Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 12/24

Nhóm PV |

Latest weather forecast 12/24: The Northeast region will be cold, with some places experiencing severe cold. Below is the weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow.

Nhóm PV

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 12/23


Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, December 23: The North will continue to experience cold weather, with some mountainous areas in the North experiencing severe cold.

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 12/22


Latest weather forecast 12/22: Tropical depression in the East Sea causes strong winds and big waves in some areas. Southern region has scattered showers and thunderstorms at night.

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 12/21


Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow, December 21: Northeastern region: no rain at night, fog in some places early morning, sunny during the day.

Transferring and appointing 3 Deputy Ministers of Construction


Mr. Nguyen Xuan Sang, Nguyen Danh Huy, and Le Anh Tuan were transferred and appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Construction.

Mr. Le Hai Binh becomes Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism


Mr. Le Hai Binh - Editor-in-Chief of Communist Magazine - was transferred and appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

General Phan Van Giang sends congratulatory letter to the Military-Civilian forces


General Phan Van Giang - Minister of National Defense - emphasized the need to continue promoting the glorious tradition of the Military-Civilian medical sector.

Carefully prepare for the 50th anniversary of national reunification


Ho Chi Minh City - It is expected that representatives of people from 6 socio-economic regions will participate in the parade at the 50th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day.

Vietnam Airlines delays flight time due to Munich airport strike


Vietnam Airlines will delay flight times due to the impact of the Munich airport strike (Germany).

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 12/23

Nhóm PV |

Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, December 23: The North will continue to experience cold weather, with some mountainous areas in the North experiencing severe cold.

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 12/22


Latest weather forecast 12/22: Tropical depression in the East Sea causes strong winds and big waves in some areas. Southern region has scattered showers and thunderstorms at night.

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 12/21


Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow, December 21: Northeastern region: no rain at night, fog in some places early morning, sunny during the day.