Cuong Seven overcomes obstacles after 10 years of "scandal"

Anh Trang |

During the behind-the-scenes sharing session of the show "Brother Overcoming Thousands of Thorns", Cuong Seven talked about the biggest "scandal" in his career.

Cuong Seven recounted the most memorable incident in his career: "I remember all the memories that have happened in my life. The most memorable memory that helped me overcome difficulties was my first year. I moved from dancer to singer.

I temporarily call it the biggest "scandal" in my career when I switched from dancing to singing live. I couldn't maintain the pitch of that song completely because I focused too much on dancing."

According to Cuong Seven, that incident happened more than 10 years ago. He learns from everyone as well as practices and tries his best every day. So now, he is more confident, turning his shortcomings into advantages.

Cuong Seven shared that he has never regretted the mistakes he made many years ago. If time could turn back, I still want that mistake to happen.

Cuong Seven is maintaining good form in "Brother Overcoming Thousands of Thorns". Photo: Character Facebook.
Cuong Seven is maintaining good form in "Brother Overcoming Thousands of Thorns". Photo: Character Facebook.

The story that Cuong Seven mentioned happened in 2012.

In July 2012, in the live show "Favorite Song" took place in Hanoi. Along with Cuong Seven, there are also performances by many famous artists such as: Phuong Thanh, Quoc Thien, Vy Oanh, Thuy Trang, Noo Phuoc Thinh, Hien Thuc, groups MTV, 365 and GPlus.

Cuong Seven performed the song "Beautiful Girl". Although he performed attractive and beautiful choreography, he still did not score points in the eyes of the audience. Cuong Seven caused a stir because of his poor live singing ability. He was out of breath and could not sing during climaxes.

In the talk show "Hau Anh Tai", the male singer's wife, actress Vu Ngoc Anh, shared about her husband.

According to Vu Ngoc Anh, Cuong Seven has spent 2-3 regular sessions per week for many years to practice skills and improve himself. Therefore, what Cuong Seven shows in the program is the result of his training.

The male artist received public attention while still maintaining the form of a daner. Along with Tien Dat, he is fondly called by the audience as "Dancing Machine" of "Brother Overcoming Thousands of Thorns".

Not only does he dance beautifully, Cuong Seven's vocal ability has also clearly improved. He sang and danced fluently without being out of breath.

Cuong Seven's efforts were recognized by the audience.

Cuong Seven's real name is Nguyen Viet Cuong, born in 1990, from Hanoi. He emerged as a hot boy among young people, a rapper from the group SpaceSpeaker.

Cuong Seven is known for many roles, as a dancer, actor, participating in a number of movies such as: Chasing, Loi Bao, Yolo, Immortals...

Anh Trang

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