Students given more free extra classes

Hằng Thư |

The school is only taught three groups of students, below is detailed information about the free extra class.

Hằng Thư

Avoid extremist in tutoring, tutoring


From February 14, teachers who are not taught to collect money with students they teach at the school, taught in addition to business registration. Facing this regulation, many teachers have stopped tutoring while the Ministry of Education and Training confirmed not to ban tutoring, only banned activities of violating regulations.

Visit Thi Cam village to see traditional fire making and rice cooking


The rice cooking competition festival in Thi Cam village (Hanoi) is held annually, attracting a large number of locals and tourists.

Indifferent to the method of reviewing academic records, insiders give reasons


There are many reasons why candidates will abandon the method of considering transcripts for university admission in the 2025 admission season.

Merging 2 units under the Supreme People's Court


The National Assembly Standing Committee passed a resolution to reorganize and merge two units under the Supreme People's Court.

Technology drivers hope motorbike emission testing price will be under 500 thousand


Currently, information about the lack of motorbike emission testing due to lack of technical standards and service price list is receiving much attention.

Dr. Tra Giang quits UMT after being suspended


Dr. Nguyen Tra Giang has officially resigned from Ho Chi Minh City University of Management and Technology (UMT) since February 10.

Proposal to replicate FDI attraction model like NVIDIA


Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung proposed replicating the FDI attraction model like attracting NVIDIA Corporation.

Young man married 2 wives but has not registered his marriage with any bride


A young man in Quang Nam married two girls, but until now, none of the three have registered their marriage.

Avoid extremist in tutoring, tutoring

Vân Trang |

From February 14, teachers who are not taught to collect money with students they teach at the school, taught in addition to business registration. Facing this regulation, many teachers have stopped tutoring while the Ministry of Education and Training confirmed not to ban tutoring, only banned activities of violating regulations.

Visit Thi Cam village to see traditional fire making and rice cooking

Hùng Cường |

The rice cooking competition festival in Thi Cam village (Hanoi) is held annually, attracting a large number of locals and tourists.

Indifferent to the method of reviewing academic records, insiders give reasons

Trang Hà |

There are many reasons why candidates will abandon the method of considering transcripts for university admission in the 2025 admission season.