Invest more in disaster survival skills

Hà An |

After witnessing the damage caused by storm No. 3 and the recent floods, many families were startled and sought out escape skills classes for their children.

In fact, these are necessary skills in daily life, especially when facing incidents such as natural disasters and fires, but have not received attention.

According to a document published by the Vietnam Institute of Education last year, when surveying 6 districts of Hanoi (Hoan Kiem, Ba Dinh, Dong Da, Tay Ho, Soc Son, Dong Anh), many surprising results were found. Synthesizing the opinions of parents, the escape skills that primary school students have are concentrated in "Escape skills when bitten or stung by insects or animals" (69.7%), "Escape skills in fire" (66.9%), "Escape skills when drowning" (59.5%).

The survey results also showed that there is still a high percentage of students lacking "Escape skills in natural disasters" and "Escape skills in heat stroke", with the rate of "not yet" being 67.9% and 61.6% respectively.

It is worth mentioning that Hanoi primary school students have low disaster escape skills. The reason may be that they live in an urban environment with a solid and sturdy housing system, not to mention that urban disaster warnings come quite early and are regularly updated, so they may not be a concern for parents.

This is a mistake, if you have comprehensive skills, when you grow up, each child will have a suitable way to cope with the unexpected things that happen in life.

According to research, depending on the nature of dangerous situations that require escape, situations can be divided into 3 groups, including: Group of situations that require escape in the natural environment, including: Risk of drowning; fire; natural disasters (storms, floods, earthquakes, landslides, etc.); Group of situations that require escape in the social environment: When a thief breaks into the house; panics in a crowd; gets lost; is threatened, bullied; sexually abused; is trafficked, kidnapped; suffers from school violence, etc.; Group of situations that require escape in technical and technological environments: Panic when stuck in an elevator; panic in a locked room; encounter technical problems, which can easily lead to accidents and injuries, etc.

Obviously, the group of dangerous situations, requiring escape, in the natural environment needs to be invested more strongly, even in some places with high risk of storms, floods, landslides, it needs to be included in the main curriculum. Typically, swimming, how to move in a storm, early recognition of landslide risks where you live... are extremely necessary.

Equipping children with escape skills from a young age is an investment that reduces damage to a low level when facing risks, especially natural disasters, throughout life.

Hà An

Cách để nâng cao tư duy và kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề ở trẻ


Kỹ năng dưới đây là điều cần thiết cho sự thành công trong học tập của trẻ, giúp trẻ tư duy logic để có thể tự giải quyết vấn đề.

Nông dân biểu diễn kỹ năng chọn quả sầu riêng chất lượng


Đắk Lắk - Để chọn được quả ngon, chất lượng đòi hỏi người thợ gõ trái sầu riêng phải có kinh nghiệm, trình độ chuyên môn.

Cần trang bị đủ kỹ năng để vào rừng không bị lạc

Tường Minh |

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Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


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Need to be equipped with enough skills to enter the forest without getting lost

Tường Minh |

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