Solve the accident black spot on Highway 12A in September


The authorities of Quang Binh province will complete upgrading and repairing the " black spot " accident on Highway 12A in September.

On August 19, the Provincial Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board (under the Department of Transport and Communications of Quang Binh province) said that the final stages are being carried out to complete the treatment of the Km129+00 route section. -Km130+600 National Highway 12A is in Minh Hoa district.

On this route, the Bai Dinh section in Dan Hoa commune (Minh Hoa district) is one of the " black spots " of traffic accidents on the route.

To date, the above route is about 90% completed. Currently, the project is preparing to spread asphalt concrete mats and complete a number of other auxiliary construction items.

However, from late July to early August this year, the weather here often rained continuously, making it impossible for the contractor to carry out the remaining work. When the weather is sunny, the contractor will spread carpet and complete auxiliary items.

It is expected that in September 2024, it will be put into operation as approved by the Vietnam Road Department.

The Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board of Quang Binh province (the unit assigned to manage the project) further informed that during the implementation process, many difficulties were encountered. Typically, the problem of site clearance will not be resolved until the end of November 2023 until construction can begin.

Along with that, the construction location is directly affected by the weather of the western Truong Son range, with heavy rain from late April to September every year.

In addition, the project is also affected by the weather in the North Central region when rain lasts from September of this year to March of the following year.

The unit assigned to manage the project commented that this was a "black spot" of the accident, so the Management Board urged, inspected, and reminded construction contractors and supervision consultants to comply with the contract content. signed and prescribed by law to ensure construction work is completed on schedule, with quality and safety, especially traffic safety on the route being exploited.

The treatment work for section Km129+00-Km130+600 National Highway 12A in Minh Hoa district was approved by the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam (now Vietnam Road Administration) on May 4, 2022, and approved by the Vietnam Road Administration (now Vietnam Road Administration). Approved adjustment on April 28, 2023 with a total investment of 29 billion VND, from road maintenance capital to implement the project; length of treatment route is 1.32km; The project implementation period is approved to be completed in 2024 and the construction and installation contract implementation period is until September 30, 2024.


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