There are still many challenges in vocational training in Dak Lak


Dak Lak - Besides the achieved results, the functional sector in M'Drak district is facing many difficulties and challenges in vocational training.

Many challenges

According to the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of M'Drak district, since the beginning of 2024, the unit has extensively implemented the National Target Program on sustainable poverty reduction.

Of which, the Centre has opened 6 vocational training classes for nearly 130 students in the district. The vocational training classes are concentrated in disadvantaged communes where workers do not have stable jobs.

However, besides the advantages achieved, the work of recruiting and training vocational workers in rural areas Specifically, in some localities, officials in charge of vocational training have inadequate awareness of the work of imparting vocational skills to rural workers.

Mr. Vo Thanh Huong - an officer of the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of M'Drak district shared that the rural vocational training program has not been widely disseminated to communes. The effectiveness of vocational training for rural workers is uneven among communes in the district. Many participants in vocational training are not really interested in studying.

The number of vocational education teachers is too small for the assigned tasks. Most of the Centre's teaching staff are on part-time teaching contracts, so each time a class is opened, the unit still depends on the existing staff. Since the establishment of the Centre, there has been no recruitment or selection exam for vocational teachers.

Regarding vocational training equipment, since 2014, the provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has provided a civil sewing workshop that has now been damaged and degraded. Since the vocational training activities began, the unit has not received funding to purchase equipment for vocational training.

Mr. Trinh Cong Tien - Director of the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of M'Drak district admitted the fact that people are still shy and do not really understand the purpose of rural vocational training to boldly participate in rural vocational training classes.

Furthermore, the roads to the villages are still very difficult. Teachers' travel to teach is sometimes delayed due to storms, muddy and slippery roads. Furthermore, many classrooms are very far from the center, leading to many difficulties for teachers (especially female teachers).

Since the implementation of vocational training, there has not been a steering committee to implement vocational training from district to commune levels. Independent units have not yet linked responsibilities to each locality every year.

Vocational equipment at the Center is damaged, degraded, and outdated, but has not been invested in to serve training activities, leading to the quality of classes not being as expected.

Hoc vien duoc trang bi nhung ky nang can thiet de san xuat nong nghiep, chan nuoi. Anh: Bao Trung
Students are equipped with the necessary skills for agricultural production and animal husbandry. Photo: Bao Trung

Flexible solutions to support workers

Mr. Trinh Cong Tien - Director of the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of M'Drak district said that in order for vocational training for rural workers to achieve the expected results, in addition to focusing on promoting propaganda and raising awareness of the people, it is necessary to invite businesses to the area to invest in production and business, creating jobs for local workers.

In the coming time, the unit will recommend that competent authorities review, organize, and rearrange the steering committee to implement the vocational education development program, quickly stabilize the organization, and diversify occupations.

Stakeholders should supplement investment resources, ensure quality improvement and create all conditions for people to have more opportunities to learn a trade.

"The unit needs authorities at all levels to continue to pay attention to creating all conditions, investing in facilities, equipment and especially paying attention to collaborating in recruiting vocational teachers according to demand so that the Center can perform its vocational training tasks more effectively in the following years," added Mr. Trinh Cong Tien - Director of the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of M'Drak district.


Dạy nghề cho người dân vùng sâu làm giàu trên quê hương mình


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Vượt khó để dạy nghề cho người dân vùng sâu Đắk Lắk


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Vocational training for people in remote areas to get rich in their homeland


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