Suddenly, a young girl, probably an Alpha from the alley, came straight out and cut in front of the motorbike of the Gen Z guy, fat as a Sumo wrestler. Luckily, the guy braked in time so there was no collision, but the bike wobbled and tilted, the girl said a very vulgar word, but the guy just laughed it off. The young man saw it and said to the old man indignantly: She was clearly wrong but the other guy just kept quiet like that, so boring. The proverb "One forbearance is nine blessings" is old, nowadays, being too gentle only makes people ride on your head and neck.
The old man laughed: Take a step back, the sea is vast and the sky is high. If he argues with that kind of ignorant person, it might cause trouble. He is patient to get things done, not weak. In life, you have to know when to be firm and when to be gentle. Being oppressed and bullied in every way but not knowing how to fight back, just being as soft as a chicken, the more you endure, the more people will take advantage of you. If you jump up at every problem, you are a foolish and hasty person. On the contrary, there are people who are indifferent and cold as ice in the face of gossip and dirty tricks from petty people, making their opponents feel like they are hitting a cotton ball; when they get bored, they have to give up.
The young man refused: The elders have a saying, "Good people are rewarded with good things," but there is also a saying, "Wait until trouble comes, your cheeks are already swollen." Life is difficult, but I think everyone has a certain limit, also a psychological threshold, and cannot keep it to themselves forever. Because when you endure and keep it inside for too long, you will either get sick or when it erupts and is released, it will be very violent.
The old man nodded: It is true that the psychological threshold - the limit of tolerance of each person is different. And everyone has a red line that they set for themselves, if others violate it, they need to react. Because in life, if you do not know how to respect yourself, others will look down on you. Life is an art. Therefore, the ancients have a saying: "Smart - die, stupid - die, know - live".