Binh Dinh trains journalists for officials of 4 southern Lao provinces

Xuân Nhàn |

Binh Dinh - Multimedia journalism training, on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam - Laos diplomatic relations.

On September 30, the Department of Information and Communications of Binh Dinh coordinated with local press agencies to organize a training course to improve multimedia journalism skills for 22 trainees who are press and communications officers from 4 southern Lao provinces including Attapeu, Champasak, Salavan, and Sekong.

The training program includes the following contents: Multimedia journalism skills; professional processes of press agencies in Binh Dinh province; writing and editing electronic press works; experience in managing press activities; website design and upgrade plans for units in the above 4 provinces.

Giam doc So TTTT Binh Dinh Tran Kim Kha (bia phai) tai lop tap huan. Anh: So TTTT Binh Dinh.
Director of Department of Information and Communications of Binh Dinh Tran Kim Kha (right cover) at the training class. Photo: Department of Information and Communications of Binh Dinh.

Director of the Department of Information and Communications of Binh Dinh Tran Kim Kha said: “Every year, leaders of Binh Dinh and the provinces of Southern Laos have meetings, exchanges, and signs cooperation documents. On that basis, the departments, branches, and businesses of both sides will concretize them with practical programs and projects, contributing to deepening the special friendship between Binh Dinh and its twinned localities. Cooperation in developing the fields of information, propaganda, press, and publishing is an important component, helping to promote the image and strengthen the friendship between the provinces in particular and between the two countries in general.

In 2017, the Department of Information and Communications of Binh Dinh and the Department of Information, Culture and Tourism of 4 Southern Lao provinces signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of information and communications, focusing on foreign information activities, information and propaganda, press, publishing, printing, and distribution of publications... In the period of 2017-2021, many cooperation contents have been implemented such as training in professional skills of journalism; publishing propaganda publications to promote the image, culture, tourism, and people of Binh Dinh as well as the Southern Lao provinces.

Mr. Kha added that this training course is not only an opportunity to practice skills and improve knowledge, but also an opportunity for specialized staff from the four southern Lao provinces to learn about the history and culture, land and people of Binh Dinh.

Trao doi nghiep vu. Anh: So TTTT Binh Dinh.
Professional exchange. Photo: Binh Dinh Department of Information and Communications.

Deputy Director of the Department of Information, Culture and Tourism of Sekong Province Bun thoong Thin dong khong expressed: “This is a useful and practical activity for press officers in the 4 provinces of Southern Laos; it is an opportunity for us to gain more knowledge and experience from your press and multimedia activities to apply in our working environment”.

Xuân Nhàn

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Hoài Phương |

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Hoài Phương |

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