Dien Bien - Son La flash flood, digging through layers of mud to find victims

Khánh Linh - Văn Thành Chương |

Many victims missing after flash floods in Dien Bien and Son La have not yet been found.

In recent days, flash floods in the Northern mountainous provinces have caused heavy damage to both life and property of people, especially in the two provinces of Dien Bien and Son La. Many villages were almost completely swept away in the darkness of night.

In Muong Pon border commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province, a historic flash flood swept away people's lives and property to Long Tao lake (Muong Cha district) about 30km away.

After the floods and rains passed, the poor commune was still in tears, the pain of those who left and those who stayed was deep in their hearts.

Muong Cha district police (Dien Bien) brushed aside firewood, trash, and mud and swam in the middle of the lake looking for victims swept away by flash floods. Photo: Provided by police
Muong Cha district police (Dien Bien) brushed aside firewood, trash, and mud and swam in the middle of the lake looking for victims swept away by flash floods. Photo: Muong Cha Police.

According to information from the People's Committee of Dien Bien district, up to now (morning of August 1), in addition to 2 dead people discovered immediately after the flash flood, there are still 3 out of 5 missing people who have not been found. Although it still rains heavily, search and rescue work is still being carried out on a large scale, without a moment of inattention.

Many forces have been mobilized for the work, of which the core are officers and soldiers of the police and army of Dien Bien and Muong Cha districts.

Everyone was heartbroken at the moment when the blue-shirted soldiers and other functional forces rushed into the middle of the turbid Long Tao Lake, removing firewood, trash, mud, and rocks to search for the unfortunate victim.

The search is still underway. Photo: Van Thanh Chuong

Each anxious look followed the searches of the police and military forces, carrying even the smallest hope of finding relatives amidst the chaos of firewood debris and thick layers of mud.

Talking to reporters, Lieutenant Colonel Vu Dinh Nghi - Head of Muong Cha District Police, Dien Bien Province, said: "In recent days, we have mobilized the maximum number of troops, on duty and to support the search for missing victims. The residue after the flood in Muong Pon drifted here".

According to Lieutenant Colonel Nghi, the search work on the bed of Long Tao Lake - where floodwaters poured in - encountered many difficulties because there were tens of thousands of blocks of firewood and dry garbage covering a thick layer on the surface of the lake.

Mourning covers the poor countryside in the remote region. Photo: Van Thanh Chuong
Mourning covers the poor countryside in the remote region. Photo: Van Thanh Chuong

"Even when a body was discovered, it was very difficult to reach it. It took 5-6 officers and soldiers to swim in the same boat, which was not easy to move. Some soldiers even had to swim on foot and turn over piles of trash to find each other. looking for victims" - said the district police chief.

In Quynh Nhai district, Son La province, since receiving information that the child LTVT (12 years old) was swept away by the flood, the authorities were also mobilized with the people of Pa Ma Pha Khinh commune to search for the victim's body. unlucky.

Police and military forces turned over rocks and waterfalls to look for a 12-year-old girl who was swept away by floodwaters. Photo: DVCC
Police and military forces turned over rocks and waterfalls to look for a 12-year-old girl swept away by the flood. Photo: DVCC

Mr. Lo Van Doi - Chairman of the People's Committee of Pa Ma Pha Khinh commune shared: "The police, army and militia searched for 2 days and nights, turning over every rock, waterfall, and down the stream. The water is rushing to find you."

However, from the victim's location, the stream flows more than 1km, there is a high waterfall, fast-flowing water, underneath many caves and caves, followed by a long stream, so the search is extremely difficult. hard.

The "shirts" were brought when the body of the unfortunate person was found. Photo: Van Thanh Chuong

It was not until noon on July 31 that rescue forces found T.'s body at Ban Ai lake, Chieng On commune, Quynh Nhai district.

Currently, in Son La province, there is still one missing person whose body has not been found in Cang village, Chieng Bom commune, Thuan Chau district.

Previously, a terrible flash flood occurred on the night of July 24 and early morning of July 25 in the border commune of Muong Pon, also leaving 7 people dead and missing.

Khánh Linh - Văn Thành Chương

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