The industrial cluster in Phu Tho benefits from 2 large projects

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Benefiting from 2 projects with a total investment of nearly 550 billion VND from other districts and towns, Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster will have the opportunity to escape the lack of customers.

The industrial cluster has no factories

Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster was established under Decision No. 1553 dated June 30, 2016 of Phu Tho Provincial People's Committee, phase I planning area is 43 hectares located in Tien Kien commune, Lam Thao district.

As noted by a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper in the last days of August, the technical infrastructure at Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster has been built synchronously, but dozens of hectares of land have not yet been built.

Bac Lam Thao industrial cluster does not have any investors to build factories.
Dozens of hectares of land are still "laying dormant". Photo: To Cong.

According to Mr. Tran Dac Thanh - Chairman of Tien Kien Commune People's Committee, Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster in the area completed the site in 2020, so far it has not attracted any investors.

"The government and people hope that soon there will be businesses investing in the industrial cluster, creating jobs for workers, helping the locality develop socio-economically" - Mr. Thanh shared.

Bac Lam Thao industrial cluster was approved to be established in 2016. Photo: To Cong.
This industrial cluster was approved to be established in 2016. Photo: To Cong.

Expectations from 2 projects

In the near future, Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster may escape the "sluggish" situation when it benefits from two large transportation projects with a total investment of nearly 550 billion VND from two other districts and towns.

The first is a 300 billion VND project: Renovating and upgrading the road connecting Provincial Road 325B connecting Ho Chi Minh Road to Ngoc Thap Bridge and the rescue route invested by the People's Committee of Phu Tho town.

The 300 billion VND road section in Phu Tho town is about to be fenced off, accepted, and handed over for use. Photo: To Cong.
3.9km of road in Phu Tho town is about to be handed over and put into use. Photo: To Cong.

The project route has a total length of 7.96km main route, including up to 4km through Tien Kien commune, currently the road surface is asphalted and gravel gravel is spread.

This project will upgrade Provincial Road 325B - the main road, the "front" of Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster to a level III plain road, the road surface is doubled (16m including curb).

The road in front of the Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster has been expanded to double. Photo: To Cong.
The road in front of the industrial cluster has been expanded twice. Photo: To Cong.

Once completed, the route will help this industrial cluster easily connect with Ho Chi Minh Road, Noi Bai - Lao Cai Expressway, Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho Expressway, Phu Ha Industrial Park...

The second project is the road connecting provincial road 325B (Bac Lam Thao industrial cluster) - national highway 2 - provincial road 323H - district road P2 (Phu Gia industrial cluster, Phu Ninh district) built by Phu Ninh district People's Committee. Investor, total investment over 245 billion VND.

245 billion VND route
The starting point of the route is 245 billion VND. Photo: To Cong.

The project route has a total length of nearly 7.2km, the first point intersects with Provincial Road 325B (project road worth 300 billion VND), runs along the west side of the industrial cluster before reaching the end of the route intersecting with Road 323 to the National Highway. Highway 2, Gia Thanh commune.

According to the investor's representative, Phu Ninh District Construction Investment Project Management Board, currently, 6.5/7.2km of land has been handed over, 3km of roads are paved with asphalt, 5.5km are paved. crushed stone aggregate, 6.5km completed the foundation and drainage system.

The route passes under Noi Bai - Lao Cai highway toward Phu Ninh district. Photo: To Cong.
The route passes under Noi Bai - Lao Cai highway toward Phu Ninh district. Photo: To Cong.

This project will help Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster have more important traffic routes, easily connecting with National Highway 2, Phu Gia Industrial Cluster - where, although the entire technical infrastructure has not yet been completed, it is even under construction. In the process of both site clearance and construction, 5 investment projects have been attracted, of which 4 projects have come into operation.

Phu Gia industrial cluster, despite both site clearance and technical infrastructure construction, has attracted 5 investment projects. Photo: To Cong.
Phu Gia industrial cluster, Phu Ninh district. Photo: To Cong.

The main road has been opened, the investment attraction efficiency of the Bac Lam Thao Industrial Cluster will increase, but to be able to attract large enterprises to invest in operations, it requires more dynamism and drastic action by the government. Lam Thao district government committee, focusing on further improving the business investment environment and strengthening domestic and foreign investment promotion activities.

Tô Công

Sắp thành lập cụm công nghiệp tại 2 xã "chuyên" gỗ ở Phú Thọ

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - UBND huyện Hạ Hòa giao Phòng Kinh tế và Hạ tầng và 2 xã Ấm Hạ, Phương Viên thực hiện các thủ tục đầu tư và thành lập Cụm công nghiệp Ấm Hạ.

Dọn rác thải đổ bừa bãi trong cụm công nghiệp ở Thái Bình


Thái Bình - Điểm tập kết rác thải tự phát bừa bãi gây ô nhiễm môi trường trong cụm công nghiệp thị trấn Vũ Thư bước đầu đã được xử lý, dọn dẹp.

Thu hút đầu tư cụm công nghiệp miền núi Sông Cầu

Bình Quý |

Khánh Hòa - Trong năm nay, Cụm Công nghiệp Sông Cầu thu hút thêm nhiều nhà đầu tư thứ cấp mới, đạt tỷ lệ lấp đầy hơn 80% và mở rộng khoảng 35ha về phía đông.

Sắp triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương

Xuyên Đông |

Ngày 20.9, Bộ Giao thông Vận tải cho biết, sẽ triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương trong năm 2025.

Nguyện vọng của trái chủ trong vụ Vạn Thịnh Phát giai đoạn 2


TPHCM - Nhiều bị hại liên quan đến sai phạm xảy ra ở Tập đoàn Vạn Thịnh Phát, Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn đã có mặt tại TAND TPHCM để theo dõi phiên xét xử.

Mưa ngập, hơn 11.000 học sinh vùng trũng ở Hà Tĩnh nghỉ học


Sáng 20.9, tại huyện Hương Khê và Hương Sơn (Hà Tĩnh) xảy ra mưa lớn, ngập cục bộ nên hơn 11.000 học sinh ở khu vực trũng thấp được cho nghỉ học.

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng sốc

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9 tăng mạnh ở thị trường trong nước và thế giới. Giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn 9999 sáng nay sắp bằng giá vàng miếng SJC.

Giám đốc công ty làm máy nhắn tin cho Hezbollah bị điều tra

Anh Vũ |

Công ty Gold Apollo, có trụ sở tại Đài Loan (Trung Quốc), đang bị điều tra liên quan đến vụ nổ hàng nghìn máy nhắn tin của lực lượng Hezbollah.