All fishing boats in Thua Thien Hue have come ashore to avoid storm Tra Mi


HUE - By the morning of October 25, all fishing boats of Thua Thien Hue province had come ashore to avoid and take shelter from storm Tra Mi.

On the morning of October 25, the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue (PCTT&TKCN) of Thua Thien Hue province said that the total number of fishing boats in this locality is 1,884 with 10,685 workers; currently all fishing boats in the province have come ashore to avoid and take shelter from storm Tra Mi.

Cargo ships currently anchored at Thua Thien Hue ports are 20 vehicles with 166 crew members and 1,999 tons of cargo.

Bo Chi huy Bo doi Bien phong tinh Thua Thien Hue ban phao hieu keu goi tau thuyen dang hoat dong tren bien tim noi tranh tru bao Tra Mi trong toi 24.10. Anh: BDBP Thua Thien Hue.
The Border Guard Command of Thua Thien Hue province fired flares to call on ships operating at sea to seek shelter from storm Tra Mi on the evening of October 24. Photo: Thua Thien Hue Border Guard

Of which, Thuan An port (Hue city) has 1 cargo ship carrying 1,999 tons of cashew pulp and 9 crew members. Chan May port (Phu Loc district) has 19 cargo ships anchored (17 Vietnamese ships and 2 foreign ships) with 157 crew members (114 Vietnamese and 43 foreigners) but no goods.

In response to storm Tra Mi, the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control of Thua Thien Hue province requested the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control of agencies, units and localities to closely monitor the developments of the storm, strong winds and big waves at sea. Increase notifications to owners of vehicles and captains of ships and boats (including transport ships and coastal beaches) about the developments of the storm and strong winds at sea to proactively produce and prevent, ensuring safety of people and property.

Cap nhat vi tri va duong di cua bao Tra Mi. Anh: Trung tam Du bao Khi tuong Thuy van Quoc gia
Updated location and path of storm Tra Mi. Photo: National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting

The People's Committees of districts, towns and Hue City organize regular and continuous monitoring and updating of information on storms and floods; review scenarios and plans for natural disaster response, plans for evacuating people in dangerous areas; plans to ensure food, arrange rescue forces and means when required.

Owners of irrigation and hydroelectric reservoirs organize on-duty monitoring and strictly implement operations according to approved procedures to ensure safety of the works and safety of downstream areas.


Storm No. 6 Tra Mi is about to get stronger, will it make landfall?


According to the meteorological agency, storm No. 6 Tra Mi will strengthen in the next 48 hours, but the possibility of making landfall is still unclear and needs to be monitored.

Storm Tra Mi is very complicated, Prime Minister directs response


Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has just signed Official Dispatch No. 110/CD-TTg dated October 24, 2024 of the Prime Minister on proactively responding to storm TRAMI (storm Tra Mi).

Forecast of the time when storm Tra Mi is strongest


Storm Tra Mi is forecast to have a maximum intensity of level 11-12, gusting to level 15 when it is about 320km east-northeast of Hoang Sa archipelago.

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Forecast of the time when storm Tra Mi will have the strongest impact on the mainland


The meteorological agency representative warned that storm Tra Mi will cause heavy to very heavy rain in the Central Central region.

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Storm No. 6 Tra Mi is about to get stronger, will it make landfall?


According to the meteorological agency, storm No. 6 Tra Mi will strengthen in the next 48 hours, but the possibility of making landfall is still unclear and needs to be monitored.

Storm Tra Mi is very complicated, Prime Minister directs response


Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has just signed Official Dispatch No. 110/CD-TTg dated October 24, 2024 of the Prime Minister on proactively responding to storm TRAMI (storm Tra Mi).

Forecast of the time when storm Tra Mi is strongest


Storm Tra Mi is forecast to have a maximum intensity of level 11-12, gusting to level 15 when it is about 320km east-northeast of Hoang Sa archipelago.