Thanh Hoa has an additional industrial cluster worth nearly 180 billion VND

Xuân Hùng |

Thanh Hoa has just started construction on another industrial cluster, promising to create jobs for thousands of workers.

On September 16, Thanh Hoa Industrial Park Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company coordinated with Tho Xuan District People's Committee to organize the groundbreaking ceremony of Tho Minh Industrial Cluster project.

Tho Minh Industrial Cluster Project was established by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and approved the Technical Infrastructure Construction Investment Project in Decision No. 1832/QD-UBND dated June 2, 2017 and assigned to Thanh Hoa Industrial Park Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company as the investor.

The project has an area of ​​15,046 hectares, of which industrial land (factories, enterprises) is 11,007 hectares, public administrative land is 0.21 hectares, green campus land is 1.65 hectares, technical infrastructure land is 0.5 hectares, traffic land, parking lot is 1.66 hectares.

The total investment capital is nearly 180 billion VND. The project has completed investment procedures, environmental impact assessment, fire prevention and fighting design approval certification, land allocation, land lease, construction permit issuance; the investor has announced the commencement of construction.

Tho Minh Industrial Cluster, after completing its infrastructure, will attract investment in many sectors including: agricultural and forestry processing, food, garment, footwear, mechanics, industries, small and medium-sized handicrafts, etc.

According to Mr. Hua Duy Sach - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director of Thanh Hoa Industrial Park Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company, in the past time, the Company has actively organized and completed investment procedures. Up to this point, the project is qualified to officially start the project of investing in the construction of industrial park infrastructure in Thuan Minh commune, Tho Xuan district. The investor is also the unit directly implementing the project. The investor has signed a contract for consulting services to promote investment attraction in Tho Minh industrial park with a Japanese partner - Smartcreative Asia Company.

Mr. Hoang Van Dong - Chairman of Tho Xuan District People's Committee highly appreciated Thanh Hoa Industrial Park Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company for its determination, efforts, enthusiasm and responsibility in coordinating with functional agencies in site clearance work.

The Chairman of Tho Xuan District People's Committee requested the Company to focus on human resources to invest in completing the infrastructure in the first quarter of 2025, exceeding the schedule according to the province's decision before the month to soon call for secondary investors, focusing on solving jobs for workers, especially local workers.

Mr. Hua Duy Sach - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director of Thanh Hoa Industrial Park Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company (left) presented support to people affected by storm No. 3. Photo: Xuan Hung

On the occasion of the groundbreaking ceremony of Tho Minh Industrial Park, Thanh Hoa Industrial Park Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company donated 100 million VND to support people affected by storm No. 3 through the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Tho Xuan district; supported 50 million VND to build houses for poor households and policy families in Thuan Minh commune (Tho Xuan).

Up to now, Thanh Hoa province has planned 115 industrial clusters (ICs) with a total area of ​​5,267.25 hectares. In 2023, Lien Hoa IC (area of ​​38.43 hectares, Hau Loc district) was established and the investment of Phuc Thinh IC (area of ​​50 hectares, Ngoc Lac district) was terminated; up to now, the whole province has 44 ICs established with a total area of ​​1,609.62 hectares, total registered investment capital of 11,664.86 billion VND, and realized investment capital is estimated at 2,482.38 billion VND.

Xuân Hùng

Thêm khu - cụm công nghiệp, tăng cơ hội việc làm

Thành Nhân |

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Lô đất trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở Hà Nội bị bỏ cọc


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Nhóm PV |

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Cho thôi việc Bí thư huyện Vĩnh Cửu theo nguyện vọng


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