Social housing loans contribute to eliminating temporary housing in Quang Nam

Hoàng Bin |

Many people in Quang Nam have built solid houses from the preferential loan program for building and repairing social housing.

Help people build solid houses

Mr. Nguyen Van Huy, a veteran in Tam Dan commune, Phu Ninh district, has just completed a new, spacious house of over 100 square meters, worth over 600 million VND. In addition to the family's savings, the family borrowed 200 million VND from the Government's social housing loan program, through the Phu Ninh District Social Policy Bank (CSXH) Transaction Office.

Ngoi nha moi khang trang cua ong Huy vua xay dung. Anh: Hoang Bin
Mr. Huy's newly built spacious house. Photo: Hoang Bin

“Thanks to the social housing loan support program, my family boldly borrowed money to build a new house. Up to now, the solid house has been completed before the rainy season this year, making us very happy and excited,” said Mr. Huy.

According to the Phu Ninh District Social Policy Bank branch, up to now, the outstanding loans for social housing investment according to Decree No. 100 (2015) of the Government in the district have reached more than 42.7 billion VND; 159 new houses have been built to help people settle down and stabilize their lives, help the locality ensure social security, and contribute to eliminating temporary houses, leaky houses, and non-solid houses.

Increase lending rates

According to Mr. Hoang Thanh Lan - Head of Planning - Operations Division (Social Policy Bank, Quang Nam branch), the social housing loan program under Decree No. 100 of the Government through the Social Policy Bank channel applies to households with revolutionary contributions, low-income people, poor and near-poor households in urban areas; workers working in enterprises inside and outside industrial zones; officers, professional non-commissioned officers, technical officers, professional soldiers, workers in agencies and units of the People's Public Security and the People's Army; cadres, civil servants and public employees as prescribed by law.

This is a very practical and meaningful program, helping many families build houses to settle down and make a living. Up to now, the outstanding loan balance of the program in the whole province is 601 billion VND - Mr. Lan said.

Nhieu nguoi dan Quang Nam xay nha moi khang trang tu von vay uu dai chuong trinh nha o xa hoi. Anh: Quang Viet
Many people in Quang Nam built new, spacious houses with preferential loans from the social housing program. Photo: Quang Viet

After about 9 months of the year, the implementation of the social housing loan program under Decree No. 100 through the policy bank channel was stopped, recently, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh assigned the Ministry of Construction to preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Bank of Vietnam to complete in October 2024 the research, development, and implementation of a preferential credit package of about 30 trillion VND, so that the Bank for Social Policies can continue to provide loans.

Of which, 15 trillion VND is capital from issuing government bonds and 15 trillion VND is from the budget of provinces and cities entrusted for lending.

According to the Bank representative, the social housing loan program under Decree No. 100 of the Government has been implemented since 2015 with an interest rate of 4.8%/year.

From August 1, 2024, the new interest rate will be adjusted to 6.6%/year, equal to the current lending interest rate for poor households, to ensure the sustainability of the lending program and reduce the burden on the state budget.

Hoàng Bin

Hơn 700ha đất đẹp cho nhà ở xã hội, nhà ở công nhân ở Quảng Ninh

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Quảng Ninh tiếp tục xây dựng nhà ở xã hội, quy hoạch thêm hàng trăm ha đất để xây nhà ở xã hội, nhà cho công nhân các KCN, nhằm giữ chân và thu hút nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao.

Đề nghị thanh tra toàn diện công tác phát triển nhà ở xã hội

Phạm Đông |

Ngày 9.10, dưới sự chủ trì của Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, Chủ tịch Quốc hội Trần Thanh Mẫn, Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội cho ý kiến với Báo cáo của Chính phủ về kết quả thực hiện kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế xã hội năm 2024; dự kiến kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế xã hội năm 2025.

Bắt cán bộ xã ở Quảng Nam làm sai hồ sơ thừa kế 8 thửa đất

Hoàng Bin |

Một công chức hộ tịch tại Núi Thành, Quảng Nam đã chứng thực hợp đồng giao dịch thừa kế 8 thửa đất sai quy định.

Doanh nhân Việt Nam: Tâm - Tài - Trí - Dũng

Thùy Linh |

Tròn 20 năm trước, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phan Văn Khải đã ký Quyết định số 990/QĐ-TTg lấy ngày 13 tháng 10 hằng năm là “Ngày Doanh nhân Việt Nam”.

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Thạch Lam |

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Ấn vàng ở Bắc Ninh được đề nghị công nhận Bảo vật quốc gia

Trần Tuấn |

UBND tỉnh Bắc Ninh vừa có tờ trình về việc đề nghị công nhận bảo vật quốc gia đợt 13, năm 2024.

Dân thiếu nước sạch, công trình cấp nước xây xong bỏ hoang


Quảng Trị - Hàng trăm hộ dân sử dụng nước không đảm bảo sức khỏe, trong khi đó công trình cấp nước hàng chục tỉ đồng xây dang dở rồi bị bỏ hoang.

34 hộ dân chưa giao mặt bằng để mở rộng đường Nguyễn Tuân


Theo UBND quận Thanh Xuân, đến nay còn 34 hộ dân chưa bàn giao mặt bằng để mở rộng đường Nguyễn Tuân.

More than 700 hectares of beautiful land for social housing and workers' housing in Quang Ninh

Nguyễn Hùng |

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Proposal for comprehensive inspection of social housing development

Phạm Đông |

On October 9, under the chairmanship of Politburo member and National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the Government's Report on the results of the implementation of the 2024 socio-economic development plan; and the projected socio-economic development plan for 2025.

Arrested commune officials in Quang Nam for falsifying inheritance records of 8 land plots

Hoàng Bin |

A civil status official in Nui Thanh, Quang Nam province certified an inheritance transaction contract for 8 plots of land in violation of regulations.