Navy commandos search and rescue at Phong Chau bridge

Mai Hương |

It is expected that on the morning of October 1, divers from the 126th Special Forces Brigade will practice search and rescue diving in the Phong Chau bridge area.

On the afternoon of September 30, at Phong Chau bridge area, Phu Tho province, 40 officers and soldiers of Naval Special Forces Brigade 126 and specialized vehicles led by Lieutenant Colonel Pham Ngoc Tuan Anh - Deputy Brigade Commander were present at the scene to prepare to participate in search and rescue.

According to local authorities, after the Phong Chau bridge collapse, the Civil Defense Command of Phu Tho province directed forces to overcome the incident, search for dead and missing victims, and salvage vehicles.

Cac chien si thuoc Lu doan 126 Dac cong thuc hanh lan tim kiem cuu nan o khu vuc cau Phong Chau. Anh: Vu Huong
Soldiers of the 126th Special Forces Brigade practice diving for search and rescue in the Phong Chau bridge area. Photo: Vu Huong

So far, the forces have found 4 victims and salvaged 1 tractor-trailer; there are still 4 victims and 7 vehicles that have not been found.

To increase the search force and means for missing victims, in compliance with the order of the Ministry of National Defence, the Navy mobilized 40 officers and soldiers of the 126th Naval Special Forces Brigade to coordinate with local authorities in the search.

The unit uses 30 divers, 15 synchronized open diving apparatuses, 3 mobile air compressors, 2 rubber boats, 1 personal decompression chamber, 3 synchronized hydroacoustic communication sets and other safety equipment.

It is expected that on the morning of October 1, divers from the 126th Special Forces Brigade will use diving equipment combined with existing means, closely coordinating with forces at the scene to practice diving for search and rescue in the Phong Chau bridge area.

Divers take turns diving in shifts. The search area ranges from Phong Chau bridge downstream of the Red River to the new pontoon bridge area.

Mai Hương

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