On the morning of March 11, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung chaired a working session and listened to a report on the draft revised Press Law.
Director of the Press Department Luu Dinh Phuc reported that the amendment of the Law, ensuring the consistency and uniformity of the legal system, legalizing issues that are clear and have been effectively verified; reviewing and clearly identifying the scope of issues that need to be amended and supplemented to overcome existing problems, limitations and problems.
According to Director Luu Dinh Phuc, the draft revised Law will focus on 4 major contents including: Strengthening the management of press activities; Improving the quality of journalists and leaders of press agencies; Promoting the development of the press economy; Regulating press activities in cyberspace.
Director Luu Dinh Phuc said that the provisions of the revised Press Law will be stricter but still ensure an open corridor for press agencies to develop; especially encourage press agencies to develop multi-platform, multi-service; promote the press economy.
The amendment of the Law will overcome the limitations of current regulations, clearly classify newspapers and magazines to combat " leftover" of magazines, specifically regulate the contents and concepts to have appropriate adjustment regulations; Overcome the situation of "privateization" of press and press activities that are not in accordance with the principles and purposes; Clearly regulate the responsibility and authority of state management agencies for local press.
At the same time, create an environment for scientific journals to develop healthily; not be turned into regular newspapers and magazines; overcome shortcomings and problems in managing representative offices and permanent reporters in the past...

Speaking at the meeting, Permanent Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Le Hai Binh emphasized that the development of the revised Press Law needs to closely follow the orientation of the 13th National Party Congress: "Building a professional, humane and modern press and media environment", clarifying the professional, humane and modern elements in the Law.
Amending the Law aims to address existing limitations and problems, but at the same time, it is necessary to also forecast future developments. At the same time, it is necessary to grasp the thoughts of journalists and have appropriate communication.
The Deputy Minister said that it is necessary to organize seminars and conferences associated with the 100th anniversary of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press to listen to experts' opinions and include them in the draft Law. In addition, it is necessary to review, compare, and ensure the consistency of the Law with relevant current laws.
In particular, the development of the Law needs to ensure consensus in the development process, consensus between agencies and social consensus.
Deputy Minister Le Hai Binh requested the Press Department to coordinate with agencies to promptly develop a Draft Law dossier, send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for comments to complete, and report to the Government to submit to the National Assembly.
Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung assigned the Press Department to preside over and coordinate with the Legal Department to urgently report to the Minister to submit to the Government. In particular, it clearly states the progress and unclear contents in the Draft Law on revised Press to seek the Government's opinion.
Second, the Press Department proactively reviewed the dossier of the Draft Law, ensuring compliance with the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents 2025 recently passed by the National Assembly.
The Minister also suggested focusing and intensively analyzing the report on the 2016 Press Law Summary, pointing out the shortcomings and limitations from which it proposed, forecasted trends, the ability to develop the press and legal gaps.
At the same time, there must be a separate report on the compatible of the revised Press Law with relevant current laws.
Third, the Minister requested that the policy impact assessment report must clarify factors, especially the press economy, press activities in cyberspace, integration with the world, etc.
Along with that, continue to organize conferences, seminars, and forums to widely collect opinions from groups of subjects (including experts, scientists in the field of journalism, press agencies and technical levels) to complete the dossier of the Draft Law to report to the Government to submit to the National Assembly.
The Minister agreed with the timelines set by the Press Department on completing the Draft Law dossier in March - April 2025; sent to the Ministry of Justice for appraisal in May; submitted to the Government and in July; Report to the National Assembly Committee for examination and submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee in August - September 2025 and submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the 10th Session (October 2025).
The Minister requested to "do both and accept" in the spirit of openness, closely following the progress, ensuring the quality of the revised Press Law Project to submit to the National Assembly for approval as soon as possible.