Struggling to overcome the traffic jam "matrix" in Binh Thanh to enter Ho Chi Minh City's inner city


HCMC - Every morning, people from Thu Duc City, Binh Duong have to squeeze through the traffic jam on Dinh Bo Linh Street (Binh Thanh District) to get to the center of HCMC.

Ngoc Thien, 25 years old, an office worker in District 3, shared about his arduous journey. His house in Tam Binh Ward, Thu Duc City, is more than 10km from his company, but every morning, Thien spends more than an hour to get to work, half of which is just to travel 2km on Dinh Bo Linh Street.

“The traffic jam started at Binh Trieu 2 bridge, but that was just the beginning. The Dinh Bo Linh street behind was the real nightmare,” Thien sighed. As soon as he passed the old Mien Dong bus station, Thien was caught in a dense stream of vehicles, moving slowly bit by bit. Motorbikes squeezed into every space, while buses and cars jostled and pressed against the curb. At the intersections, vehicles from other directions poured out, making the traffic situation even more chaotic.

Dong xe tu duong Pham Van Dong va Quoc lo 13 nhap lai de qua cau Binh Trieu 2.  Anh: Minh Quan
Traffic from Pham Van Dong Street and National Highway 13 merge to cross Binh Trieu 2 Bridge. Photo: Minh Quan

After more than 30 minutes of jostling through the intersections of Dinh Bo Linh, Nguyen Xi, Chu Van An and Bach Dang, Thien was able to exit to Dien Bien Phu street to continue his journey. "It's like that every day, not to mention when it rains, the road is jammed, impossible to move" - ​​Thien shared more.

Dinh Bo Linh Street is a vital route, connecting Thu Duc City with the center of Ho Chi Minh City. This is one of the main gateways of the city, connecting directly to National Highway 13. However, with a road surface of only about 21m wide, this route is always overloaded, especially during rush hour.

Xe may len loi trong dong oto tren duong Dinh Bo Linh. Anh: Minh Quan
Motorbikes weave through the stream of cars on Dinh Bo Linh Street. Photo: Minh Quan

The traffic on Dinh Bo Linh Street in the morning mainly comes from two main directions: Pham Van Dong Street and National Highway 13.

In addition, the number of vehicles from routes such as Nguyen Xi and Chu Van An also continuously enters, making the congestion more serious. In particular, vehicles from Bach Dang Street intersect in large numbers, causing vehicles on Dinh Bo Linh Street to wait for a long time at the red light at this intersection.

Ket xe duong Dinh Bo Linh moi buoi sang.  Anh: Minh Quan
Traffic jam on Dinh Bo Linh street every morning. Photo: Minh Quan

If you want to avoid Dinh Bo Linh Street, people can choose to go along Tam Vu Street after crossing Binh Trieu 2 Bridge to Ung Van Khiem Street, or Pham Van Dong Street to go through No Trang Long, Le Quang Dinh, Phan Van Tri... routes to the center of Ho Chi Minh City.

However, these routes are not only longer but also often congested during rush hour, making travel slow and time-consuming.

TPHCM du kien mo rong duong Dinh Bo Linh va lam duong tren cao de giai cuu ket xe.  Anh: Minh Quan
Ho Chi Minh City plans to widen Dinh Bo Linh Street and build an elevated road to relieve traffic congestion. Photo: Minh Quan

According to the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport, expanding and upgrading Dinh Bo Linh Street is necessary to solve traffic congestion.

The Department of Transport has proposed upgrading and widening the section from Binh Trieu Bridge to Dien Bien Phu from 21m to 25m, and at the same time building a new Binh Trieu Bridge with 6 lanes, 560m long. The total investment for the project is up to 2,900 billion VND, of which the cost of site clearance and technical infrastructure relocation has accounted for about 1,400 billion VND.

In addition, the Department of Transport and the Department of Planning and Architecture of Ho Chi Minh City have also agreed to add an elevated road plan running along Dinh Bo Linh, from the Pham Van Dong intersection to Dien Bien Phu, to increase traffic capacity and reduce traffic pressure in the area.


TPHCM mở đường ven sông Sài Gòn giải cứu kẹt xe ở Bình Thạnh


TPHCM - Đường ven sông Sài Gòn dài 4km, từ cầu Ba Son đến cầu Bình Triệu, được kỳ vọng giảm kẹt xe, tăng kết nối cho quận Bình Thạnh.

TPHCM sẽ chi 560 tỉ đồng mở đường mới rộng 25m ở Bình Thạnh


TPHCM - Dự án mở mới đường Chu Văn An nối dài ra nút giao Đài Liệt Sĩ, dài 200m và rộng 25m, tổng vốn hơn 560 tỉ đồng giúp giảm ùn tắc tại quận Bình Thạnh.

TPHCM sẽ xây cầu nối Bình Thạnh và Quận 12, vốn hơn 1.100 tỉ


TPHCM dự kiến xây cầu Vàm Thuật, kết nối Phường 13, quận Bình Thạnh với phường An Phú Đông, Quận 12, vốn đầu tư ước tính hơn 1.100 tỉ đồng.

Người dân di dời đồ đạc, tháo dỡ nhà trên đường Nguyễn Tuân

Tùng Giang |

Sáng 14.10, nhiều hộ gia đình chủ động giao mặt bằng, di dời đồ đạc ra khỏi vùng dự án cải tạo, mở rộng theo quy hoạch đường Nguyễn Tuân.

Liên tục huy động vốn từ cổ phiếu, An Gia rót tiền vào đâu?

Lục Giang |

Những động thái gọi vốn và mục đích huy động vốn của An Gia thời gian gần đây cho thấy doanh nghiệp đang chịu sức ép khá lớn về dòng tiền.

Quốc học Huế - kỷ lục 7 học sinh vào chung kết Olympia


HUẾ - Trường THPT chuyên Quốc học Huế, nơi Quán quân Đường lên đỉnh Olympia 2024 - Võ Quang Phú Đức theo học được thành lập theo sắc dụ của vua Thành Thái.

Nguyên nhân ban đầu vụ người đăng thơ lên Facebook bị đánh


Quảng Bình – Nguyên nhân ban đầu vụ người đàn ông bị đánh do đăng thơ lên Facebook được cho là vì các đối tượng cảm thấy bị xúc phạm.

CSGT Hà Nội gửi Sở GDĐT thông tin 1.904 học sinh vi phạm

Tô Thế |

Cảnh sát giao thông Hà Nội đã gửi thông tin học sinh vi phạm giao thông lên Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Hà Nội.

Ho Chi Minh City opens road along Saigon River to relieve traffic jams in Binh Thanh


HCMC - The 4km long Saigon River road, from Ba Son Bridge to Binh Trieu Bridge, is expected to reduce traffic jams and increase connectivity for Binh Thanh District.

Ho Chi Minh City will spend 560 billion VND to open a new 25m wide road in Binh Thanh


HCMC - The project to open a new Chu Van An street extending to Dai Liet Si intersection, 200m long and 25m wide, with a total investment of more than 560 billion VND, will help reduce traffic congestion in Binh Thanh district.

Ho Chi Minh City will build a bridge connecting Binh Thanh and District 12, with a capital of more than 1,100 billion VND


Ho Chi Minh City plans to build Vam Thuat bridge, connecting Ward 13, Binh Thanh District with An Phu Dong Ward, District 12, with an estimated investment capital of more than 1,100 billion VND.