Warning about the risk of electricity insecurity during the rainy season

Đạt Phan |

On August 5, the Southern Power Corporation warned of unsafe power grid conditions in the Southern region caused by thunderstorms, wind gusts and tornadoes.

Continuous natural disasters

At around 8:00 a.m. on July 11, heavy rain and tornadoes occurred in Phong Hoa commune, Lai Vung district, Dong Thap province, causing heavy damage to the power grid. When the tornado passed, many corrugated iron panels were blown onto Highway 54, entangled in the power grid, causing power outages . This incident also caused electric poles on the National Highway to break, low voltage wires to break, and caused traffic jams on Highway 54. Immediately after receiving the news, Dong Thap Electricity mobilized coordinated forces. with local authorities to fix the problem.

And in Binh Phuoc, around 2:00 p.m. on July 25, at the location of pillar 33B to pillar 36B of the 22 kV medium voltage line line 475, 477 Phuoc Long (belonging to Phuoc Hoa village, Binh Tan commune, Phu Rieng district, Binh Phuoc province) A series of fallen electric poles occurred. The incident disrupted power supply in Phu Rieng district and part of Phuoc Long Town from 2:00 p.m. The Commanding Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue (PCTT&TKCN) of Binh Phuoc PC also directed to localize the incident and minimize the power outage area with power sources from Dong Xoai city and Phuoc Long town. By 10:15 p.m. the same day, the problem was completely fixed, providing electricity to the people.

Recently, at around 4:30 a.m. on July 26, in Khanh Hoa commune and Khanh Tien commune (U Minh district, Ca Mau province), heavy rain and tornadoes occurred, collapsing 7 houses, tearing off the roofs of 14 houses and causing damage. for the regional power grid. U Minh Electricity has mobilized forces to coordinate with local authorities to speed up the progress of troubleshooting. By 2:54 p.m. the same day, the problem was fixed and power supply was stable again.

In Ben Tre, on the night of July 26 and early morning of July 27, heavy rain and tornado swept through Son Dinh commune, Cho Lach district, Ben Tre province, tearing off the roofs of more than 80 households; Many corrugated iron sheets flew into the power grid, damaging medium and low voltage lines in Tan Phu hamlet, Son Dinh commune; More than 1,415 customers in Son Dinh commune had their power supply interrupted. Cho Lach Electricity quickly deployed solutions according to the motto "4 on the spot" to handle the problem and restore power supply to people at 12:15 a.m. on July 27, 2024.

Thunderstorms and tornadoes also occurred at 1:30 a.m. on July 27 in Cai Be district, Tien Giang province, injuring 1 person and causing 33 houses to collapse and blow off their roofs. Previously, around 8:17 p.m. on July 18, thunderstorms and tornadoes in Hamlet 3, Thanh Tan commune, Tan Phuoc district, Tien Giang province, affected the medium and low voltage power grid managed by Tan Phuoc Electricity.

Electricity industry recommends

Faced with the current unusual weather situation, the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control of the Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC) has directed member units to urgently strengthen the review and inspection of the power grid and overcome conflicting locations. weak, arrange backup materials, be ready to respond when natural disasters, storms and floods occur; Focus on coordinating with the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control in localities and regions to be ready to deploy disaster prevention and rescue plans and promptly handle unexpected bad situations.

To ensure the safety of electricity as well as property and human life during the stormy season, EVNSPC recommends that people check and brace their houses to ensure safety from having their roof blown off; Coordinate with local electricity management units to cut and prune trees in the power grid safety protection corridor and trees that are likely to fall into the power grid and transformer station; Disconnect power sources for outdoor electrical equipment (signs, advertising signs, etc.) when there is heavy rain or strong winds; Immediately turn off the power source (breaker, circuit breaker) if the indoor area is flooded; Do not stand in the rain at the foot of electric poles or under transformer stations; Do not climb on roofs or terraces with power lines passing through;…

For units managing outdoor equipment such as ATM towers, advertising panels, public lighting poles, decorative gate lights, etc., grounding must be checked to ensure sturdiness and safety. When a thunderstorm occurs, it is necessary to temporarily turn off the power to these devices.

The electricity industry also recommends that when people encounter any electricity problems, they should immediately report to the Southern Electricity Switchboard via number 19001006 or 19009000 for timely support and handling.

Đạt Phan

Cao điểm nắng nóng, nhu cầu điện tăng vọt, EVNSPC kêu gọi tiết kiệm điện

Đạt Phan |

Nắng nóng gay gắt, nhu cầu sử dụng điện tăng cao, riêng trong 2 tháng đầu năm 2024, sản lượng điện tiêu thụ tại 21 tỉnh, thành phố phía Nam tăng hơn 15% so với cùng kỳ năm 2024.

EVNSPC vượt khó, đảm bảo cung cấp điện cho 21 tỉnh, thành phía Nam

Đạt Phan |

Chiều 9.1, Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Nam (EVNSPC) tổ chức tổng kết công tác năm 2023 và triển khai kế hoạch đảm bảo cung ứng điện cho 21 tỉnh, thành phố khu vực phía Nam năm 2024.

EVNSPC phối hợp với 21 tỉnh phía Nam tháo gỡ khó khăn để đảm bảo điện

Nam Dương |

Sáng 31.8, tại tỉnh Tây Ninh, Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Nam (EVNSPC) đã tổ chức hội nghị phối hợp với các Sở Công Thương 21 tỉnh, thành phía Nam nhằm tháo gỡ khó khăn, vướng mắc để đảm bảo cung cấp điện.

EVNSPC: Tăng cường đảm bảo an toàn điện trong mùa mưa bão

Nam Dương |

Nhằm bảo đảm cấp điện an toàn mùa mưa bão, Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Nam (EVNSPC) đã chủ động ứng phó, triển khai công tác diễn tập phòng chống lụt bão và tìm kiếm cứu nạn.

Cấp dưới Trương Mỹ Lan khai: Không ngờ hậu quả quá lớn

Tú Tâm |

TPHCM - Tại phiên xử Trương Mỹ Lan giai đoạn 2, trong phần thẩm vấn, nhiều cấp dưới thừa nhận hành vi như cáo trạng truy tố.

Sắp triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương

Xuyên Đông |

Ngày 20.9, Bộ Giao thông Vận tải cho biết, sẽ triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương trong năm 2025.

Mưa ngập, hơn 11.000 học sinh vùng trũng ở Hà Tĩnh nghỉ học


Sáng 20.9, tại huyện Hương Khê và Hương Sơn (Hà Tĩnh) xảy ra mưa lớn, ngập cục bộ nên hơn 11.000 học sinh ở khu vực trũng thấp được cho nghỉ học.

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng sốc

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9 tăng mạnh ở thị trường trong nước và thế giới. Giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn 9999 sáng nay sắp bằng giá vàng miếng SJC.