Buying a herd of pigs on Facebook, people feel angry because of the epidemic

An Nhiên |

Yen Bai - Seeing breeding pigs for sale on Facebook at a cheap price, a person in the highland district of Mu Cang Chai ordered a whole herd to raise.

On the morning of August 2, the Center for Services and Support for Agricultural Development in Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province informed that the competent forces had just coordinated to destroy a herd of pigs infected with African swine fever belonging to a local resident. Nam Khat commune table.

Ten days earlier, the Center for Services and Support for Agricultural Development of Mu Cang Chai district received a notice from the People's Committee of Nam Khat commune about the epidemic of sick pigs dying in Lang Sang village with unknown causes.

"Immediately after receiving the information, the unit sent officials to coordinate with the commune to directly verify. Performing an autopsy to check the lesions found heavy bleeding in the lymph nodes in the stomach, liver and kidneys. There is spot bleeding, the spleen is enlarged with blood infarction. The skin is dark and edematous, the skin on the abdomen and legs is bleeding. In particular, the spleen is swollen and turns blue-black. Diagnosis is suspected of African swine fever , the collected specimens were sent to the Central Veterinary Diagnostic Center for testing," informed Mr. Nguyen Viet Dinh, Director of the Center for Services and Support for Agricultural Development in Mu Cang Chai district.

Destroy the herd of pigs infected with African swine fever that Mr. Chinh's family ordered on Facebook. Photo: An Nhien
A herd of pigs infected with African swine fever that Mr. Chinh's family ordered on Facebook. Photo: An Nhien

Through research, in the past, Mr. Sam Van Chinh's family in Lang Sang village, Nam Khat commune often bought breeding pigs from reputable local breeding facilities, bringing a good income.

In July this year, he saw on the social network Facebook selling pig breeds at cheap prices (each weighing 20 kg for 1.3 million VND/head), so Mr. Chinh ordered 20 pigs and the seller delivered them by truck. The herd of pigs is all the way to the barn.

After receiving the pigs for about 1 week, some of them showed signs of not eating and died.

This miserable owner called the phone number and messaged the Facebook address where he placed the order but could not be contacted. The party that delivered the pig breeds to the house did not have any signed papers or evidence, so Mr. Chinh could only bear the disadvantage and notify the village and commune.

Recently, the Central Veterinary Diagnostic Center had a response sheet with test results of Mr. Chinh's pig herd testing positive for the African swine fever virus.

After that, the authorities propagated and campaigned for Mr. Chinh's family to destroy the entire herd of pigs. At the same time, disinfect the barns, holding areas, and burial areas with disinfectants and sprinkle lime powder to kill pathogens.

Veterinary staff and people destroy pigs infected with African swine fever. Photo: DVCC
Veterinary staff and people destroy pigs infected with African swine fever. Photo: DVCC

It is known that Mu Cang Chai district currently has a herd of over 90,000 cattle, including more than 65,000 pigs. Pig farming brings economic efficiency, contributing to increasing income for thousands of H'Mong households.

However, the management of animal trading, transportation, and slaughter is still limited because the area is large, bordering many localities, and the veterinary staff is thin, so the risk of disease outbreaks is very high.

Pig-raising households use lime water to disinfect barns after the epidemic. Photo: DVCC
Pig-raising households use lime water to disinfect barns after the epidemic. Photo: DVCC

Previously, in May 2024, foot-and-mouth disease occurred in Yen Bai province in Tram Tau district and African swine fever in Luc Yen district with hundreds of cattle dying and having to be destroyed.

In addition to disease prevention, the Department of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine of Yen Bai province recommends that people absolutely not buy or sell pork or use breeds of unknown origin.

In particular, implementing the "5 No's" in animal husbandry includes: Do not hide epidemics; Do not buy, sell or transport sick or dead pigs; Do not slaughter or consume sick or dead pigs; Do not throw dead pig carcasses into the environment and do not use leftover food that has not been heat-treated.

An Nhiên

Yên Bái phấn đấu đưa 10.000 người đi làm việc ở nước ngoài

Bảo Nguyên |

Tỉnh vùng cao Yên Bái phấn đấu đưa 10.000 người đi làm việc ở nước ngoài trong giai đoạn 2024 - 2030.

Trại lợn đầu nguồn nước dọn xong 2.000m3 chất thải


Hà Tĩnh - Đến chiều 31.7, trại lợn ở xã Kỳ Tây (huyện Kỳ Anh) đã hoàn thành di chuyển khoảng 2.000m3 phân lẫn bùn tập kết về khu vực có bờ bao, lót bạt.

Ngăn ngừa nguy cơ lan rộng dịch tả lợn châu Phi ở ĐBSCL


Trước diễn biến phức tạp của dịch tả lợn châu Phi, người nuôi heo ĐBSCL đối mặt với nhiều rủi ro, thách thức.

NSND Thế Hiển đã tỉnh lại, nói chuyện được sau cơn nguy kịch


Trao đổi với Báo Lao Động, nhà thơ Lê Minh Quốc - đồng nghiệp của NSND Thế Hiển - nói sức khỏe của NSND Thế Hiển đã tiến triển tốt hơn sau cơn nguy kịch.

Sắp đón đợt không khí lạnh đầu tiên, miền Bắc trở mưa


Cơ quan khí tượng cho biết, do ảnh hưởng của không khí lạnh đầu mùa, miền Bắc sắp đón một đợt mưa; thời tiết mát mẻ, vùng núi có nơi chuyển lạnh.

Kỷ luật cảnh cáo Chủ tịch huyện Cao Phong

Đặng Tình |

Hòa Bình - Ủy ban Kiểm tra (UBKT) Tỉnh ủy vừa quyết định thi hành kỷ luật đối với ông Quách Văn Ngoan - Phó Bí thư Huyện ủy, Chủ tịch UBND huyện Cao Phong.

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Cấp dưới Trương Mỹ Lan khai: Không ngờ hậu quả quá lớn

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