More than 100 officers and soldiers of Thai Binh Police help people fight floods


Thai Binh Provincial Police mobilized more than 100 officers and soldiers to help people in Vu Thu district cope with heavy rain and rising floods.

On September 11, flood water on rivers in Thai Binh province has been rising at alert level III. By 2:00 p.m. on September 11, 100% of the national dike system in Vu Thu district, including 35.6 km of level 1 dike on the left dike of Hong Ha II and 22.4 km of level 2 dike on the right dike of Tra Ly, were still safe and stable.

However, in the total of 41 km of dikes in the district (including the communes of Hong Ly, Viet Hung, Bach Thuan, Tan Lap, Duy Nhat, Vu Van, Hong Phong...), there were many points where water from the Red River and Tra Ly River overflowed the dike sections (at low dike elevations), causing severe flooding in some residential areas and production areas located inside the dike but outside the national dike.

Cac luc luong tap trung xu ly gia co cac doan de boi, de bao o xa Bach Thauanj, huyen Vu Thu bi tran sang 11.9. Anh: Cong TTDT huyen Vu Thu
Forces focused on handling and reinforcing sections of dikes and embankments in Bach Thuan commune, Vu Thu district that were flooded on the morning of September 11. Photo: Vu Thu district portal

The dike of Vu Van commune was flooded at many points, the dike of Bach Thuan commune was flooded at 2 points, the dike of Hong Ly commune was flooded at 1 point... In addition to rising flood water, since the morning of September 11, heavy rain has made the flooding situation even worse.

The Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue of Vu Thu district has urgently distributed and supported localities with hundreds of thousands of packaging bags to carry out the work of preventing dike overflow.

Communes mobilized all forces, especially people to participate in rescue and dike protection. In the immediate future, the organization will pack soil and sand into bags and arrange them into walls at low-lying points on the dike to prevent water from overflowing from the river.

Localities have closely guarded the dikes 24/7, and when leaks, seepage, and incidents are detected, they are immediately reinforced. The district has mobilized cadres, civil servants, and soldiers of the armed forces to support localities in rescue, dike protection, and evacuating people and property in flooded areas to safety.

Localities have been propagating and urging households living outside the national dike (concentrated in the communes of Bach Thuan, Hong Ly, Vu Van, Hong Phong) to proactively arrange accommodation and move assets to higher houses and higher areas to avoid flooding.

In particular, units and localities regularly disseminate and orient information on dike and flood situations so that people do not panic or worry, thereby coordinating and responding to floods, protecting the safety of people and property when there is a flood.

Dai ta Vu Manh Ha - Pho Giam doc Cong an tinh Thai Binh quan triet, chi dao voi can bo, chien sy duoc tang cuong xuong giup dan chong lu. Anh: Viet Anh/Cong an tinh Thai Binh
Colonel Vu Manh Ha - Deputy Director of Thai Binh Provincial Police Department, instructed officers and soldiers to help people fight floods. Photo: Viet Anh/Thai Binh Provincial Police Department

According to records from the scene, on the morning of September 11, Thai Binh Provincial Police mobilized more than 100 officers and soldiers from the Mobile Company for natural disaster prevention, control and rescue; Battalion Mobile Police Reserve to go to vulnerable areas of Vu Van and Hong Ly communes (Vu Thu district) to help people overcome and respond to limit damage caused by floods.

At these locations, Colonel Vu Manh Ha - Deputy Director of Thai Binh Provincial Police directly directed the forces. Immediately upon arriving at the site, the reinforced officers and soldiers coordinated with local authorities and people to overcome and respond to limit the damage caused by floods...

Can bo, chien sy cung cac luc luong, nhan dan trong dia ban xung yeu tien hanh gia co, be dap lai cac doan de boi, de bao bi vo, tran. Anh: Viet Anh/Cong an tinh Thai Binh
Officers, soldiers, forces and people in vulnerable areas reinforce and rebuild broken and overflowing dikes and dykes. Photo: Viet Anh/Thai Binh Provincial Police
Ho tro di doi nguoi dan o cac khu vuc xung yeu den noi tru an an toan. Anh: Viet Anh/Cong an tinh Thai Binh
Support the evacuation of people in vulnerable areas to safe shelters. Photo: Viet Anh/Thai Binh Provincial Police
Dai ta Vu Manh Ha - Pho Giam doc Cong an tinh Thai Binh va Chu tich UBND huyen Vu Thu Pham Thi Nhu Phong kiem tra, chi dao cong tac ung pho voi mua lu dien bien phuc tap. Anh: Viet Anh/Cong an tinh Thai Binh
Colonel Vu Manh Ha - Deputy Director of Thai Binh Provincial Police and Chairman of Vu Thu District People's Committee Pham Thi Nhu Phong inspected and directed the response to the complicated developments of floods. Photo: Viet Anh/Thai Binh Provincial Police

Tin mới nhất về mưa, lũ, đê điều tại Thái Bình ngày 11.9


Theo Văn phòng thường trực Ban Chỉ huy PCTT&TKCN tỉnh Thái Bình, đến nay, hệ thống các đê sông trên địa bàn tỉnh vẫn đảm bảo an toàn.

Nước các sông lớn ở Thái Bình đều đang cao hơn báo động 3


Đến 9h sáng 11.9, mực nước trên các sông Hồng, sông Luộc, sông Trà Lý ở tỉnh Thái Bình đều cao hơn mức báo động 3 và còn tiếp tục lên.

Bí thư Thái Bình: Theo dõi từng giây từng phút diễn biến lũ


Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Thái Bình chỉ đạo xuất cấp, bổ sung ngay vật tư ứng phó mưa lũ nếu thiếu với tinh thần "không dùng đến tốt hơn là dùng đến".

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Nguyễn Tùng |

Ngày 14.9, ông Nguyễn Đình Khang, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam (Tổng LĐLĐVN) cùng đoàn công tác tới thăm, tặng quà đoàn viên, công nhân viên chức lao động và người dân bị thiệt hại do lũ lụt tại Hà Giang.

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Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

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Di dời cả bản hơn 100 hộ ở Sơn La trước nguy cơ sạt trượt

Minh Nguyễn |

Sơn La - Lực lượng chức năng đang khẩn trương di dời người dân một bản ở huyện Bắc Yên để tránh nguy hiểm do xuất hiện vị trí nứt gãy có nguy cơ sạt trượt.