From animal abuse

Hà Anh |

From the story of abused dogs in Da Lat, it is time to question the use of animals in tourism or circus performances.

Visitors to Da Lat are no strangers to very "cool" and obedient dogs to take photos with tourists and of course, their owners collect money. It seemed very normal until these dogs were kicked and trampled and this image was posted online, causing anger.

The issue of animal cruelty is regulated in the law. Accordingly, Articles 57 and 69 of the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry clearly state: Animal raising and animal use facilities have the obligation to "Ensure humane treatment of livestock according to the provisions of law". This means that the livestock facility must meet the following requirements: Have barns and breeding space suitable for livestock; Provide enough food and drinking water to ensure hygiene; disease prevention and treatment according to the provisions of veterinary law; Do not beat or torture pets...

However, this is rarely paid attention to, especially in meat farming, where people still understand that "poking the blood" is okay, let alone three whips.

This is an issue of concern to many international organizations, especially the use of animals in tourism and circus performances. A few years ago, the Asia For Animals Coalition (AFA) sent an open letter to the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism calling for a ban on the use of wild animals in performances. in Vietnam. The reason given is that to train an animal, it is necessary to practice diligently and in the process cannot avoid using whips and torture.

However, from the perspective of the circus industry, animal circuses are performances that have existed for a long time, are popular with children and sometimes become the "main actors" of a show. In addition, there are also departments that care for and nurture circus animals. Therefore, the transition from circuses using wild animals to using pets, towards completely eliminating animal circuses, requires a roadmap, as well as taking into account social issues such as: Solving jobs , support for trainers, circus troupes, care and rescue of wild animals after moving out of circus troupes...

A positive point is that circuses in Vietnam have also gradually absorbed and converted, initially not using wild animals for circuses but transferring these individuals to animal breeding centers.

From a tourism perspective, a recent move noted in Dak Lak is not using elephants for riders to attract tourism. Instead, we aim for an elephant-friendly tourism model implemented in Buon Don and Lak districts. Thereby, completely replacing the form of elephant riding tourism; Domestic elephant herds are preserved, cared for, ensuring their welfare and prolonging their lifespan; Elephant owners and handlers are compensated for the loss of income due to stopping elephant riding services; Tourism centers receive technical support to convert to an elephant-friendly tourism model...

Not mistreating animals, including domestic animals, animals participating in tourism and circus performances, is towards a more civilized life. From the story of abused dogs, people can better understand the legal provisions on this issue to soon report to the authorities, and at the same time be a warning to pet owners about the danger. opportunity to violate the law.

Hà Anh

Ngược đãi người lao động bị phạt thế nào?

Nam Dương |

Bạn đọc có email gửi email đến Văn phòng Tư vấn pháp luật Báo Lao Động hỏi: Hành vi ngược đãi người lao động sẽ bị phạt thế nào?

Trang trại ở Mỹ bị tố ngược đãi loài gà

Quý An (theo AP) |

Nhóm bảo vệ động vật đã tố một trang trại gà ở Mỹ có hành vi ngược đãi động vật.

Anh siết chặt luật cấm cổ súy hành vi tự ngược đãi trên mạng xã hội

Anh Tuấn |

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Phó Chủ tịch tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ việc để điều trị chấn thương


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What is the punishment for mistreating workers?

Nam Dương |

Readers with email send an email to the Legal Consulting Office of Lao Dong Newspaper asking: What will be the punishment for mistreating workers ?

Trang trại ở Mỹ bị tố ngược đãi loài gà

Quý An (theo AP) |

Nhóm bảo vệ động vật đã tố một trang trại gà ở Mỹ có hành vi ngược đãi động vật.

Anh siết chặt luật cấm cổ súy hành vi tự ngược đãi trên mạng xã hội

Anh Tuấn |

Các mạng xã hội cho phép người dùng đăng nội dung cổ súy hành động như tự tử, tự làm hại mình trên mạng xã hội tại Anh sẽ bị phạt theo dự luật mới.