo Huong Giang. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap
Cultural researcher Ngo Huong Giang. Photo: Provided by the character

Looking back at the series of obscene posts that Negav shared, many viewers said they were shocked to read the sensitive content written by a 19-year-old youth, including vulgar comments about celebrities.

Cultural researcher Ngo Huong Giang also affirmed that this was a repeated offense, meaning that Negav was aware and responsible for his statements but still deliberately did it.

Experts give three main reasons for Negav's shocking posts: "First, this person seems to have signs of psychological abnormalities. From their abnormal psychology, they think that sexually harassing others is not a serious matter.

Second, this noise shows the lack of control of management agencies in managing information on social networks. That shows the loopholes in social network management. Over the years, the control, management and remote prevention measures have not been guaranteed, leading to the establishment of private groups, where everyone has the right to speak and share obscene and offensive content. This situation not only affects the person being harassed but also affects the people participating in those groups, most of whom are the younger generation. From there, many young people are affected psychologically, which can lead to the risk of social instability.

Third, the sanctions are only administrative sanctions and do not have strict measures like criminal sanctions. Therefore, many famous people take it lightly and repeat the offense many times. Not only Negav, many older singers have also used many vulgar and offensive words when using social networks. If there are no stricter measures, young artists will look at the cases of experienced artists also using vulgar language and follow suit."

Agreeing with the above viewpoint, MSc. Le Dinh Quyet - lecturer at Hanoi Law University, senior advisor at LVI Law Firm - pointed out that regulations on conduct in cyberspace and sanctions still have some loopholes, but any individual participating in social networks needs to be responsible and aware of the need to speak properly.

Experts say that artists not only need to have civic responsibility but also need to have responsibility towards society and towards the audience.

"That is why artists need to demonstrate their role and responsibility towards the community, preserve the purity of language and create a healthy cultural environment," said Mr. Ngo Huong Giang.

Thùy Trang

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Thùy Trang |

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Who created the innocent image of "Ut Kho" for Negav?

Lan Anh |

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Sexual harassment comments like Negav's are a social reality

Thùy Trang |

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Showbiz beat: Negav announces cancellation of schedules

Thùy Trang |

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