Hong Van was shocked when Quyen Linh rushed into the flames in the house fire scene


People's Artist Hong Van said she was shocked and panicked when she saw Quyen Linh despite the danger and rushed into the fire in the house fire scene of the movie "Hai Muoi".

To get a short scene about the fire in the movie Hai Muoi, director Vu Thanh Vinh built and burned a house containing real salt himself. Quyen Linh also took the risk to film this scene.

This is an important scene, decisive for the film's success, requiring the entire cast and crew to coordinate well. Even though there was a lot of pressure, artist Quyen Linh completed her role.

As soon as he witnessed the scene of the salt house fire, artist Quyen Linh immediately lived with his role, mingling with the emotions of Mr. Hai's character. His eyes at that time clearly showed the overlap of many emotions from panic, fear to helplessness.

There were moments when artist Quyen Linh even forgot he was acting because he was so absorbed in the character. All reactions, actions, and expressions come from his true emotions.

Even in the moment of danger, he still couldn't escape his shoulder and instinctively rushed into the sea of ​​fire, surprising the whole crew.

Artist Quyen Linh also shared more about the scene: "At the scene, Linh always followed her true feelings and with that house fire scene, Linh followed the feelings of a father, a person who has lost everything. his fortune. Linh could only rush into the salt house, luckily Hong Van was startled and pulled her back. People outside were also very worried, but actually at that time I was living with real emotions, so I forgot all the dangers around me."

Quyen Linh filmed a house fire scene. Photo: NSCC.

People's Artist Hong Van's co-star was also shocked and amazed by the moment of artist Quyen Linh's selfless acting career: "Mr. Hai Muoi's emotions are truly the emotions of complete collapse. At this time, Quyen Linh was also tired both physically and mentally. After running to the director's designated location, Quyen Linh immediately jumped into the burning salt warehouse, at which point Van had to pull back, fearing Quyen Linh would be burned.

At that time, Quyen Linh felt like she was possessed by a ghost. Quyen Linh forgot that she was portraying a character in a movie and entered her mind as if she were a real-life Hai Muoi with a sad mentality, no care for herself, and fear of losing her future. child".

People's Artist Hong Van also said that the scene of the burning warehouse was really beautiful visually, but also too emotionally painful. And director Vu Thanh Vinh was very successful in building such an "expensive" climax.

Talking about the process of preparing for the scene, director - Meritorious Artist Vu Thanh Vinh also shared: "Getting the fire to take place according to the director's intention is a difficult problem. So a few months ago we asked for a piece of land, then had to drain the water and build a salt house just like a real salt house. And it had to be built three months in advance so that by the time of filming, it would look like people's real salt houses."

The filming process was also extremely difficult with the support and supervision of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Team to ensure the safety of the actors as well as the surrounding salt warehouses. Many devices are not available and need to be transported from Ho Chi Minh City, so it is very expensive and takes a lot of time.

The movie opens on August 30, 2024


Quyền Linh gây sốc yêu cầu cô giáo và chàng trai đừng hẹn hò


Thấy cặp đôi không có tương lai kết đôi, Quyền Linh phá lệ, yêu cầu cả hai không ấn nút hẹn hò.

Quyền Linh khóc nức nở, gặp khó trong phim "Hai Muối"


Sau khi gây sốt với tạo hình trở lại điện ảnh mang đến nhiều cảm xúc của Quyền Linh, phim "Hai Muối" tung những hình ảnh xúc động về nam nghệ sĩ.

Quyền Linh và cuộc đua điện ảnh với Việt Hương, Hoài Linh


Việc nghệ sĩ Quyền Linh trở lại đóng phim điện ảnh "Hai Muối" gây chú ý với khán giả. Liệu anh có tạo được sức hút trước phim của Việt Hương, Hoài Linh?

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