Floods and landslides caused by storm No. 3 cause severe damage in the Northwest

Bảo Nguyên |

Due to the influence of storm No. 3 , in the Northwestern highland provinces, there has been continuous rain, causing flash floods and landslides .

Landslides in many places in Lao Cai, more than 20 people died

Still not over the shock, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Trung - a resident along Cao Xuan Que Street, Group 8, Nam Cuong Ward, Lao Cai City - said: "At around 1:30 a.m. on September 9, the whole family was awake because of the heavy rain when they heard a loud noise behind the house, so they rushed out to check. At this time, mud and trees had flooded in, collapsing the surrounding wall. Panicked, I shouted to the neighboring households and moved my wife and children to a safe place that night."

Not far from Mr. Trung's house, a row of boarding houses was also affected by the landslide in the early morning of September 9. At the scene, rocks and trees slid down from the slope, causing part of the roof to collapse behind and spilling into the hallway of the boarding house. The closest boarding house to the slope had its wall cracked by the landslide; the tenant's motorbike and some other belongings were buried deep in mud.

Not as lucky as Mr. Trung, at the same time, a landslide in Hoang Thu Pho commune, Bac Ha district caused 3 people: Ms. Giang Thi T (25 years old) and 2 children (1 child 15 years old and 1 child 1 year old) to be buried and missing.

In addition, Nam Luc commune, Ban Pho commune and Thai Giang Pho commune also recorded 3 deaths and missing people due to landslides after storm No. 3.

Also in the early morning of September 9, in Phin Chai 2 village, A Lu commune, Bat Xat district, a landslide occurred, leaving 7 people missing.

In Trung Leng Ho commune, Mr. Ly A Giay, Head of Trung Ho village, while helping people move out of an area at risk of landslides, was suddenly buried by a landslide and has not been found yet. Currently, the local government is urgently deploying search and rescue forces.

Meanwhile, according to a quick report from Sa Pa town, at 1 p.m. on September 8, a large landslide occurred in Hoa Su Pan 1 village, Muong Hoa commune, burying 4 houses. At the time of the landslide, there were 26 people in the houses. Currently, the authorities have discovered and found the bodies of 5 people (including 3 adults and 2 children), 1 person is missing, and rescued 9 injured people who were taken to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Never witnessed such a great loss

Continuing to record in Tan Minh, Da Bac district, Hoa Binh province, grief covered Cham hamlet. The scene of the landslide was a completely collapsed house, drifting down to the roadside. On the slope behind the house where 4 people died, there was a fairly wide landslide with red and yellow color of the soil "saturated with water".

For many generations, they had never witnessed such a great loss. Ms. Xa Thi Tam, the first person to discover the incident, recalled: "At that time, around 12 o'clock at night, I heard a strong wind blowing so I jumped up and ran to open the door. When I got to the door, I heard a loud explosion and Mr. Som's cry for help. I quickly ran to call the neighbors and informed the village chief to come to the rescue."

Cham Luong village chief Van Hoan called for people to come to the rescue, but at that time there was a power outage, heavy rain, and strong winds, making it very difficult. He informed: The rescue was difficult because the house had completely collapsed, and there was a risk of it collapsing further, endangering the rescuers. We had to cut down trees to make supports and borrow car jacks to rescue the victims. Up to now, the village has not had any landslides on houses, mainly landslides on traffic road slopes. Before storm No. 3, the village had propagated and mobilized more than 20 households at risk of landslides to evacuate to a safe place...

In Yen Bai province, by the afternoon of September 9, 3 people had died and 4 people were injured due to landslides (including 2 children). This is also a locality that suffered heavy damage due to the impact of storm No. 3 when more than 5,687 houses were damaged and flooded.

In addition to visiting, supporting and encouraging families of those who died, were injured and lost their homes and properties, the entire Yen Bai province mobilized 609 direct forces (soldiers, militia and other forces) to overcome the consequences caused by natural disasters and at the same time evacuate affected households to safety.

On the afternoon of September 9, according to information from the People's Committee of Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang province, search and rescue forces have reached two cars that were swept away by floodwaters the previous afternoon.

Among the two cars was a passenger van carrying 20 people. However, due to natural disasters and floods, there were power outages and phone signal outages in the area, and traffic routes were also eroded and blocked, making it difficult for rescuers. Currently, authorities have found four bodies and have not yet fully counted the number of missing people.

Bảo Nguyên

Bộ Chính trị chỉ đạo công tác khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3

Vương Trần |

Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm đã chủ trì phiên họp của Bộ Chính trị cho ý kiến và chỉ đạo những việc cấp bách để khắc phục hậu quả của bão số 3.

Phụ huynh nghỉ làm cùng nhà trường dọn cây đổ sau bão số 3

Vân trang |

Sau cơn bão số 3, 39 trường tại Hà Nội cho học sinh nghỉ học do chưa đảm bảo an toàn cơ sở vật chất. Phụ huynh sẵn sàng nghỉ làm cùng trường khắc phục sự cố.

Các cơ sở y tế ở Quảng Ninh tan hoang sau bão số 3

Hà Lê |

Hiện chưa có thống kê cụ thể về thiệt hại sau bão số 3 tại tỉnh Quảng Ninh nhưng ngành y tế đã có những thiệt hại nặng nề ban đầu.

Tin 20h: Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng "chặt chém" đoàn từ thiện

Nhóm PV |

Tin 20h ngày 19.9: Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay; Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện...

Phía Miss Universe nói về thông tin Kỳ Duyên chưa tốt nghiệp

Huyền Chi |

Thông tin Hoa hậu Kỳ Duyên chưa tốt nghiệp Trường Đại học Ngoại Thương gây xôn xao mạng xã hội.

Trực tiếp bóng chuyền U23 Thể Công Tân Cảng 2-1 U23 Ninh Bình: Set 4

Nhóm PV |

Trực tiếp chung kết giải bóng chuyền U23 quốc gia giữa U23 Thể Công Tân Cảng vs U23 Ninh Bình vào lúc 20h ngày 19.9.

Chậu hoa giấy trên phố đi bộ ở Đà Nẵng đồng loạt "nằm" tránh bão

Nguyễn Linh |

UBND quận Hải Châu, TP Đà Nẵng cho biết đã chủ động đặt nằm các chậu hoa giấy tại phố đi bộ Bạch Đằng để tránh thiệt hại bởi ảnh hưởng của cơn bão số 4.

Cháy lớn Hà Nội, khói lửa cuồn cuộn khiến người dân khiếp sợ

Hải Danh |

Một xưởng in rộng khoảng 400m2, kết cấu khung thép, mái tôn trên địa bàn quận Nam Từ Liêm (TP Hà Nội) bốc cháy dữ dội khiến người dân khiếp sợ.

The Politburo directs the work of overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3.

Vương Trần |

General Secretary and President To Lam chaired a meeting of the Politburo to give opinions and direct urgent tasks to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3.

Parents take time off work to help the school clean up fallen trees after storm number 3

Vân trang |

After storm No. 3 , 39 schools in Hanoi let students stay home due to the lack of safety facilities. Parents are willing to take time off work to help the school fix the problem.

Medical facilities in Quang Ninh devastated after storm No. 3

Hà Lê |

There are currently no specific statistics on the damage after storm No. 3 in Quang Ninh province, but the health sector has suffered initial heavy losses.