Continue to mobilize 100% of workers to clear fallen trees

Hà Anh |

On September 10, Hanoi Urban Environment Company Limited continued to mobilize 100% of its workforce to promptly clear fallen trees , branches, leaves, etc.

Indirect officials also went to the streets to clear fallen trees.

According to the leader of Hanoi Urban Environment Company Limited, after storm No. 3 on September 7, in the capital area, many trees fell, many branches, leaves...

Immediately after the rain stopped, the company's leaders asked the management units of 5 districts and 2 counties to report the situation. After that, the company's leaders went directly to the scene and mobilized all labor, motorbikes and equipment to strengthen environmental sanitation and clean up the aftermath of the storm.

Accordingly, the directors of 6 branches responsible for maintaining environmental sanitation in the 5 districts of Ba Dinh, Hoan Kiem, Hai Ba Trung and Dong Da, and the 2 districts of My Duc and Thanh Oai directly inspected and arranged additional labor and motorbikes to clean up the environment in the area, mobilizing workers on standby to be ready to increase street washing to support the areas after cleaning is completed.

On September 8, the company mobilized all staff to indirectly coordinate with workers and related units to clear up fallen tree branches that obstructed traffic. On the morning of September 8, basically the roads with many fallen trees such as Phan Dinh Phung, Nguyen Canh Chan, Hoan Kiem Lake area, Ly Thai To monument, Le Lai, Bao Khanh... were cleared onto the sidewalk and specialized vehicles ensured traffic flow.

On September 9-10, in Hanoi, it continued to rain and many streets still had fallen trees and branches. The company continued to mobilize 100% of its labor and vehicles to coordinate with workers of the Green Park Company to promptly collect tree branches, leaves and waste until the work was completed, to ensure the quality of environmental sanitation in the city; collect all remaining and arising garbage during the day; increase sweeping and cleaning of streets on routes where fallen tree branches and trees have been collected...

As of the morning of September 9, Hanoi Urban Environment Company Limited has processed more than 2,740 tons of waste...

Local authorities and people actively participate

On the afternoon of September 10, Mr. Le Manh Tien - Chairman of the People's Committee of Quan Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi said that according to initial statistics, due to the impact of storm No. 3, in the ward, the number of fallen trees was 84; 10 trees had broken branches; 4 level 4 houses were affected by the storm...

Authorities and people of Quan Hoa ward (Cau Giay) collect fallen trees and broken branches in the ward. Photo: Quan Hoa ward People's Committee
Authorities and people of Quan Hoa ward (Cau Giay) collect fallen trees and broken branches in the ward. Photo: Quan Hoa ward People's Committee

“Right after storm No. 3 passed, on September 8, the leaders of Quan Hoa ward sent Official Dispatch No. 396/UBND on joining hands to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3. At the same time, they called on the entire political system from the ward to the residential groups and people in the ward to join hands to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3.

Responding to the call, the police, military, ward People's Committee officials, youth union, women's union, residents of 24 residential groups... joined hands to overcome the consequences caused by storm No. 3. Especially, the coordination with environmental sanitation workers, green trees to collect fallen trees, clear branches and leaves on the streets in Cau Giay district... Thereby, ensuring smooth traffic on the roads and safety for traffic participants" - Mr. Le Manh Tien said.

Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Head of residential group 29, Quan Hoa ward, Cau Giay district said that after storm No. 3 passed, people observed that in the ward, there were many trees, corrugated iron roofs, billboards... that had fallen and broken. The authorities of the district and ward are actively handling the situation, however, due to the large amount of work, the force had to be dispersed a lot...

"Therefore, our residential group responded to the call of the Chairman of the People's Committee of Quan Hoa Ward, mobilizing people to actively join hands in handling situations arising in their residential groups and residential areas to ensure safety for the people and smooth traffic...", Mr. Thanh said.

Hà Anh

Phụ huynh nghỉ làm cùng nhà trường dọn cây đổ sau bão số 3

Vân trang |

Sau cơn bão số 3, 39 trường tại Hà Nội cho học sinh nghỉ học do chưa đảm bảo an toàn cơ sở vật chất. Phụ huynh sẵn sàng nghỉ làm cùng trường khắc phục sự cố.

Huy động 100% công nhân giải tỏa cây đổ, dọn vệ sinh

Việt Lâm |

Chiều 8.9, sau khi cơn bão số 3 quét qua, trời Hà Nội mưa vẫn to, cây đổ, cành cây gẫy, cột chiếu sáng ngổn ngang trên nhiều tuyến phố…

Bão số 3 gây thiệt hại nhiều nơi, cây đổ la liệt

Lệ Hà |

Đến 15 giờ ngày 7.9, do ảnh hưởng của gió rất mạnh và mưa lớn của bão số 3 (Yagi), Hải Phòng, Quảng Ninh chịu nhiều thiệt hại nặng.

Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN thăm, tặng quà người dân bị thiên tai tại Hà Giang

Nguyễn Tùng |

Ngày 14.9, ông Nguyễn Đình Khang, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam (Tổng LĐLĐVN) cùng đoàn công tác tới thăm, tặng quà đoàn viên, công nhân viên chức lao động và người dân bị thiệt hại do lũ lụt tại Hà Giang.

Haaland lập cú đúp giúp Man City đánh bại Brentford


Brentford đã không thể tạo nên cú sốc trước Man City tại vòng 4 Ngoại hạng Anh, dù đã dẫn trước ngay ở giây thứ 22.

Thị trường ế ẩm, bánh Trung thu truyền thống vẫn đắt hàng

Phương Anh |

Hà Nội - Trái với cảnh nhiều điểm bán bánh Trung thu ế ẩm dù giảm giá, khách vẫn xếp hàng dài chờ mua bánh Trung thu truyền thống trên phố Thụy Khuê.

Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

Nhóm PV |

Giờ thứ 9 - Cô gái trẻ tiến tới hôn nhân khi vừa học hết cấp 3. Cô bị gia đình phản đối vì quyết định này. Diễn biến tiếp theo của câu chuyện sẽ ra sao?

Di dời cả bản hơn 100 hộ ở Sơn La trước nguy cơ sạt trượt

Minh Nguyễn |

Sơn La - Lực lượng chức năng đang khẩn trương di dời người dân một bản ở huyện Bắc Yên để tránh nguy hiểm do xuất hiện vị trí nứt gãy có nguy cơ sạt trượt.