Negav is constantly involved in scandals and is at risk of losing its image

Lan Anh |

Negav has been involved in the most scandals among the contestants of Say Hi Brother since the show aired until it ended.

Right after the concert of Say Hi Brother took place on the evening of September 28, Negav had to quickly apologize for saying "Mom, do you see? Do you think it was right to let me stay home from school?".

This statement was criticized across social media forums, with many saying that Negav was promoting school dropouts. Negav dropped out of college.

Negav is behaving... "innocently" and is not aware that, when famous, rappers and singers will have a great influence on a large young audience.

Previously, a series of photos believed to be of vulgar posts by the account Dang Thanh An (real name of rapper Negav) in a scandalous group were being shared across social networks.

When the reporter joined this group, Dang Thanh An was still a member, but the previous vulgar posts had been deleted. However, everything was captured and spread at a dizzying speed.

"Quit Negav fan" also became a keyword on social networks, when the audience strongly criticized Dang Thanh An's vulgar posts.

These articles put Negav, who had just become famous in Say Hi Brother with his innocent, humorous, and childish image, at risk of his image collapsing.

According to the content of the articles shared from 2020, Negav (Dang Thanh An) is of course not as innocent and childish as the face and personality he brought to perform in Say Hi Brother.

Coming to Anh trai say hi, Negav is known as a member of team GERDNANG with HIEUTHUHAI and Hurrykng. Not having outstanding abilities, not being as multi-talented as many young contestants of the same age such as Rhyder, Captain, Duong Domic, but Negav has his own charm.

With his childish and humorous way of talking, along with his displays of wealth, expensive designer clothes, and a watch collection that even MC Tran Thanh dreams of, Negav shows the difference. However, his excessive displays of wealth have also caused the rapper to be embroiled in controversy many times, with many viewers believing that this is Negav's pretense.

HIEUTHUHAI once said, “Negav is my inner self”, because HIEUTHUHAI’s inner self is still a child. Negav was once compared to Rhyder (both born in 2001).

While Rhyder grew up in a poor family, having to push a garbage cart with his mother, Negav was rich and used luxury goods since childhood. While Rhyder showed maturity and versatility with great effort in Say Hi Brother, Negav's was just comedy and naive acts.

Da den luc, Negav can truong thanh khi buoc vao showbiz. Anh: Nha san xuat
It's time for Negav to grow up when entering showbiz. Photo: Producer

His innocence and youthfulness helped Negav gain the support of a large audience who overlooked everything and still had a lot of affection for the male rapper, helping Negav reach the top 10 of the final round of Say Hi Brother.

After the controversy and noise about the way of responding and using social networks, Negav is showing the consequences of being too... "innocent". Coming out of Anh trai say hi, Negav is currently involved in the most scandalous and is facing a "dangerous" situation when maintaining image is an urgent issue for artists.

Previously, the story of Truong Giang correcting Negav's attitude and actions many times when participating in Brilliant Journey was mentioned again.

When participating in "Brilliant Journey", Negav was nicknamed Ut Kho, showing his naivety and innocence. But, behind the scenes, Negav was repeatedly criticized by Truong Giang.

Negav himself admitted that at first, the male rapper was not comfortable with Truong Giang because his senior corrected his attitude.

Truong Giang's strictness towards Negav must have a reason. Reality also shows Negav that he cannot be "innocent" forever, his baby face will not be able to help him suppress scandals when he enters showbiz.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, Associate Professor Dr. Le Quy Duc - former Deputy Director of Institute of Culture and Development, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics - affirmed that artists are people who have great influence on the young audience generation, they need to be aware of social responsibility, need to spread good things, especially in the context of the current explosive development of social networks.

Education experts affirm that social networks, as well as life, are places where artists need to take the lead in inspiring and conveying beautiful messages and images.

Dr. Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai said that artists are cultural workers. Before becoming singers, musicians, actors or anyone else, they need to become good, cultured people first.

Lan Anh

Tuấn Hưng, Bằng Kiều và dàn anh trai gặp nhiều chông gai

Bình An |

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Nhịp showbiz: Negav đứng trước bờ vực sụp đổ hình tượng

Chí Long |

Ý Nhi về nước, Negav đứng trước bờ vực sụp đổ hình tượng... là những tin tức nổi bật của showbiz Việt ngày 27.9.

Negav từng bị Trường Giang chỉnh thái độ, lép vế HIEUTHUHAI

Thùy Trang |

Negav từng có thời gian không thoải mái với Trường Giang khi cùng tham gia gameshow.

Chủ tàu du lịch Hạ Long lao đao sau bão Yagi

Đoàn Hưng |

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Giao công an xác minh việc "hôi của" trên cao tốc ở Phú Thọ

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - UBND huyện Cẩm Khê giao Công an và chính quyền xã Minh Tân xác minh, làm rõ thông tin "hôi của" trên cao tốc Nội Bài - Lào Cai.

Nam Định có tân Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo

Lương Hà |

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Xe cứu thương cháy rụi trên đường đưa bệnh nhân chuyển viện

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Trung chuyển bệnh nhân từ Phú Yên ra Bình Định, chiếc xe cứu thương bất ngờ cháy rụi trên đường.

Thanh Hóa khởi tố, bắt tạm giam 5 cán bộ huyện Quảng Xương

Trần Lâm |

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Tuan Hung, Bang Kieu and his brothers face many difficulties

Bình An |

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Showbiz beat: Negav on the brink of image collapse

Chí Long |

Y Nhi returns to Vietnam, Negav is on the brink of image collapse... are the outstanding news of Vietnamese showbiz on September 27.

Negav was once corrected by Truong Giang in his attitude, and was inferior to HIEUTHUHAI.

Thùy Trang |

Negav once had an uncomfortable time with Truong Giang when they participated in the game show together.