
Warning about the habit of bacteria causing rain, humidity, and pollution


Doctors recommend that people should not wear fabric masks during days of air pollution accompanied by humid rain to avoid accumulating disease-causing bacteria.

3 nutritious foods that help eliminate toxins quickly


According to Healthshots, the foods here are very nutritious, have the effect of detoxifying and boosting immunity.

Cheap fruit that effectively supplements collagen


Guava is rich in natural vitamin C, an essential element that helps stimulate collagen synthesis in the body.

Forecast of bad weather in the next 2 days due to cold air


The meteorological agency has updated the sea weather forecast from February 22 to February 23 due to the impact of the strengthening cold air.

Highest salary for teachers in 2025


In 2025, the highest teacher salary will be nearly 16 million VND/month and the lowest salary will be 4.9 million VND/month.