The transformation of Trieu Le Dinh


Once again, the audience sees Trieu Le Dinh's transformation in the project "Kieu Nghien's Confessions".

In 2024, Trieu Le Dinh was quite active in the film industry. After the movie "Lust for Fire", she continued to have a new project about to be released, "Confessions of Kieu Nghien".

According to the producer, the film will officially be released on October 26. Kieu Nghien, played by Trieu Le Dinh, is on the surface a famous actress, but in reality she is facing the risk of switching identities with her sister...

Tan Chi Lei plays Qiao Yan's older sister, a woman struggling to survive on the frontier, several months pregnant, with dark skin and fierce eyes; she returns to reunite with her younger sister after many years apart, her words filled with caution and intrigue.

Although the film has not been released in theaters, it has been nominated for the 2024 Tokyo Film Festival.

The film crew also just revealed many new looks of Trieu Le Dinh. She surprised everyone with her short, cool hair and cold face...

Related keywords such as "Trieu Le Dinh with short princess hair", "Movie "Kieu Nghien's Confessions" reached nearly 50 million views.

At the same time, the heat index on Wechat of the character Kieu Nghien increased by nearly 8000% compared to the previous day, the movie name also increased by more than 56% in popularity.

According to Sohu, viewers noticed the short hair of the character Kieu Nghien. In addition, Trieu Le Dinh also had an uncontrolled expression in a revealed film excerpt that impressed viewers.

Also according to Sohu, after attacking the big screen, Trieu Le Dinh showed that she is a versatile actress with quite good roles.

Audiences have seen her play the role of the poor deaf-mute mother Hach Tu Binh in the movie "The 20th Article".

Currently, the film "Lust for Fire" has earned 350 million yuan, holding the second place in the series of films released during the National Day holiday in China. In the film, Zhao Liying plays a mother whose daughter was kidnapped and spent 7 years searching for her child.

"Lust for Love" is currently the highest-grossing film starring Trieu Le Dinh.

In addition to movies, she also transformed with roles in TV series. Previously, the movie "The Wind Blows Ban Ha" helped her win the Best Actress award. For this project, Trieu Le Dinh did not hesitate to gain weight to fit the role.


Thách thức, kì vọng phim "Cẩm tú ninh an" của Trương Vãn Ý


Sau "Liễu chu ký", Trương Vãn Ý kết hợp Nhậm Mẫn trong “Cẩm tú an ninh”. Dự án có giúp vực dậy sự nghiệp nam tài tử?

Triệu Lệ Dĩnh kết đôi cùng Huỳnh Hiểu Minh trong phim mới


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“Dục hỏa chi lộ” là phim tốt nhất của Triệu Lệ Dĩnh?


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