Struggling with plans to exploit tourism in Hai Van Quan

Thanh Hải |

After more than 2 years of restoration, Hai Van Quan relic began to be opened for tourism since August 1. This is a common relic, located right on the border of two localities: Da Nang and Thua Thien - Hue. The restoration is a joint implementation, but economic exploitation of tourism is still a plan ... on paper.

Especially both in terms of monuments and landscape

Hai Van Quan was built in the 7th year of Minh Mang (1826), right on top of Hai Van pass, in the area bordering the two localities of Thua Thien-Hue and Da Nang.

This relic was originally a military fortress guarding the top of Hai Van pass. The works include military defense clusters, rampart systems, warehouses, cannon fortresses... Under the Nguyen Dynasty, Hai Van Quan was an important gate, the gateway to the capital Hue from the south. The Nguyen Dynasty gathered large-scale forces and weapons at Hai Van Quan to defend.

A branch of the Truong Son range suddenly turns into the sea, forming Hai Van pass. The North - South Thien Ly road winds and squeezes through here with spectacular bends that are both dangerous and attractive to road tourists.

For a long time, this place has been known as "the most majestic place in the world". The scenery is not only majestic because of the place where clouds, mist, mountain and sea meet, Hai Van is also poetic because of the cool climate like the moments of changing seasons. With a towering height of 1,496m above sea level, the top of this pass is the place with the most spacious view, covering Da Nang City (to the South) and the coastal town of Lang Co, TT-Hue (to the North). Many times, the clouds and sky are like mist and smoke, flowing in streams from Hue, pouring over the top of the pass, like a waterfall, beautiful and strange.

What is especially attractive to tourists is the cluster of relics - Hai Van Quan. In addition to the group of mountain gates, built during the Minh Mang period, with the word "first mighty mandarin" that Le Thanh Tong gave to this place, at the top of Hai Van pass there are also dozens of blockhouses. The bunkers were built during the French and American periods, have many shapes, facing different directions to guard and control the arterial road connecting the country.

The war has passed for a long time, but these bunkers still stand with evidence of life. This is a project that contains many cultural and historical values ​​and is also a famous landscape, contributing to the tourism development of the two localities of Hue and Da Nang.

Cooperation in restoration and joint exploitation

At the end of 2021, the Hue Monuments Conservation Center coordinated with the Department of Culture and Sports of Da Nang City to launch a project to preserve, restore, restore and promote the value of Hai Van Quan relics. Total project investment is more than 42 billion VND from the budget of Da Nang City and Thua Thien - Hue province.

After 2 years of restoration and restoration, the project has now been put into tourism operation since August 1, 2024.

Mr. Pham Tan Tru, Director of the Department of Culture and Sports of Da Nang City - said: This is a project containing many cultural and historical values, contributing to the tourism development of the two localities. During the initial period, Hai Van Quan Relics will be free to visit for residents and tourists until an appropriate ticket price table is agreed upon.

However, the problem of economic and tourism exploitation for a common heritage of the two localities is still a paper plan. Also Director of the Department of Culture and Sports of Da Nang City, Pham Tan Tu, said that currently the Da Nang Culture Department is making a plan. The orientation is for joint exploitation. Ticket prices will be decided by the People's Councils of the two localities.

“In the immediate future, the Da Nang Culture Sector will complete a plan to exploit the tourism economy, propose the City People's Committee to submit to the People's Council for ticket prices - This will also be the price that the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue will submit to the Provincial People's Council. Hue to be similar to Da Nang - Expected to divide the time frame for management and operation. Each locality 3 years, starting from 2026.

After deducting costs, profits from mining will be divided in half. Of course, most of the funds collected from ticket sales and tourism services will be used for the management, protection, and restoration of this monument itself. If there is no consensus, the two localities will request the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Prime Minister to consider and decide," Mr. Tu said.

In addition, the completion of infrastructure, landscaping, parking lots, souvenir shops and other services... will be done by the localities of Lien Chieu district (Da Nang), Phu Loc district, TT-Hue is in charge. Of course, it must be in accordance with the planning, the project, design, architecture, construction... must be appraised and approved in accordance with the law. According to Mr. Pham Tan Tru, Hai Van Quan relic will certainly be operated and promote its desired value.

Thanh Hải

Tỉnh miền núi Cao Bằng và tiềm năng khai thác du lịch xuyên biên giới

Tân Văn |

Đẩy mạnh những tour du lịch có lịch trình xuyên biên giới là cách nhiều doanh nghiệp lữ hành tại Cao Bằng đang chú trọng gần đây.

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Hình ảnh giản dị của phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp

VƯƠNG TRẦN - Ảnh: Đại tá Trần Hồng |

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Google hỗ trợ quảng bá du lịch, văn hóa Việt Nam ra thế giới

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Tỉnh miền núi Cao Bằng và tiềm năng khai thác du lịch xuyên biên giới

Tân Văn |

Đẩy mạnh những tour du lịch có lịch trình xuyên biên giới là cách nhiều doanh nghiệp lữ hành tại Cao Bằng đang chú trọng gần đây.