Water levels in major rivers in Thai Binh are all higher than alert level 3


At 9:00 a.m. on September 11, the water levels on the Red River, Luoc River, and Tra Ly River in Thai Binh province were all higher than alert level 3 and continued to rise.

According to the emergency flood bulletin on rivers in Thai Binh province issued at 9:00 a.m. on September 11 by the Thai Binh Hydrometeorological Station, water levels on rivers in Thai Binh province are still rising.

The water level at 8:00 a.m. on September 11 at Quyet Chien station (Tra Ly river) was 5.16m (1.26m higher than alert level 3), Thai Binh station (Tra Ly river) was 3.79m (0.29m higher than alert level 3); at Tien Duc station (Red river) was 6.42m (0.12m higher than alert level 3); at Trieu Duong station (Luoc river) was 6.25m (0.15m higher than alert level 3).

According to forecasts, water levels on rivers will continue to rise. Water levels at stations on Tra Ly, Hong, and Luoc rivers will remain higher than alert level 3 today (September 11).

Accordingly, the water level at Quyet Chien station at 7:00 p.m. on September 11 is forecasted to be 5.60m (1.70m higher than alert level 3); Thai Binh station at 4.10m (0.60m higher than alert level 3, approximately the historical flood level in 1971), Tien Duc station at 6.75m (0.45m higher than alert level 3), Trieu Duong station will be at 6.55m (0.45m higher than alert level 3).

The meteorological agency warns of a very high risk of flooding in low-lying areas along the Tra Ly, Hong and Luoc rivers in the districts of Hung Ha, Dong Hung, Vu Thu, Quynh Phu, Kien Xuong, Thai Binh city and landslides and weak embankments. Warning level 2-3 of natural disaster risk due to floods.

High flood levels can cause flooding in low-lying areas along the river, alluvial areas outside the main dike; overflow and breakage of riverside dikes, affecting waterway traffic, aquaculture, agricultural production and socio-economic activities. High flood levels for many days can cause landslides of embankments, affecting the safety of river dikes.

Over the past 24 hours, Thai Binh province has had moderate to heavy rain, with rainfall from 7am on September 10 to 7am on September 11 ranging from 30-50mm. Due to the influence of the tropical convergence zone with an axis passing through the area between the Southern Delta of the North and the North Central region, from this morning on September 11 to the morning of September 12 in Thai Binh, there will be heavy rain, with the possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind. The total rainfall in many places is from 50-100mm, with a level 1 risk of natural disasters due to heavy rain.

Heavy rain will increase the level of flooding in areas of seasonal rice fields that have been flooded by heavy rains caused by storm No. 3; cause overflow and breakage of embankments of aquaculture ponds and lagoons; cause landslides of embankments and dykes in vulnerable areas; cause flooding of urban streets and low-lying areas, affecting traffic.

Millions of arms turn to compatriots affected by storm number 3

Storm No. 3 (Storm Yagi) caused severe damage and impacts in many provinces in the Northern region.

"A piece of food when hungry is worth a whole package when full", with the spirit of mutual love that has always been a beautiful image of the Vietnamese people, the Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund calls on philanthropists at home and abroad to join hands to share with people affected by the storm and post-storm circulation.... to soon stabilize their lives.

The Golden Heart Social Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank the precious affection of agencies, businesses, and philanthropists at home and abroad.

Please send all donations to: Tam Long Vang Charity Fund, 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Phone: 024.39232756. Account number (STK): 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi. STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank - Hanoi Branch, STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV - Hoan Kiem Branch. Or scan the following QR code:

Please transfer money with clear content of support.


Cập nhật tin mới nhất về tình hình lũ, đê ở tỉnh Thái Bình


Cấm tất cả các xe cơ giới đi trên đê ở Thái Bình, sẵn sàng di dân nếu mất an toàn, cảnh báo người đăng tin sai sự thật về đê, lũ.

Bí thư Thái Bình: Theo dõi từng giây từng phút diễn biến lũ


Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Thái Bình chỉ đạo xuất cấp, bổ sung ngay vật tư ứng phó mưa lũ nếu thiếu với tinh thần "không dùng đến tốt hơn là dùng đến".

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Từ sáng nay 10.9, các địa phương trong tỉnh Thái Bình đã, đang tích cực, khẩn trương ứng phó lũ trên sông Hồng, sông Trà Lý.

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Ông Phạm Minh Hà và ông Nguyễn Việt Hùng vừa được Thủ tướng Chính phủ bổ nhiệm giữ chức Thứ trưởng Bộ Xây dựng.

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