When Kindness Is Exploited and the pros and cons of Facebook

Huyền Chi |

The controversy surrounding thousands of statements that have been “stirring up” Facebook recently has experts giving different perspectives. Social networks, Facebook, are a mirror reflecting the society we live in, where there is ostentation and also humane, touching stories.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, media expert Le Ngoc Son assessed that when the "statement storm" swept through Facebook, it exposed the bright and dark sides of today's social life, the reckless profiteering and the way good people try to spread positive things.

“Taking advantage of charity stories and exaggerating the value of donated money is the easiest way to “win over” the community. “Kindness” is exploited because social media platforms are paying for visits, likes, shares and interactions,” said expert Le Ngoc Son.

From his perspective, media expert Nguyen Ngoc Long believes the fact that many famous people are "flexing fraud" and falsely declaring the amount of donations shows a lack of awareness.

“It can be seen that not only because of social networks, but also the “flexing fraud” people want to do that, they want to enjoy their virtual values. Social networks are like fuel, when they meet fire, they will flare up, bringing light - the feeling of being famous with thousands of likes and comments. Social networks are designed to serve people's need for attention. Therefore, when the desire for attention and cyberspace meet, that “fire” will spontaneously flare up” - said Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Long.

Expert Nguyen Ngoc Long said that besides the wave of condemnation of dishonest individuals, there is another wave of people wanting to support more to appear on that list.

But above all, according to expert Le Ngoc Son, honesty will eventually win. “In any life, there are good people and bad people. The glory of "flexing fraud" will be revealed one way or another. The lies will eventually lose. Thanks to that, we have seen the brilliance of those who tell the truth and do the truth. I have seen in the “statement storm” sweeping through Facebook the touching stories, contributions, and cooperation of countless volunteers. The need to share with compatriots in times of trouble is becoming the intrinsic need of many individuals. That wave has been multiplied and spread very strongly, sweeping away the pretense and canopies of a few individuals.”

There are many other touching stories written on thousands of pages of statements, which are the silent contributions of ordinary workers “whose faces and names are unknown”. They are not famous, not flashy, voluntarily sharing according to their ability and spreading good things.

And when the details of every transaction - whether 1,000 or 1 billion VND - are made public, people have more confidence that their money is going to the right place and being used for the right purpose.

After all, every act of kindness must come from sincerity, not from selfish motives. Just having selfish motives, “doing it for the sake of it”, “transferring it to get it over with”… will distort kindness.

“If you only have the enthusiasm and think that simply delivering it in person is enough, or posting a transfer receipt is considered as “roll call”, you will not be able to foresee whether doing so will damage your reputation, hurt anyone else, or make a good deed ugly,” said expert Ngoc Long.

Huyền Chi

Bắt 2 thanh niên hack Facebook chiếm đoạt 10 tỉ đồng

Trần Thi |

Ngày 17.9, Công an thành phố Đà Nẵng phối hợp với Công an huyện Triệu Phong, tỉnh Quảng Trị bắt khẩn cấp 2 đối tượng về hành vi lừa đảo chiếm đoạt tài sản.

Chuyện sao kê và những giá trị thật - giả ở Facebook

Bình An |

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Phạt hành chính chủ facebook đăng thông tin xuyên tạc


Gia Lai - Ông D bị xử phạt hành chính vì đã đăng tải các bài viết có nội dung xuyên tạc, sai sự thật.

"Phông bạt" trên Facebook là căn bệnh và cần thuốc chữa


Nhiều người bị phát hiện chỉnh sửa hình ảnh, làm giả hóa đơn chuyển khoản để “thổi phồng” số tiền và “phông bạt” trên Facebook nhằm đánh bóng tên tuổi.

Mâu thuẫn trên Facebook, một thiếu niên bị đâm tử vong


Lâm Đồng - Trong lúc gặp nhau giải quyết mâu thuẫn trên mạng xã hội, một nhóm người xảy ra xô xát. Sau đó, 1 thiếu niên 14 tuổi đã bị đâm tử vong.

Nam sinh Đường lên đỉnh Olympia lên tiếng sau phát ngôn trên Facebook

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Cảnh báo Facebook giả mạo Sở Nội vụ tỉnh Hải Dương

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