Sạt lở

Rebuilding a new life after storm number 3

Khánh Linh - Cao Tuân |

The disaster submerged homes, fields and more than 300 unfortunate people under layers of mud. After the storm and flood, people together “scraped the mud” and rebuilt a new life.

Toàn cảnh khu vực nguy cơ sạt lở đất tại Quảng Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

TP Cẩm Phả (Quảng Ninh) tiếp tục duy trì biện pháp di dời 136 hộ dân phường Quang Hanh sau khi xuất hiện nguy cơ sạt lở đất.

Tay Bac Evening News: Landslides prevent people from returning home

Nhóm PV |

Landslides prevent people from returning home; Explosions for a project on Cun slope; Tuyen Quang suffers a lot of damage after a sludge dam burst are some of the prominent news.

Một đoạn quốc lộ ở Cần Thơ chưa kịp bàn giao đã sạt lở

Xuyên Đông |

Một đoạn quốc lộ ở Cần Thơ do Ban Quản lý dự án Mỹ Thuận làm chủ đầu tư mới hoàn thành tháng 2.2024. Dự án chưa kịp bàn giao đã sạt lở.

Mưa lớn gây ngập úng, sạt lở ở Lâm Đồng


Lâm Đồng - Mưa lớn ngoài gây sạt lở còn làm nhiều tuyến đường ngập sâu, nước tràn vào nhà hàng chục hộ dân trên địa huyện Đạ Huoai.

Landslides lurk, many Yen Bai residents cannot return home

Trần Bùi - Vũ Bảo |

Due to the impact of storm No. 3, hundreds of landslides appeared in Yen Bai city, threatening people's lives and property.

Landslide on Highway 28, flash flood warning in Dak Nong


Dak Nong Province's Hydrometeorological Station issued a warning of the risk of flash floods because the locality has had prolonged rain for many days.

Hoa Binh continues to urgently evacuate people to avoid landslides

Minh Nguyễn |

Hoa Binh - A 7-hectare hill area in Lac Son district has many cracks and prolonged subsidence, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate urgently.

People in landslide-prone areas in Quang Ngai are worried about the storm season


Quang Ngai faces landslides during the rainy and stormy season. Authorities are reviewing areas at high risk of landslides and are ready to respond to emergencies.

Emergency treatment of large crack on mountain in Thanh Hoa


Thanh Hoa - After a large crack appeared on the mountain and there was a high risk of landslides, the authorities urgently handled the situation to ensure the safety of local households.

Dangerous landslide appeared on Cau River bank, Thai Nguyen

Ngọc Minh |

After the water level of Cau River rose, many locations close to the bank in Nha Long commune (Phu Binh district, Thai Nguyen) continued to be at risk of landslides, making people feel insecure.