Fire in old apartment building in Hoan Kiem, Hanoi


Hanoi - At about 11:25 a.m. on March 18, a fire broke out at the apartment complex at 11 Vong Duc Street (Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem) on the 5th floor.

According to people present at the scene, the fire started on the 5th floor of the apartment complex, which was renovated by households into "tiger cages" areas.

As soon as the incident occurred, the fire prevention and fighting safety coordination team was activated.

However, the fire broke out outside the window area, the balcony has been renovated into a "tiger cage" so it is very difficult to access. The dry weather accompanied by winds caused the fire to rise.

Upon receiving the news, the Fire Prevention and Rescue Force of Hoan Kiem area quickly mobilized vehicles and officers and soldiers to be present to organize direct spraying of dragon fruit from many directions, including the main direction from the apartment complex yard to the 5th floor of the fire area.

The leader of Hang Bai Ward Police said that by around 12:00 on the same day, the authorities and the fire prevention force had completely controlled the fire.

The fire did not cause any human casualties, and property is being counted by the authorities.

The cause of the fire is being verified and clarified.


Power outage at Central Maternity Hospital


Hanoi - On the morning of March 18, an electrical short circuit occurred in the unused engine room of the Central Obstetrics Hospital.

Hanoi's inner city is bustling with homemade three-wheeled vehicles


Hanoi - Not only concentrated in the suburban areas, on the inner city routes of Hanoi, there are also many homemade three-wheeled vehicles.

Building a united, prosperous and happy residential area


It is necessary to review, study, adjust and supplement regulations to ensure effectiveness, synchronization, unity, and avoid overlap between titles of residential areas at the grassroots level.

Israel launches fierce airstrikes in Gaza, at least 330 people killed


The Israeli military launched a large-scale airstrike in Gaza on March 18, killing at least 330 people.

Living next to 3 quarries in the same commune, a house is cracked


Tuyen Quang - A series of quarries in Tan Thanh commune (Son Duong district) are operating vigorously, causing local people to suffer many consequences and feel insecure.

A district in Hanoi installs AI cameras to fine people for illegally dumping garbage


Hanoi - Ba Dinh District will complete the installation of a system of 281 cameras integrated with AI technology to promptly detect and serve the handling of environmental violations.

Power outage at Central Maternity Hospital


Hanoi - On the morning of March 18, an electrical short circuit occurred in the unused engine room of the Central Obstetrics Hospital.

Liên tiếp xảy ra các vụ cháy ôtô khi đang lưu thông ở Hà Nội


Hà Nội - Trên địa bàn nội đô liên tiếp xảy ra các vụ cháy xe ôtô khi đang lưu thông trên đường.

Cháy nhà trọ ở Cầu Giấy, 7 người được giải cứu

Anh Tuấn |

Hà Nội - Lực lượng cảnh sát PCCC đã giải cứu được 7 người an toàn tại vụ cháy căn nhà trọ xảy ra ở quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội vào sáng 3.2.