Phu Tho has 3 new commune names after the merger

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - After being approved by the Provincial People's Council, the merger of commune-level administrative units was completed, causing this province to have 3 new commune names.

On August 22, at the Thursday thematic meeting, the XIX Provincial People's Council, term 2021 - 2026, 100% of the Provincial People's Council delegates voted to approve the Resolution on the arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels in Phu Tho province for the next period. period 2023 - 2025.

Accordingly, for commune-level administrative units, 30 administrative units will be arranged: 20 commune-level administrative units subject to arrangement and 10 adjacent commune-level administrative units; newly established 12 new commune-level administrative units.

With Viet Tri city, arrange 4 wards (2 wards under arrangement, 2 adjacent wards) to establish 2 new wards: Ben Got ward merged with Tho Son ward to form new Tho Son ward, Van Co ward merged with Nong Trang ward becoming the new Nong Trang ward.

Doan Hung district arranges 14 commune-level administrative units (6 commune-level administrative units subject to arrangement, 8 adjacent commune-level administrative units) to establish 6 new commune-level administrative units: Merging Chan Mong commune, Minh Phu commune with Vu Quang commune into communes. New Chan Mong; Van Du commune and Chi Dam commune become new Chi Dam commune; Hung Long commune and Van Don commune form the new Hung Long commune; Minh Tien commune, Tieu Son commune and Yen Kien commune form new Yen Kien commune; Bang Doan commune and Minh Luong commune form the new Bang Doan commune; Soc Dang commune and Doan Hung town form the new Doan Hung town.

Cam Khe district arranged 12 commune-level administrative units (12 commune-level administrative units are subject to arrangement) to establish 4 new commune-level administrative units: Merging Ngo Xa commune, Tuy Loc commune with Thuy Lieu commune into Minh Thang commune; Xuong Thinh commune, Cap Dan commune and Son Tinh commune form Phong Thinh commune; Phu Khe commune, Ta Xa commune and Yen Tap commune form the new Phu Khe commune; Chuong Xa commune, Phu Lac commune and Van Khuc commune form Nhat Tien commune.

Thus, after merging commune-level administrative units, Phu Tho will have 3 new commune names: Minh Thang, Phong Thinh, Nhat Tien, all in Cam Khe district.

For Phu Tho province, the total number of commune-level administrative units after the arrangement is 207 units, including 15 wards, 11 towns and 181 communes (reduced by 18 commune-level administrative units).

The period 2026 - 2030 will continue to research the arrangement of commune-level administrative units subject to arrangement (no specific factors) in accordance with the urban planning and rural planning of the province in the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to year 2050.

Previously, the People's Committees of districts and cities organized consultations with voters at commune-level administrative units to make arrangements. As a result, districts: Doan Hung, Cam Khe and Viet Tri city met regulations.

Tô Công

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Nguyễn Hùng |

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Việt Dũng |

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