Cao Bằng

Cars can pass through Ma Phuc pass

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang - Car owners can now drive their vehicles into the famous Ma Phuc pass instead of having to take a detour.

30 cars speeding, running red lights in Cao Bang

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang Provincial Police have just announced a list of 30 vehicles that were fined. Among them, many vehicles have license plates from Hanoi, Bac Giang, Vinh Phuc...

Vietnam Trade Union supports union members in Cao Bang province

Tân Văn |

Leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor have just presented support to union members in Cao Bang province who suffered damage due to storm No. 3.

Midnight decision helps man escape tragedy in Cao Bang

Khánh Linh - An Trịnh |

Cao Bang - Mr. Nguyen Duc Thinh escaped death thanks to his decision to leave his fateful car in a landslide that killed dozens of people.

Famous mountain pass in Cao Bang faces landslide risk

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang - The famous Ma Phuc pass is facing the risk of landslides.

Opening of the Global Geopark Network Conference in Cao Bang

Tân Văn |

The 8th International Conference of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network (GGPN) for the Asia-Pacific region has just opened.

38 bodies found in landslide that swept away cars, some victims 20km away

Tân Văn |

38 bodies in landslides in Cao Bang have been found.

Cao Bang Labor Federation supports people in flood-affected areas

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang - The Provincial Labor Federation supports people in communes affected by storm No. 3 in Ha Quang district.

Helicopter supplies landslide site in Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang - The government has mobilized all resources and equipment to provide relief and search for missing victims due to floods.

Deputy Prime Minister inspects flood recovery work in Cao Bang

Tân Văn |

Deputy Prime Minister Ho Duc Phoc directed Cao Bang to urgently overcome the consequences of floods in the spirit of "5 no's".

Tay Bac Evening News: Earthquake in Cao Bang

Nhóm PV |

The risk of canceling Thanh Tuyen festival; 75 people dead and missing due to storms in Lao Cai, Yen Bai; earthquake in Cao Bang are today's prominent news.

Before the storm and landslides ended, Cao Bang had another earthquake.

Tân Văn |

An earthquake measuring 2.5 on the Richter scale just occurred in Bao Lac district, Cao Bang province .

"Rocks and dirt fell right in front of me, the sky darkened and I passed out."

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang - Victim Nong Van Ngoc is the only person to date who survived the landslide that swept away a passenger bus , leaving dozens of people dead and missing.