Retail and transportation businesses face difficulties after Phong Chau bridge collapse

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - The collapse of Phong Chau Bridge has affected people's travel and caused many difficulties for businesses and transportation.

As reported, the Phong Chau bridge collapse on September 9 left 8 people and many vehicles missing, traffic between Tam Nong and Lam Thao districts was cut off for many days, affecting people's travel, especially passenger vans and trucks carrying goods, which now have to take a detour to cross the river over long distances.

On October 10, at the Phong Chau bridgehead in Van Xuan commune, Tam Nong district, previously bustling businesses were now deserted and deserted, and the number of people and vehicles in the area had greatly decreased.

Khu vuc 2 dau cau Phong Chau tung co thoi diem tac duong. Anh: To Cong.
The area at both ends of Phong Chau bridge used to be congested. Photo: To Cong

Mr. Bui Van Tuyen's phone repair and sales store in Van Xuan commune used to be very crowded with customers, people coming and going constantly. Passersby passing through the Phong Chau bridgehead often stopped by Mr. Tuyen's store to buy chargers, backup chargers, headphones, phone cases... and even buy and sell phones.

However, since Phong Chau bridge collapsed, the whole area has been deserted, the number of passersby has almost disappeared, and the store's business results have dropped noticeably.

Chieu 10.10, khu vuc dau cau Phong Chau tai xa Van Xuan vang ve, chi co lac dac vai hoc sinh di lai. Anh: To Cong.
On the afternoon of October 10, the area at the beginning of Phong Chau bridge in Van Xuan commune was deserted, with only a few students walking around. Photo: To Cong

"Over the past month, the number of customers coming to the store has decreased, now there are mainly regular customers around here. With this situation, I will research and change, apply more sales methods to attract customers. Not only my store, this area has many businesses affected. Hopefully the new Phong Chau bridge will be built soon" - Mr. Tuyen confided.

Mr. Nguyen Van Son - owner of Son Ha passenger bus company operating on the Cam Khe (Phu Tho) - My Dinh (Hanoi) route - said that since Tu My bridge (connecting Cam Khe district with Tam Nong district) banned cars due to repairs, Phong Chau bridge collapsed, his family's car had to go around other bridges twice, not only costing more but also causing the number of passengers to decrease.

Tung co rat nhieu xe tai, xe khach di theo Quoc lo 32C, Quoc lo 32 de qua cau Phong Chau. Anh: To Cong.
There used to be many cars going along National Highway 32C and National Highway 32 to cross Phong Chau Bridge. Photo: To Cong

"Because of the change in travel routes, many people have to choose other buses, other types of buses to travel, each trip takes longer than before, but my bus fare remains the same, it does not increase because of that. Although it is difficult, all bus companies have to adapt and overcome to serve people's travel needs" - Mr. Son confided.

Currently, Phong Chau pontoon bridge has been opened to traffic, but it can only meet the travel needs of people riding bicycles, motorbikes, rudimentary vehicles, cars and pickup trucks; passenger and cargo cars wanting to cross the river must go back upstream to the Red River, through Ngoc Thap bridge (in Phu Tho town) until the new Phong Chau bridge is built.

Nhieu nguoi lao dong di chuyen qua cau phao Phong Chau. Anh: To Cong.
Many workers move across Phong Chau pontoon bridge. Photo: To Cong

On the afternoon of October 10, Phu Tho Provincial Police announced that the traffic time through Phong Chau pontoon bridge will be changed from 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily (previously, it was from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily).

Speaking to Lao Dong Newspaper reporters, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung - Vice Chairman of Tam Nong District People's Committee - shared that the Phong Chau bridge collapse caused traffic disruption, affecting the overall socio-economic development of the district.

Hien truong vu sap cau Phong Chau ngay 9.9. Anh: To Cong.
Scene of the Phong Chau bridge collapse on September 9. Photo: To Cong

"However, the government and functional forces are making great efforts to overcome the situation, and people and businesses also need to adapt to the current situation to overcome difficulties together," Mr. Hung shared.

Tô Công

Trở lại cầu Phong Châu - tròn 1 tháng sau thảm họa

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Tròn 1 tháng xảy ra sự cố sập cầu Phong Châu, các lực lượng chức năng vẫn đang nỗ lực tìm kiếm, trục vớt người và phương tiện dưới sông.

Huyện gặp khó vì cầu Phong Châu sập, 2 cầu khác đang sửa

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Huyện Tam Nông bị nhiều ảnh hưởng vì sự cố sập cầu Phong Châu, trong khi cầu Trung Hà và cầu Tứ Mỹ phải hạn chế giao thông vì đang sửa chữa.

Tìm kiếm nạn nhân tại cầu Phong Châu đang gặp nhiều khó khăn

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Việc tìm kiếm các nạn nhân mất tích còn lại tại cầu Phong Châu đang gặp nhiều khó khăn do lưu tốc dòng chảy quá lớn, lượng phù sa dày đặc.

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Minh Hạnh |

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Returning to Phong Chau Bridge - exactly 1 month after the disaster

Tô Công |

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District in trouble because Phong Chau bridge collapsed, 2 other bridges are being repaired

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Tam Nong district was heavily affected by the collapse of Phong Chau bridge, while Trung Ha bridge and Tu My bridge had to limit traffic because they were under repair.

Searching for victims at Phong Chau bridge is facing many difficulties

Tô Công |

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