Urgently restore national monument collapsed by storm in Hai Phong

Hoàng Khôi |

Hai Phong - The Do Son District Government (Hai Phong) is urgently completing procedures to restore and embellish the Ben Nghieng national relic site that collapsed due to storm No. 3.

The relic has been degraded for many years.

According to the History of Hai Phong City Party Committee, Nghieng wharf in Van Huong ward, Do Son district was built by the French colonialists in 1950 with the intention of invading. From the water surface up, the wharf has a gentle slope of about 3-5 degrees for tanks to land, so people call it Nghieng wharf.

According to the provisions of the Geneva Agreement in 1954, on May 15, 1955, the last French soldiers withdrew from Hai Phong. In 2005, the city erected a memorial stele to mark this historic event, completed on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Hai Phong Liberation Day. On January 22, 2009, Nghieng Wharf was ranked as a National Resistance Historical Relic, according to Decision No. 321/QD-BVHTTDL of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Khuon vien di tich Ben Nghieng tan hoang do bao so 3. Anh: Hoang Khoi
Ben Nghieng relic site devastated by storm No. 3. Photo: Hoang Khoi

However, over the years, Ben Nghieng relic has deteriorated. In June 2023, Lao Dong Newspaper published an article reflecting the deterioration of this relic. In particular, the area of ​​the memorial stele built in 2005 is overgrown with weeds. The sea embankment located within the relic site has also peeled off in large pieces... The Do Son Center for Tourism Services and Historical Relic Management - the relic management unit - said that Hai Phong City authorities have conducted a survey since 2021 and have a budget to restore and embellish Ben Nghieng.

According to the Department of Culture and Sports of Hai Phong City, on June 9, 2023, the People's Committee of Hai Phong City issued Plan 173/KH-UBND on the implementation of Resolution No. 82/NQ-HDND dated December 9, 2022 of the People's Council of Hai Phong City on public funding for the restoration and embellishment of national monuments in Hai Phong City, period 2023 - 2027. Accordingly, the city will restore and embellish 73 national monuments in the period from 2023 - 2027 with a total amount of 103 billion VND. Ben Nghieng National Monument is one of 30 level D monuments, receiving public funding of 2 billion VND to carry out restoration and embellishment in 2024.

Bia tuong niem gay do do bao. Anh: Hoang Khoi
Memorial stele broken by storm. Photo: Hoang Khoi

Speed ​​up the progress of restoration and embellishment of relics

On the afternoon of October 3, speaking with Lao Dong, Mr. Le Duc Hop - Head of the Tourism, Culture and Information Division of Do Son district said that, implementing the resolutions of the City People's Council on public funding for the restoration and embellishment of relics, Do Son district has developed a plan, invited a design consultant, and submitted it to the city for approval. It is expected that the restoration of the Nghieng wharf relic will be carried out in late 2024 and early 2025. However, due to the impact of storm No. 3 that made landfall in Hai Phong on September 7, the relic collapsed and was severely damaged.

Lan can quanh bia tuong niem vo vun do gio bao. Anh: Hoang Khoi
Pillars and railings around the memorial stele were shattered by the storm. Photo: Hoang Khoi

According to Lao Dong reporters, the large memorial stele at Nghieng wharf collapsed completely. The fence and railings were broken. Trees around the memorial stele area were also broken, fell down, and piled up in large and small piles around the relic site. The sea embankment area was already degraded, and is now even more dilapidated.

A representative of the Department of Tourism, Culture and Information of Do Son district also said that, in the face of the Ben Nghieng relic being affected by storm No. 3, the district accelerated the progress and quickly completed related procedures so that the project could be implemented soon. At the same time, the entire relic area was cleaned up to ensure aesthetics and environmental hygiene.

Cay coi gay do ngon ngang o khu vuc di tich quoc gia ben Nghieng. Anh: Hoang Khoi
Fallen trees litter the national relic site of Ben Nghieng. Photo: Hoang Khoi
Hoàng Khôi

Cứu nhân viên nhà nghỉ ở Hải Phòng mắc kẹt trong thang máy

Hoàng Khôi |

Hải Phòng - Sáng 3.10, Công an TP Hải Phòng thông tin vụ cứu hộ một nhân viên bị kẹt thang máy ở quận Đồ Sơn.

Liên tiếp xử lý các vụ lấn chiếm đất nông nghiệp ở Hải Phòng

Hoàng Khôi |

Hải Phòng - UBND huyện Thủy Nguyên (Hải Phòng) sẽ cưỡng chế với 2 trường hợp lấn chiếm hơn 14.000m2 đất nông nghiệp trên địa bàn.

Nhiều điểm sạt lở nghiêm trọng sau bão ở Đồ Sơn, Hải Phòng

Mai Dung |

Hải Phòng - Theo Phòng Kinh tế quận Đồ Sơn (Hải Phòng), toàn quận có 17 điểm sạt lở, có những điểm sạt lở rất nghiêm trọng, phải di dân.

Bí thư huyện bức xúc về việc 300 sổ đỏ của dân bị thu hồi

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Về việc tham mưu UBND huyện thu hồi 300 sổ đỏ của người dân, Bí thư Huyện ủy Phù Mỹ cho rằng, đây là vấn đề gây bất ổn trong xã hội.

Khởi tố, bắt tạm giam người cha bạo hành con trai 6 tuổi

Tâm Tú |

Ngày 4.10, Công an Quận 8 (TPHCM) đã khởi tố vụ án, khởi tố bị can và lệnh bắt tạm giam người cha trong vụ bé trai 6 tuổi nghi bị bạo hành.

Xét tặng danh hiệu Anh hùng Lao động cho ông Mai Đức Chung


Bộ Nội vụ tiến hành lấy ý kiến nhân dân đề nghị tặng danh hiệu “Anh hùng Lao động” đối với ông Mai Đức Chung.

Dự báo vùng ảnh hưởng của cơn bão mới mạnh ngang Helene

Thanh Hà |

Tin bão mới nhất cho hay, bão Kirk mạnh lên thành bão cấp 4 ngày 3.10, trở thành bão mạnh thứ 3 trong mùa bão 2024 sau siêu bão Beryl và Helene.

Bất ngờ lý do không đội mũ bảo hiểm của nam sinh lớp 9

Tô Thế |

Khi bị lực lượng CSGT Hà Nội dừng xe kiểm tra vì không đội mũ bảo hiểm, nam sinh lớp 9 tỏ ra bất ngờ.

Many serious landslides after the storm in Do Son, Hai Phong

Mai Dung |

Hai Phong - According to the Economic Department of Do Son District (Hai Phong), the entire district has 17 landslides, some of which are very serious and require evacuation.